Mary Mary

They are trying to get that secular paper and audience at all cost. They are from the hood that I know very well so I'm not shocked at their behavior or candor but being on a reality show put them on display so its very disappointing to many. Heck you can't tell if "Go Get Yo Blessing" is Gospel or R & B song. They just keep pushing the envelope on their songs and message. Its kinda heartbreaking................ As for the twins no comment, don't like them no mo either. LOL
I was shocked when the twins did the movie about being witches, I remember thinking "I thought they were Christians" after that, I stopped following them. Somewhere along the way, it appears as though they compromised their belief in Jesus Christ for the love of fame and money. I pray that they repent and align themselves with God's Word once again.

In addition, Revelations 3:14-16 states:
And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God; I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. (Revelation 3:14-16 KJV)
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I haven't seen the Mary Mary show but I do watch the twins. Funny but I had no idea thy were so open about their Christianity in the past. I also remember Tamera talking about not living with Adam before marriage.
To be honest I watch their show because it's one of the only reality shows I've come across where I see black women being portrayed in a positive light. They may not go on and on about their love I Christ on the show but I believe actions speaks louder than words and I definitely approve. I enjoy being able to watch two women who are married and taking care if their families, enjoy exploring healthy eating, workout and spend time with their families. I love the lack I cursing, the lack of scandalous clothing and the general lack of revolting behavior. I love that they volunteer and do other charitable works on the show.

I agree 2000% they are just so awesome and positive. And I like Mary Mary's show however this last show turned me off a little bit because of their attitudes, how they treat each other and how they seem to be fame hungry. I understand the grind but it seems to be a bit too much. That is definitely even implying that they are not Christians because we all have our issues.
I really like the show. Their songs are a blessing, especially for younger Christians. I'm loving their song "Go Get It." It reminds me that I am blessed and I need to get up off my complacent chair and run and get my blessing. With that said, I obviously appreciate Mary Mary and their style of music. Their ability to relate to the younger generation and the average person is awesome. It invites non-Christians or Christians with a weaker faith in. Not many gospel artists can do that.

In regards to the show, I was a bit surprised at how it wasn't too much different from a regular reality show. There is still drama but I appreciated it because it showed they are human. I don't understand why anyone would think the show would be preachy. They mention their faith here and there but it's really a given that they believe in Christ. The show is about their everyday lives and what they go through. Just because they're not preaching to folks every two seconds doesn't mean Jesus is not walking with them. They draw people to God with their music. Understand that they are regular ladies with a talent. They want to sing and they chose to sing about God. That is the end. They did not choose preaching as a career. They chose to sing. And I think they are fulfilling their calling by reaching their target audience.
I really like the show. Their songs are a blessing, especially for younger Christians. I'm loving their song "Go Get It." It reminds me that I am blessed and I need to get up off my complacent chair and run and get my blessing. With that said, I obviously appreciate Mary Mary and their style of music. Their ability to relate to the younger generation and the average person is awesome. It invites non-Christians or Christians with a weaker faith in. Not many gospel artists can do that.

In regards to the show, I was a bit surprised at how it wasn't too much different from a regular reality show. There is still drama but I appreciated it because it showed they are human. I don't understand why anyone would think the show would be preachy. They mention their faith here and there but it's really a given that they believe in Christ. The show is about their everyday lives and what they go through. Just because they're not preaching to folks every two seconds doesn't mean Jesus is not walking with them. They draw people to God with their music. Understand that they are regular ladies with a talent. They want to sing and they chose to sing about God. That is the end. They did not choose preaching as a career. They chose to sing. And I think they are fulfilling their calling by reaching their target audience.

Great response!
I agree 2000% they are just so awesome and positive. And I like Mary Mary's show however this last show turned me off a little bit because of their attitudes, how they treat each other and how they seem to be fame hungry. I understand the grind but it seems to be a bit too much. That is definitely even implying that they are not Christians because we all have our issues.

My response isn't personally directed towards you...:nono: I just have a question, was the episode with the male stripper acceptaable?

Indeed 'we' all have 'our' issues, but how far do 'we' allow them to override our witness for Jesus?

When do 'we' stop making excuses for behaviour whiich needs to be checked? When do 'we' halt the 'issues' and move/walk/turn away from them. In Christ, we are 'overcomers' of 'our' issues, the 'issues' do not overcome those in Christ Jesus.

These 'issues' have overstayed their welcome in the Body of Christ. Mary Mary have been 'saved' long enough to know and to do better. God said that He would not 'contend' with 'us' forever. Sooner or later the foolishness has to stop and folks with unchecked 'issues' need to 'check them' before they check out of this earth realm.

Mary Mary is without excuse. They are misleading and teaching others the opposite of scripture.
I was shocked when the twins did the movie about being witches, I remember thinking "I thought they were Christians" after that, I stopped following them. Somewhere along the way, it appears as though they compromised their belief in Jesus Christ for the love of fame and money. I pray that they repent and align themselves with God's Word once again.

In addition, Revelations 3:14-16 states:
And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God; I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. (Revelation 3:14-16 KJV)

I remember that movie 'Twitches' (meaning twin witches). They made a sequel to that Disney movie as well.

What isn't being realized is that the devil has used them to mislead other Christian 'little girls' and tweens and teens' and sadly adults, to accept witchcraft as harmless and innocent. There is absolutely no such thing as a 'good' witch; there is absolutely no innocense to it.

I can't help but wonder how many children who were influenced by those movies because they were the 'leaders' in those movies; a seed was planted into their minds that witchcraft is acceptable.

Thank you GodivaChocolate for your post which is uplifting. We either stand firmly upon God's priniciples or fall into the sand, for surely this world is in a spiritual Tsunami... a torrent of accepting deception. There are no excuses for this nonsense. :nono:
I remember that movie 'Twitches' (meaning twin witches). They made a sequel to that Disney movie as well.

What isn't being realized is that the devil has used them to mislead other Christian 'little girls' and tweens and teens' and sadly adults, to accept witchcraft as harmless and innocent. There is absolutely no such thing as a 'good' witch; there is absolutely no innocense to it.

I can't help but wonder how many children who were influenced by those movies because they were the 'leaders' in those movies; a seed was planted into their minds that witchcraft is acceptable.

Thank you GodivaChocolate for your post which is uplifting. We either stand firmly upon God's priniciples or fall into the sand, for surely this world is in a spiritual Tsunami... a torrent of accepting deception. There are no excuses for this nonsense. :nono:

So true! The same goes for the foolishness of Harry Potter, Twilight, and that old show called Sabrina the teenage Witch. These are all ways that the devil has lulled people into thinking that witchcraft and the occult are okay. None of it is harmless. Tia and Tamera knew better. I suppose getting another acting gig outweighed the Truth for them.

As far as Mary Mary is concerned, the interview that MrsHaseeb posted above is revealing. It's very sad that they don't choose to see the problem with the secular artists they work with.
So true! The same goes for the foolishness of Harry Potter, Twilight, and that old show called Sabrina the teenage Witch.

These are all ways that the devil has lulled people into thinking that witchcraft and the occult are okay. None of it is harmless. Tia and Tamera knew better.

I suppose getting another acting gig outweighed the Truth for them.

As far as Mary Mary is concerned, the interview that MrsHaseeb posted above is revealing. It's very sad that they don't choose to see the problem with the secular artists they work with.

Ohhhh, I forgot about that show, 'Sabrina'. Thanks Blackpearl1993

Another show is "Charmed", the sisters who were witches. All of these are of the occult. :nono::nono::nono:

There's something that I cannot get out of my mind. In Laela's thread about the nature of the rattlesnake, these words keep resonating in my spirit, it's what the snake said when he bit the little girl who dropped her guard and trusted him...

"You knew what I was when you picked me up"....

As Christians we cannot afford to drop our guard. We cannot push aside what we know is wrong and make excuses for it. What we see in the media are Christians living as the world and 'we' have Christians making excuses for them.

Is it any wonder why a sister's husband is looking at porn, going to strip clubs and drinking and balling with the guys in the club? He's being fed that he doesn't have to change; that he can still live as the world and confess Jesus Christ, yet he is not living for him.

Is it any wonder we have teens rebelling against their parents? They are being fed that they can live as non Christian teens, dress immoderately, give up the goods and not make any effort to live as Jesus calls us to live.

Those piercing words... "You knew what I was when you picked me up"...

We know that Mary Mary and the others are wrong; we know it the very minute we 'turn them on the tv stations', the minute we hear them speak. They are used by the world, the enemy to mislead others not to change from the world and it's ways.

Even more piercing, Mary Mary and the Mowry's knew that the producers would not be placing them in a show that honoured God or proclaimed Christianity, that would not speak of Jesus Christ as the light of the world. These are shows that promote their 'everyday' lives. If they are Christians, where is God mentioned and exhalted?

They knew who these producers were and what they were about when they accepted the contracts for these shows. A show without the Name of Jesus being honoured.

If it were my show, the world would see Jesus as the highlight of my everyday life. That's not being preachy or forceful. Simply put, it's a life of living with God. In Him we live and breathe and have our being. From the abundance of who and what's in our heart, we speak. That's how a Christian family lives and we have no shame.

I'd so rather hear Jesus say, "You knew what I was when you picked me up"...

We know what these shows are about when we 'pick them up'. Right or wrong, we have to call them for what they are and not make up excuses for them. Excuses block the power of prayer.
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My response isn't personally directed towards you...:nono: I just have a question, was the episode with the male stripper acceptaable?

Indeed 'we' all have 'our' issues, but how far do 'we' allow them to override our witness for Jesus?

When do 'we' stop making excuses for behaviour whiich needs to be checked? When do 'we' halt the 'issues' and move/walk/turn away from them. In Christ, we are 'overcomers' of 'our' issues, the 'issues' do not overcome those in Christ Jesus.

These 'issues' have overstayed their welcome in the Body of Christ. Mary Mary have been 'saved' long enough to know and to do better. God said that He would not 'contend' with 'us' forever. Sooner or later the foolishness has to stop and folks with unchecked 'issues' need to 'check them' before they check out of this earth realm.

Mary Mary is without excuse. They are misleading and teaching others the opposite of scripture.

I didn't take it that way at all and please know that what I'm about to say (or type) isn't personally directed at you either :-)

The stripper thing is not my thing, however I don't have a problem with it because it was all in fun for them. And there are some things that make me side eye however, everybody has different ways of viewing things. Which is why there are millions of denominations within Christianity.

While we are to judge people's fruit, there is a fine line with judging fruit and judging people for not being where we think they should be and honestly all this talk sounds like the latter. Keeping records of "wrongdoings" and judging them for every little thing wrong and legalistic to me. I saw Hocus Pocus, Aladdin and other withy/ genie stuff as a kid and it never made me question Christianity! My mom told me that its not real, it's just a movie. I don't really remember Twitches but its not vulgar, they're not chanting Satanic chants or anything so what's the big deal?

Considering the fact that even our best efforts are like filthy rags compared to the righteousness and holiness of God, that alone tells me that I don't have any time to worry about the way others are going about their lives. Pray for them and move on. And definitely don't watch if you don't agree, this is not a plea to watch it!

Lastly, I have lurked in this forum several times, and I am confused by what I see. Not to imply that there isn't positive things going on, but Much like people's opinions of Christians, there's a lot of judging going on in here. And that is also not a good witness either. None of us is so high and mighty that we can look down on others for any reason. NONE of us. We all have a dark side and issues within ourselves that God needs to deal with. Some are just more on display than others. We need to focus on showing the world the Love that Christ showed us. That is the best witness we can have. Not by saying you need to do this, you can't do this, and need to follow these rituals.

Sorry for essay but I had to get that out... I realize that none of you will probably agree but that's OK :-)

Doesn't it fall under blatant impurity?
I didn't take it that way at all and please know that what I'm about to say (or type) isn't personally directed at you either :-)

The stripper thing is not my thing, however I don't have a problem with it because it was all in fun for them. And there are some things that make me side eye however, everybody has different ways of viewing things. Which is why there are millions of denominations within Christianity.

While we are to judge people's fruit, there is a fine line with judging fruit and judging people for not being where we think they should be and honestly all this talk sounds like the latter. Keeping records of "wrongdoings" and judging them for every little thing wrong and legalistic to me.

I saw Hocus Pocus, Aladdin and other withy/ genie stuff as a kid and it never made me question Christianity! My mom told me that its not real, it's just a movie. I don't really remember Twitches but its not vulgar, they're not chanting Satanic chants or anything so what's the big deal?

Considering the fact that even our best efforts are like filthy rags compared to the righteousness and holiness of God, that alone tells me that I don't have any time to worry about the way others are going about their lives. Pray for them and move on. And definitely don't watch if you don't agree, this is not a plea to watch it!

Lastly, I have lurked in this forum several times, and I am confused by what I see. Not to imply that there isn't positive things going on, but Much like people's opinions of Christians, there's a lot of judging going on in here. And that is also not a good witness either. None of us is so high and mighty that we can look down on others for any reason. NONE of us. We all have a dark side and issues within ourselves that God needs to deal with. Some are just more on display than others. We need to focus on showing the world the Love that Christ showed us. That is the best witness we can have. Not by saying you need to do this, you can't do this, and need to follow these rituals.

Sorry for essay but I had to get that out... I realize that none of you will probably agree but that's OK :-)

I see you've made your 'judgements' as well. :yep:

So are you saying that 'you' are the more Godly one? Please share in detail what you feel is more Godly.

It seems that unless 'we' agree with the world, we're not a good witness.

You can't play both sides of the fence, and to call those who stand firm for Biblical principles 'unloving', is admission that one is fearful of taking a stand, as they are fearful of the backlash.
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Sadly, I was totally judgemental. Which proves my point that i have my own issues and I can totally admit that. I still don't agree with the judgements made, but that doesn't give me rights to criticize you for your thoughts.
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as far as the 'dark side' goes, hopefully no chrisitian in the CF or anywhere else has a 'darkside' at least not according to 1 John and we are still dealing with darkness we need to check ourselves and get delivered from that...

1 John 1

5 This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. 6 If we claim to have fellowship with him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live out the truth. 7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.
I had an excellent response...and lost it... To recap, cuz I'm rushing...

Society has normalized stripping...but it's basically impurity because of the emphasis it places on the sexualization and objectification of the human body and it's genitalia.
I had an excellent response...and lost it... To recap, cuz I'm rushing...

Society has normalized stripping...but it's basically impurity because of the emphasis it places on the sexualization and objectification of the human body and it's genitalia.

Thank you for sharing the truth about stripping; the spirit behind it is indeed impure.

Personally, I have a problem with someone who doesn't see it as a problem for it is also a classless behaviour which should never be entertained by anyone, Christian or non Christian. It's demeaning to women and it devalues who they are as a human being. Men who strip have no sense of responsibility and are indeed disrespecting the women (and men) they perform in front of. :nono:
Sadly, I was totally judgemental. Which proves my point that i have my own issues and I can totally admit that. I still don't agree with the judgements made, but that doesn't give me rights to criticize you for your thoughts.

I'm apologizing for my 'tone' which sounds 'harsh' yet if we were speaking in person, you would be able to see that it's not.

In all honesty, I'm just disappointed with the world and it's craziness and it concerns me when I see the behaviour of the world in the behaviour of Christians.

You know what CaliRocks? There's just too much backsliding and fence sitting when it doesn't have to be.

Anyway, we can pray for each other. My prayer is for peace and understanding, no more stones, just peace. :yep:
Thank you for sharing the truth about stripping; the spirit behind it is indeed impure.

Personally, I have a problem with someone who doesn't see it as a problem for it is also a classless behaviour which should never be entertained by anyone, Christian or non Christian. It's demeaning to women and it devalues who they are as a human being. Men who strip have no sense of responsibility and are indeed disrespecting the women (and men) they perform in front of. :nono:

It's the fault of society that has so accepted it as normal, people are desensitized to it. To the bolded, that's always been a human problem, but it's certainly XTRA horrible these days. :nono: Most notable...marriages, dating, just general male attitude towards women. :nono:
It's the fault of society that has so accepted it as normal, people are desensitized to it. To the bolded, that's always been a human problem, but it's certainly XTRA horrible these days. :nono: Most notable...marriages, dating, just general male attitude towards women. :nono:

The fierceness (sp?) of competition in this arena has gone bananas. There was a time when the strippers remained on stage... and the only thing they removed was a pair of long cocktail gloves. No Contact was allowed from the audience. Now it all up in the face, no shame or modesty. The male stripper at Tamera's bachlorette party was in the face. :nono:
Also, since Mary Mary are older than their baby sister and since they are both married women who claim to love the Lord, they really should have been following the mandate in Titus and teaching baby sis that ogling and fondling strippers is inappropriate and disrespectful to her future husband.
Also, since Mary Mary are older than their baby sister and since they are both married women who claim to love the Lord, they really should have been following the mandate in Titus and teaching baby sis that ogling and fondling strippers is inappropriate and disrespectful to her future husband.

... by this being 'their' show, they had the authority to not allow this to even be a part of the taping as it's not their little sister's show. I say this because even if their little sister is a 'hard head' and does what she wants to do 'anyway' cause she grown' :rolleyes: :lol:, this did not have to take place, period.

I hope her 'hubby' wasn't partying with a 'scripper' as well. I hope not. This is not clean; to come into a marriage with that spirit of lust lingering upon them. Stripppers are around other spirits with their spirit and these spirits get passed on to everyone they encounter. It's not the way to start a marriage. They've been sexually stimulated by someone outside of their marriage. So not good, and so not of God.

This is not what Christians do... We don't do scrippers. :nono:

My babies been saved a 'minute' and even they know not to take off their clothes in front of strangers. Even the world knows that strippers are taboo, even with them.

Lawd, my pearls have been clutched to dust... :lol: I'm fainting like Scarlet O'Hara (Gone with the Wind)... :thud: :lol:

Fiddlely Dee.... I need my coffee :coffee:
Hi :-). I have purchased albums (or downloaded them) in the past. I watched almost the entire season of the show but eventually stopped. I've also seen multiple interviews by them regarding how they listen to secular music and some of the artist are "tight" and I know they went to a Beyonce concert. I don't feel like what I say is unfair judgement at all.

Titus 1:16 KJV
They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him , being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.

Anyhow, this is just one of those topics people are going to differ on but I have judged the matter based on their behavior in multiple interviews. Their music is not "Gospel" according to the Bible. Its another kind of gospel. It does not lift up the God of the Bible. I see my views seem extreme to some. I'm ok with that though.

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Wow @ the bolded :nono: so all saved people should only surround themselves with other saved people? If that is true then how do they go out to save loss souls if they never put themselves in a position to be around loss souls?
I really like the show. Their songs are a blessing, especially for younger Christians. I'm loving their song "Go Get It." It reminds me that I am blessed and I need to get up off my complacent chair and run and get my blessing. With that said, I obviously appreciate Mary Mary and their style of music. Their ability to relate to the younger generation and the average person is awesome. It invites non-Christians or Christians with a weaker faith in. Not many gospel artists can do that.

In regards to the show, I was a bit surprised at how it wasn't too much different from a regular reality show. There is still drama but I appreciated it because it showed they are human. I don't understand why anyone would think the show would be preachy. They mention their faith here and there but it's really a given that they believe in Christ. The show is about their everyday lives and what they go through. Just because they're not preaching to folks every two seconds doesn't mean Jesus is not walking with them. They draw people to God with their music. Understand that they are regular ladies with a talent. They want to sing and they chose to sing about God. That is the end. They did not choose preaching as a career. They chose to sing. And I think they are fulfilling their calling by reaching their target audience.

Agreed...their God given talent is singing and they are using that talent to minister through song.

Let's not get it twisted and pretend that the lives of christians are drama free and that the lives of christian siblings are drama free and kum ba ya. :perplexed
I had an excellent response...and lost it... To recap, cuz I'm rushing...

Society has normalized stripping...but it's basically impurity because of the emphasis it places on the sexualization and objectification of the human body and it's genitalia.

Thank you for sharing the truth about stripping; the spirit behind it is indeed impure.

Personally, I have a problem with someone who doesn't see it as a problem for it is also a classless behaviour which should never be entertained by anyone, Christian or non Christian. It's demeaning to women and it devalues who they are as a human being. Men who strip have no sense of responsibility and are indeed disrespecting the women (and men) they perform in front of. :nono:

As far as the stripper episode.....I did not see that one but I did see the episode where Mary Mary (Tina and Erica) battled about having them there and attending....I believe Tina was really against it and expressed why.

Now it was their sister's bridal shower or whatever and we do not know her relationship with God so who are we to tell her what SHE should be doing. kwim?
Wow @ the bolded :nono: so all saved people should only surround themselves with other saved people? If that is true then how do they go out to save loss souls if they never put themselves in a position to be around loss souls?

Hi :-) Now while I promised to remove myself entirely from this thread I will respond to those who ask me things.

Two cannot walk together except they be agreed (Amos 3:3). Light has no fellowship with darkness (2 Cor 6:14). God divided the light from the darkness (Genesis 1:4). Now that the Biblical basis has been established I'll answer the question. Lost souls are not saved by you rubbing elbows and getting cozy with them when they don't want to change. That discredits the message of the Gospel. Lost souls are saved by seeing a truly holy life being led. Name one place in the Bible where souls were saved that way... Its not in there. But I'll tell you what is: sinners sought out Jesus Christ when they wanted to change and those who didn't left him, just like the rich young ruler walked away because he didn't want to change. In the books of Acts, the church grew because the Word was powerful and it delivered them from the power of darkness and it grew even more in severe persecution when they saw the faith of the Christians. You can't evangelize doing what the world is doing. God calls for separation between the holy and the profane. How does a professed Christian rub elbows and fellowship with a man who blasphemed the name of Jesus??? If you let your light shine those who want to change will seek you out. If the world loves a "Christian" its because they are a hypocrite. So if you're a real Christian, sinners who don't want to change will avoid you...

John 1:5 KJV
And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

James 4:4 KJV
Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.

1 John 4:5-6 KJV
They are of the world: therefore speak they of the world, and the world heareth them. [6] We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error.

I know I seem self righteous, judgmental, and mean to some. But I am that way because I look around and see the devil tearing people apart limb from limb spiritually and causing all sorts of chaos and the "church" still thinks you have to be in the world to win the world. When are we gonna see that it hasn't worked? All its done was make the church start to look like the world and thats dangerous. Bible prophecy is being fulfilled left and right and the church is sitting around lukewarm as ever. We need to wake up people of God...

P.S. "You" is being used in a general sense. It wasn't to attack you. :-)

Sent from my 4G HTC Thunderbolt using LHCF
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As far as the stripper episode.....I did not see that one but I did see the episode where Mary Mary (Tina and Erica) battled about having them there and attending....I believe Tina was really against it and expressed why.

Now it was their sister's bridal shower or whatever and we do not know her relationship with God so who are we to tell her what SHE should be doing. kwim?

You might want to read from the beginning of thread to get the full gist of my opinion on this. :giggle: You might be surprised. I am the last person here who has any desire to judge the relationship between G-d and man of any individual and have expressed it various times. In fact, I think it's a dangerous thing to question someone else's love of G-d. Rather, there are things done that are off-color and are questionable as to their prohibition in scripture...but those are things which are most likely up-front and explicitly implied/prohibited. I do think that stripping falls under impurity for the previous reasons stated but I'm not ever going to say these ladies don't love G-d simply because they listen to secular music. I don't prefer them to have strippers but the rest in this thread is beyond me. I don't comprehend the hoopla and believe it falls under training and/or personal opinion...not biblical mandate. I drink, listen to secular music, dance (don't smoke) and my faith has also been questioned. :lol: I do know some must have subscribed to my posts on LHCF...I speak my candid mind...:look::look:
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As far as the strippers:

Psalm 119:37 KJV
Turn away mine eyes from beholding vanity; and quicken thou me in thy way.

Psalm 101:3 KJV
I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes: I hate the work of them that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me.

And let's keep King David in mind. He is the one who wrote the above verses. Looking at a naked woman created a lust in him that effected his family for many generations. A person who likes looking at strippers and anything sexual needs deliverance from lust...

Sent from my 4G HTC Thunderbolt using LHCF
You might want to read from the beginning of thread to get the full gist of my opinion on this. :giggle: You might be surprised. I am the last person here who has any desire to judge the relationship between G-d and man of any individual and have expressed it various times. In fact, I think it's a dangerous thing to question someone else's love of G-d. Rather, there are things done that are off-color and are questionable as to their prohibition in scripture...but those are things which are most likely up-front and explicitly implied/prohibited. I do think that stripping falls under impurity for the previous reasons stated but I'm not ever going to say these ladies don't love G-d simply because they listen to secular music. I don't prefer them to have strippers but the rest in this thread is beyond me. I don't comprehend the hoopla and believe it falls under training and/or personal opinion...not biblical mandate. I drink, listen to secular music, dance (don't smoke) and my faith has also been questioned. :lol: I do know some must have subscribed to my posts on LHCF...I speak my candid mind...:look::look:

Don't worry I know your opinion :grin: ....I was not disagreeing with your or anyone's personal opinion about strippers I was just commenting on the fact that both Mary's had a heated discussion about them being at the event and about the Mary's give an idea on how their beliefs on certain issues DO enter into the show.