Mary Mary

Tia and Tamera's recent blog about God:

We love having this blog to talk about things important to us and have a way to connect to our fans. But one thing we haven’t talked about yet that is extremely important to us is our faith. A user messaged us the other day and asked for our advice because she was struggling with her relationship with God and feeling lost. Girl, we feel you! Everyone struggles with what they believe in at least once in their life. We thought this was the perfect opportunity to talk a little bit about our faith in God and share some advice we learned over the years:

Tia: It’s normal for your faith to waver. We are all human, after all. One thing that keeps me believing and having faith in God is knowing that He will never, ever allow me to go through anything I cannot bear or handle. All of my steps are ordered by Him. If things don’t seem to be going my way, there is a reason. Maybe “my” way isn’t always God’s way, and maybe He wants me to go through hard times to build strength and character. Be steadfast and know that this too shall pass. Stay positive, read the Bible, and trust that no matter how dark the valley, God is right there with you every step of the way. Take comfort in that and lean on Him –He doesn’t want you to go through anything alone!

Tamera: For me, the easiest way to find my way back to God when I feel lost is to start by praying and being honest about my wavering faith. God wants to meet you right where you are. You don’t have to be perfect, you don’t always have to be all sunshine and smiles. If you are doubting God or having second thoughts about your faith, just tell Him in a prayer and ask him to reveal Himself through His Word and your life. Secondly, surround yourself with encouraging and positive faith-based people. Call a friend and let them know how you are feeling. Ask them to join you in prayer, or meet in person and have a bible study. Get to know the members of your church and join them in fellowship. It’s amazing what changing your surroundings can do!

In the end, we leave you with a bible verse that has gotten us through some tough times:
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord. “Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Jeremiah 29:11
Lean on God, and He will carry you! Have any of you struggled with something you believed in recently? How did you deal? Let us know in the comments.
Tia and Tamera's recent blog about God:

We love having this blog to talk about things important to us and have a way to connect to our fans. But one thing we haven’t talked about yet that is extremely important to us is our faith. A user messaged us the other day and asked for our advice because she was struggling with her relationship with God and feeling lost. Girl, we feel you! Everyone struggles with what they believe in at least once in their life. We thought this was the perfect opportunity to talk a little bit about our faith in God and share some advice we learned over the years:

Tia: It’s normal for your faith to waver. We are all human, after all. One thing that keeps me believing and having faith in God is knowing that He will never, ever allow me to go through anything I cannot bear or handle. All of my steps are ordered by Him. If things don’t seem to be going my way, there is a reason. Maybe “my” way isn’t always God’s way, and maybe He wants me to go through hard times to build strength and character. Be steadfast and know that this too shall pass. Stay positive, read the Bible, and trust that no matter how dark the valley, God is right there with you every step of the way. Take comfort in that and lean on Him –He doesn’t want you to go through anything alone!

Tamera: For me, the easiest way to find my way back to God when I feel lost is to start by praying and being honest about my wavering faith. God wants to meet you right where you are. You don’t have to be perfect, you don’t always have to be all sunshine and smiles. If you are doubting God or having second thoughts about your faith, just tell Him in a prayer and ask him to reveal Himself through His Word and your life. Secondly, surround yourself with encouraging and positive faith-based people. Call a friend and let them know how you are feeling. Ask them to join you in prayer, or meet in person and have a bible study. Get to know the members of your church and join them in fellowship. It’s amazing what changing your surroundings can do!

In the end, we leave you with a bible verse that has gotten us through some tough times:
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord. “Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Jeremiah 29:11
Lean on God, and He will carry you! Have any of you struggled with something you believed in recently? How did you deal? Let us know in the comments.

This is a beautiful post Oneprettypa. Beautiful and inspiring. :yep:

The saddness is that no one would know any of this by watching their show. They have a huge platform beyond their blogs, tweets, facebook to share the love of God and how He influences their lives. And yet, it's not expressed on their show... the huge platform of the media, which reaches millions who watch.

Watching their show, no one would ever know. :nono: That is just so sad.

I watch the episodes about the 'mole' scares that they both had. God was left out; they never shared that God was their Healer nor even said a prayer asking God to be there.

And in their show are so many, many more challenges that they face, yet God, Jesus, is never mentioned as Christians do when trouble comes.

They never fail to mention having a 'doolah' to assist in her pregnancy and delivery. Tamera's fears over her child's racial mix and how he is perceived and treated in life; where was God allowed to come in to ease those fears.

I'm not calling them 'non-Christians, I've been a faithful follower of the twins for years. Yet, in a time when God is so disrespected and rejected and muddled in this world and it's rebellious culture, who as a child of God, wouldn' be proud to make it known beyond a blog that they are bowed unto the Lord of Lords and King of Kings?

I'm not accepting any excuses over this. There are none. Why is their faith not shared on their show? There is absolutely no reason for it not to be. None. And I do mean none!

Suppose their husbands only acknowledged them as their wives when with them, but outside of home environment, no one would ever know that their were married because their husbands never 'mention' them to others.

No excuse. None. :nono: