Mary Mary

In terms of prayer or any acts of faith..I believe the key here is sincere devotion, loyalty to God and what it really means to any one of us.

Jesus taught us to not pray as a hypocrite would; for show.

And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.” ~ Matthew 6:5-6

God also said we ought to worship Him in Spirit and in truth. That may be anywhere, for any reason, at any time, on any platform, as we do not control the Spirit of God.

For ex.. If I happened to be moved to pray at some point, and a camera started filming, and I break out from that prayer for a minute to tell them to stop filming... my concern apparently is more about the camera filming me... than an interrupted prayer. So isn't my effort to avoid the camera, so as not to be seen praying...even though I really was in the first place... vanity just the same?

There is public prayer. There is private prayer. The Preacher leads the congregants in public prayer. There is prayer in some schools. There is prayer at restaurants tables to ask Him to bless our food.. there is prayer at the scene of a car accident.. whenever and wherever we are moved to pray, don't we? As God is perfect, His timing is perfect.
{ Eccl 3 }

When threatened with death, Daniel openly prayed, so his God could be seen. His devotion to God was more important, and it transcended any compromise that was offered. As a result, his prayer brought glory to God. God in turn showed Daniel favor. It's clear, Daniel had no concern for how he looked.. Why? because his prayers (any any other act of faith) was so much a part of him, they were an effortless part of his lifestyle for all to see, without that being Daniel's goal..unedited, unscripted. I believe we call it transparency today. It just comes with the territory.. and it's that simple.

Also, with respect to the depiction of faith in reality tv shows, Jesus already told us that when we pray we are to do so privately. When we do other spiritual works, we are to do so secretly. We are not to constantly be attempting to show people how much we pray, read, worship, etc. We should avoid the spotlight being placed on those things. The Lord sees those things and no one else needs to. Furthermore, times of prayer are times of intimacy with God--I know that I would have no interest whatsoever in having anyone film and broadcast me praying and/or reading Scripture, no matter how much time a day I devoted to it.
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In terms of prayer or any acts of faith..I believe the key here is sincere devotion, loyalty to God and what it really means to any one of us.

Jesus taught us to not pray as a hypocrite would; for show.

“And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.” ~ Matthew 6:5-6

God also said we ought to worship Him in Spirit and in truth. That may be anywhere, for any reason, at any time, on any platform, as we do not control the Spirit of God.

For ex.. If I happened to be moved to pray at some point, and a camera started filming, and I break out from that prayer for a minute to tell them to stop filming... my concern apparently is more about the camera filming me... than an interrupted prayer. So isn't my effort to avoid the camera, so as not to be seen praying...even though I really was in the first place... vanity just the same?

There is public prayer. There is private prayer. The Preacher leads the congregants in public prayer. There is prayer in some schools. There is prayer at restaurants tables to ask Him to bless our food.. there is prayer at the scene of a car accident.. whenever and wherever we are moved to pray, don't we? As God is perfect, His timing is perfect.
{ Eccl 3 }

When threatened with death, Daniel openly prayed, so his God could be seen. His devotion to God was more important, and it transcended any compromise that was offered. As a result, his prayer brought glory to God. God in turn showed Daniel favor. It's clear, Daniel had no concern for how he looked.. Why? because his prayers (any any other act of faith) was so much a part of him, they were an effortless part of his lifestyle for all to see, without that being Daniel's goal..unedited, unscripted. I believe we call it transparency today. It just comes with the territory.. and it's that simple.

Love this Laela. Jesus also prayed public several times. If these people loved Jesus the world would know and there wouldn't need to be any hypocrisy.

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Actually it says plenty that an "unscripted" show about Christians shows no activity that shows their alleged Christianity. And if they are allowing producers to edit out their faith for viewers they are selling God out for their own selfish desires.

What does the Word say about that?

It says what does it profit a man to gain the world and lose his soul. God is not interested in being sold out for them to get views for their show. The bible also says that we deny him before men he will deny us. Well that disqualifies them from being followers of Christ.

I don't care who disagrees. This is not acceptable behavior. Then, they are worldly and carnal. I have seen the show so I know. When they are away from their husbands they still talk about them and make mention of them. How much more should we make mention of our Lord and Savior in our daily lives? Does Jesus not want to be apart of our lives? I think he does.

Galatians 2:20 KJV
I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.

If a camera followed me around they'd catch me reading the Word a minute on my lunch break, sneaking in quick prayers during the day, sing praises to Jesus as I do various things and making multiple mentions of him in my day. More than anything my life would mirror his in some way. Shouldn't people who sing gospel music have a true relationship with the man they claim to be singing about.

Its really disheartening that I see so many Christians making excuses for this stuff; carnal behavior and even having shirtless men at some gathering. We "Christians" have got to do better with being so lukewarm and making excuses for the so called Christians giving the world a bad representation of Christ. And we wonder why atheism and secularism are on the rise. SMH.

I need to stay out of this thread.

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Thank you.

The bolded speaks so much truth. If a camera followed me for just an hour a day, even with me unaware, it would find me saying, singing or doing something obviously God related. And it would be my normal behaviour, not pushed or hyped or for show.

With all of the 'wrongs' displayed on the media, I'd welcome the opportunity to present the Christian lifestyle in a postive light if for no other reason than to give true hope for the world who so desperately needs salvation.

And to all reading, this is a 'gentle' response. :yep: Very gentle and loving. No hype, no shade, no contention.
In terms of prayer or any acts of faith..I believe the key here is sincere devotion, loyalty to God and what it really means to any one of us.

Jesus taught us to not pray as a hypocrite would; for show.

And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.” ~ Matthew 6:5-6

God also said we ought to worship Him in Spirit and in truth. That may be anywhere, for any reason, at any time, on any platform, as we do not control the Spirit of God.

For ex.. If I happened to be moved to pray at some point, and a camera started filming, and I break out from that prayer for a minute to tell them to stop filming... my concern apparently is more about the camera filming me... than an interrupted prayer. So isn't my effort to avoid the camera, so as not to be seen praying...even though I really was in the first place... vanity just the same?

There is public prayer. There is private prayer. The Preacher leads the congregants in public prayer. There is prayer in some schools. There is prayer at restaurants tables to ask Him to bless our food.. there is prayer at the scene of a car accident.. whenever and wherever we are moved to pray, don't we? As God is perfect, His timing is perfect.
{ Eccl 3 }

When threatened with death, Daniel openly prayed, so his God could be seen. His devotion to God was more important, and it transcended any compromise that was offered. As a result, his prayer brought glory to God. God in turn showed Daniel favor. It's clear, Daniel had no concern for how he looked.. Why? because his prayers (any any other act of faith) was so much a part of him, they were an effortless part of his lifestyle for all to see, without that being Daniel's goal..unedited, unscripted. I believe we call it transparency today. It just comes with the territory.. and it's that simple.

Beautiful post... :Rose:
"It was symbolic as the Blood of Christ" <--- for that reason alone, I can understand a person wearing the red string. If they understand why they are wearing it.

But that's not what kabbala (the true one) proclaims. It's like an intecessory prayer for one of the passed on saints for fertility, blessing, etc. I think I saw King David's tomb also wrapped in red string ...gotta check that, though.

Kabbala in the hands of New Agers is just that, new age mumbo-jumbo. It's akin to being the best preacher of the most mysterious mysteries (for ex., the trinity, redemptive sacrifice etc.) of scripture without the benefit of knowing any scriptures. They are by-passing G-d's word to wear amulets etc. Those don't become sacramentals unless one truly attempts to comprehend them. At best, they might be sacramentals (a sincere attempt) but worn out of ignorance. That's what I was trying to convey by the Madonnas and others out there. I could never figure out why she wanted kabbala but not judaism. Anyhoo....

Where is their show? Maybe I'll catch an episode tonight? Have nothing else to do. As for witness, I know Shimmie and N&W are they are actively evangelizing to help people. But what about others? Do you always mention to new people you are a believer in Jesus? Does everyone have to automatically know by you telling them?
Tia and Tamera do not demonstrate having a relationship with the Lord, it's never mentioned there. ......

If the Duggars (mentioned above thread) can take a stand, why not Tia and Tamera? Is their faith in God weakened by fear of being rejected / unemployed by the producers of Style network? Who's their true God?

The Wine:

I'm not saying that drinking wine disqualifies one from being a Christian. I know Christians who drink beer and take shots, smoke cigarettes and yes, it boggles me. :yep: But they don't 'promote' it. They don't encourage others to do the same.

Here's Tamera's Wine video... and yes, I'm floored. :lol:

First, please don't take offense, I'm trying to follow this discussion and see things from many viewpoints. I am not trying to be contentious...but I am asking that we all look through larger glasses.

Sorry, I missed your link. I'll watch it. I now get what you're saying. But I offer this - maybe the Duggar way is not how they lead their lives? How the Duggars live is not necessarily how everyone who is a believer lives. Yet, there are people who are even more ascetic than them. All are believers.

I have to think about my own experiences with Chabad (orthodox judaism) and the Reform movement. Upon seeing an orthodox man/woman, you know who you are looking at (whether they truly live it inside the home...well, sometimes that was questionable as we are all humans). They are visibly set aside. Yet, Reform do not dress as such unless there is a man who wears the tzizit "strings" (representative of the 613 laws) on his belt, even if he is wearing blue jeans. They don't go about openly expressing anything personally, yet they have faith and demonstrate it actively through various programs for social justice. So I get your point. But if I were to say that I were disappointed with them for not showing it...well, I'd be wrong in that instance because the Reform do such much in the world to repair it and to live out the commands, though they are not strict. Mary Mary...maybe they do the latter???

If I were on a show, I would not want someone filming me praying...not at all. I only pray with family for grace and the occasional request or recitation of the rosary. Every other prayer I make is very private...well, except for Mass. We are all together there. This is, perhaps, the way of the Mary Mary women. It's just their daily lives? But if they did have filmage of holidays etc., you would think they'd at least catch grace. Which brings me to ask if anybody has thought to contact that network and voice concern and a complaint that they are leaving out even grace said at their dinner table for gospel artists?

ETA: Wine

Cuz that is a touchy subject here, I know...but being DRUNK is the sin, not drinking wine. Why not promote it? We have true wine (with alcohol in it) for communion. People, I guess, are to follow what their own church teaches...but how do we say to another "that's not christian" when the scripture points to something else i.e. drunkenness?
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I still think that it is silly for us to try to judge Christianity on what we see on a non-scripted tv show. If someone was following me around this year many would conclude that I had lost my relationship with the Lord. Yes it has been rocky, but I have been in my closet praying and working things out with my Lord. I guess that is why the judgement in this thread is hard for me. Christians are so quick to gravitate to those who dress up and play act what we believe Chrisitianity is. But the truth is that no one know the heart but God. Just because someone puts on a good show doesn't confirm their relationship with Christ. Also, someone who is struggling publicly may be working things out behind closed doors.
If Mary Mary know that they represent themselves as Christian gospel artist and they are on a very public platform with the reality show. Why showcase certain behaviors, ( or even participate in them at all) such as their sisters bachelorette party and Erica feeling up the stripper when she's married. How can she defend her actions to a already skeptical unbeliever who may see the show and call her out on it. And I'm sure they have some input on how they want to be represented on the show, They can vocalize what they want to be showcased or not. If they seen during the first season that their Christianity views were being blocked they could have said something then...
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I'm not saying every Christian is perfect that is far from the truth, we all fall short. But as Joyce Meyer stated " before I was a Christian I used to slip up and do something right, now that I'm saved I may slip up and do something wrong" I feel as Christians we should purposefully seek God out in all we do, he wants to be involved in ALL aspects of our life! When people see us they should see Christ in our actions. And the actions on the Mary Mary show are not always Christian like. It can be very confusing for their followers.
Strippers??? Why didn't somebody say that beforehand lol! No, that's not right. I know the episode I saw was probably the first one with them recording in the studio and trying to figure out if they should keep with the group. One of them was pregnant and the other thought she might have been. So, you have to give people the benefit of the doubt. That is why I asked for specific examples of what exactly they reportedly did wrong. To me, this thread looked like folks took issue they weren't filmed on their knees all day long. Give specifics!!! Yeah, having, I wouldn't have wanted to see that nor have that represent my family.
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They are trying to get that secular paper and audience at all cost. They are from the hood that I know very well so I'm not shocked at their behavior or candor but being on a reality show put them on display so its very disappointing to many. Heck you can't tell if "Go Get Yo Blessing" is Gospel or R & B song. They just keep pushing the envelope on their songs and message. Its kinda heartbreaking................ As for the twins no comment, don't like them no mo either. LOL
. As for the twins no comment, don't like them no mo either. LOL

And this has been my understated point. We can't, as believers, attempt to go by feel and personal dislike while pointing to others as bad witnesses to Christ without providing specific proof. :perplexed It's got to be more than an "I just don't like you." Neither can it be a "she didn't dot her 'i's' like I do so she's not authentic." But that sentiment is rampant in the CF, unfortunately. Be specific with the proofs or else it comes off as personal dislike. There are plenty of people I personally dislike for some reason or other but I would not dare accuse them of being less of a christian than "myself.":nono::nono::nono:

This actually turns a lot of people off of christianity and they regularly tell me of such. It's not that they will have to make a change in their beliefs and behavior, it's just that this type of self-righteousness witnessed in this whole thread leaves many without boundaries. They are not sure where they will stand with those who consider themselves holier. Those are left out of the in-crowd. One the one hand, they hear that, to become a christian, one must confess belief and adherence to Christ - that works do not earn them heaven. Then they hear the complete opposite with nitpicking about little things (not big blaring abominations admonished in the scriptures) that someone else misinterprets as anti-Christ...against a fellow believer in the L-rd. It's confusion for they run rather than make that decision. Sometimes, a person who is transparent enough to say that they are imperfect is a better witness to the truth than someone who judges a fellow believer over something that is not obviously against Christ. It would be nice if tv land could witness Mary Mary doing something particularly christian , but then again, as a few stated, some people do not wish to be filmed in private prayer. As for their demeanor....Peter didn't leave behind his burly ruggedness either. It was a process. Planks and splinters. :nono:
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I still think that it is silly for us to try to judge Christianity on what we see on a non-scripted tv show. If someone was following me around this year many would conclude that I had lost my relationship with the Lord. Yes it has been rocky, but I have been in my closet praying and working things out with my Lord. I guess that is why the judgement in this thread is hard for me. Christians are so quick to gravitate to those who dress up and play act what we believe Chrisitianity is. But the truth is that no one know the heart but God. Just because someone puts on a good show doesn't confirm their relationship with Christ. Also, someone who is struggling publicly may be working things out behind closed doors.

Personally, I don't have a problem with either of their shows. We don't know if their lives have led the production team or executives to Christ. Only God knows those things.

However, the one thing about MaryMary's show that garnered my respect is when on a secular morning show that a Muslim stated that she watched the show and wasn't negatively impacted by their arguing. She stated something that is commonly overlooked: Once people are involved, there will be annoyances, little quarrels and some disruptions. Her watching of the show may in fact lead her to become a born-again believer. Second, I was impressed that a secular morning show in a major city with a huge audience was playing a game using their skits. Third, MaryMary are gospel singers, so, in their stance is clear as to whose side they are on...

Not everyone will like what everyone does....However, they are appealing to others and it's nice to see God's children on TV without being crazy or weird.
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Third, MaryMary are gospel singers, so, in their stance is clear as to whose side they are on

actually anyone can be a Gospel singer, you can't determine what ' side' someone is on by the genre of music that they choose to sing, you don't have to be a Christian to be a Gospel singer, it's a business for some artists...
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actually anyone can be a Gospel singer, you can't determine what ' side' someone is on by the genre of music that they choose to sing, you don't have to be a Christian to be a Gospel singer, it's a business for some artists...

Yes, that is true. I have read in a published book by an evangelist about people in the gospel music industry that have double lives. Other gospel singers have hinted at this. However, there is good and bad in every single field. But, in a general sense, MaryMary have made their stance very clear beyond just being Gospel singers--they have addressed certain Christian values such as not having sex before marriage even if you are engaged. Erica and Tina have fought on the show about participating in activities that may violate Biblical guidelines...Some of their concerns are not the concerns of people who are unsaved or unethical Christians...
They profess God on the show and in their music. Have you ever purchased their albums or watched the entire season of their show?

Hi :-). I have purchased albums (or downloaded them) in the past. I watched almost the entire season of the show but eventually stopped. I've also seen multiple interviews by them regarding how they listen to secular music and some of the artist are "tight" and I know they went to a Beyonce concert. I don't feel like what I say is unfair judgement at all.

Titus 1:16 KJV
They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him , being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.

Anyhow, this is just one of those topics people are going to differ on but I have judged the matter based on their behavior in multiple interviews. Their music is not "Gospel" according to the Bible. Its another kind of gospel. It does not lift up the God of the Bible. I see my views seem extreme to some. I'm ok with that though.

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The god of Mary Mary is not Jesus Christ. Their god is money. :look:

This is a dangerous statement to make IMO This is part of the reason I don't spend time in this part of the forum more often. It just leads to frustration. We have no idea about who these women are in real life, what "reality" was cut from the show or anything. But they are being judged in here like they produced sextapes or something :lol: The nitpicky judgement always upsets me because I think it turns folks off (me included). As Christians, I think it is natural to think or say someone's life isn't representing Christ like we think they ought to, but to say statements like "the God of Mary Mary is not Jesus Christ" is outside of our ability. Shouldn't we focus our efforts on improving our own walk with Jesus versus judging others relationship with Him?
This is a dangerous statement to make IMO This is part of the reason I don't spend time in this part of the forum more often. It just leads to frustration. We have no idea about who these women are in real life, what "reality" was cut from the show or anything. But they are being judged in here like they produced sextapes or something :lol: The nitpicky judgement always upsets me because I think it turns folks off (me included). As Christians, I think it is natural to think or say someone's life isn't representing Christ like we think they ought to, but to say statements like "the God of Mary Mary is not Jesus Christ" is outside of our ability. Shouldn't we focus our efforts on improving our own walk with Jesus versus judging others relationship with Him?

Hi :-). I have purchased albums (or downloaded them) in the past. I watched almost the entire season of the show but eventually stopped. I've also seen multiple interviews by them regarding how they listen to secular music and some of the artist are "tight" and I know they went to a Beyonce concert. I don't feel like what I say is unfair judgement at all.

Titus 1:16 KJV
They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him , being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.

Anyhow, this is just one of those topics people are going to differ on but I have judged the matter based on their behavior in multiple interviews. Their music is not "Gospel" according to the Bible. Its another kind of gospel. It does not lift up the God of the Bible. I see my views seem extreme to some. I'm ok with that though.

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If you are saying that you saw interviews, what interviews did you see that made you draw this conclusion? Please provide the link...It is impossible to respond to something with a specific reference. Also, they don't have a reprobate mind because you won't be concerned with morality..
If you are saying that you saw interviews, what interviews did you see that made you draw this conclusion? Please provide the link...It is impossible to respond to something with a specific reference. Also, they don't have a reprobate mind because you won't be concerned with morality..

I'll just leave this thread alone at this point. But this interview should give pause to any true CHRISTIAN when we compare their responses to what Word says. It saddens me how loosely we throw around "Christian" because I take it very serious. Some of these people are following another christ, not the Christ of the Bible. The fact that they have done "gospel" songs with secular artist who promote sin and wordliness is one issue but Kanye West who blasphemes Jesus in many songs appeared in their God in me video. How can you love God and not hate what he hates? How can you rub elbows with a man who blasphemes the name of the God you're supposed to be singing about. The devil is out to blur the lines between the holy and the profane and I'm against it. If they claim to be Christians we have the right to call them out on their behavior. Disagree? Well Paul did it all he time and so did Jesus Christ.

Psalm 97:10a KJV
Ye that love the Lord , hate evil.

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Hi :-). I have purchased albums (or downloaded them) in the past. I watched almost the entire season of the show but eventually stopped. I've also seen multiple interviews by them regarding how they listen to secular music and some of the artist are "tight" and I know they went to a Beyonce concert. I don't feel like what I say is unfair judgement at all.

Titus 1:16 KJV
They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him , being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.

Anyhow, this is just one of those topics people are going to differ on but I have judged the matter based on their behavior in multiple interviews. Their music is not "Gospel" according to the Bible. Its another kind of gospel. It does not lift up the God of the Bible. I see my views seem extreme to some. I'm ok with that though.

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Don't fire and leave right away...:lol:
Well, it's not the extreme general view toward Christ, it's the judgmental one against other believers. Are you saying that anybody who listens to secular music, drinks wine or strong drink, smokes cigarettes, dances other than praise and worship or ballet :grin: and doesn't allow themselves to be filmed in public displays of prayer is a non-christian? I gotta think about this for a sec... If all are called to Christ, then how is a gospel singer any different? He/she shouldn't have any secular points to their life? Do people work secular jobs? If one doesn't display christian art, bibles etc. like those of another family, are they any less christian? Where are the limits? My question is heavy on the smoking, dancing, secular music..oh, and secular entertainment in general. What if the secular music you listen to isn't Kanye West? Classical ok? Jazz? Where to draw the line? This is an important christian conversation so please don't take my posts to be an attack against you. There are charges made and we need to get to the bottom of the opinion scale here.
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Don't fire and leave right away...:lol:
Well, it's not the extreme general view toward Christ, it's the judgmental one against other believers. Are you saying that anybody who listens to secular music, drinks wine or strong drink, smokes cigarettes, dances other than praise and worship or ballet :grin: and doesn't allow themselves to be filmed in public displays of prayer is a non-christian? I gotta think about this for a sec... If all are called to Christ, then how is a gospel singer any different? He/she shouldn't have any secular points to their life? Do people work secular jobs? If one doesn't display christian art, bibles etc. like those of another family, are they any less christian? Where are the limits? My question is heavy on the smoking, dancing, secular music..oh, and secular entertainment in general.

If you're asking if I'm saying that a person who smokes, drinks and listens to secular music and is perfectly fine continuing like that isn't a Christian then thats exactly what I'm saying! When I first came back to God I listened to secular music and even deceived myself that it was ok because it was "good" music and love songs. But the Holy Ghost began to work and sanctify me. Now I see the gravity of trying to serve God and the world. It can't be done. Jesus Christ didn't die for a Christian to be in bondage to a cigarette or to alcohol. Please don't attempt to back me into a corner and make agree with what God is against because it will not happen. All are not called to Christ. Yes God will have all men to be saved and come into the knowledge of the truth but it doesn't mean we can serve God and not change. We are called to holiness and righteousness. When you can find in the Bible where God is ok with such foolishness we can talk. Until then, I don't want to hear anyone's "opinion". As far as jobs, there were many people who worked because we have to work and the Bible has examples of this (Jacob worked for Laban, Daniel worked in Babylon) We are to be in the world, not of the world. This means that no Christian should be trying live like he world lives. When are the excuses going to stop??? This baffles me.

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I'll just leave this thread alone at this point. But this interview should give pause to any true CHRISTIAN when we compare their responses to what Word says. It saddens me how loosely we throw around "Christian" because I take it very serious. Some of these people are following another christ, not the Christ of the Bible. The fact that they have done "gospel" songs with secular artist who promote sin and wordliness is one issue but Kanye West who blasphemes Jesus in many songs appeared in their God in me video. How can you love God and not hate what he hates? How can you rub elbows with a man who blasphemes the name of the God you're supposed to be singing about. The devil is out to blur the lines between the holy and the profane and I'm against it. If they claim to be Christians we have the right to call them out on their behavior. Disagree? Well Paul did it all he time and so did Jesus Christ.

Psalm 97:10a KJV
Ye that love the Lord , hate evil.

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I consider this MaryMary postings between you and me as "game over." Here's why:

  1. You never provided an interview. A clip of someone offering a critique is not an interview.
  2. Anyone could take one line of what someone said: (1) twist their words; (2) mislead others; and (3) take it out of context. This apparently is the case in this scenario.
  3. Their music, show & interviews posted on the internet are consistent with their desire to help inspire other Christians. They aren't trying to be everybody else. It is fine if you don't like them. It won't stop their shine.
  4. Their music is listened to by nonChristians too which is an avenue for them to get saved. I know someone that gave their life to Christ about two years later that regularly played their music in her car. There is not one way to reach nonChristians. So, kudos to them..
  5. This commentary is off-based from their verbalized mission over and over again.
When we speak against prospering or are secretly coveting what others has, it prevents us from experiencing a prosperous life. They are blessed and display the markings of the blessing operating in their life as they expressed how they even made it.

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Gain is not godliness. Prosperity does not make anyone right with God. Satan has the power to give riches. "Shining" is an idea that has the pride of life behind it. When we fight the Word of God to defend anyone then the person/people we're defending is our God. That said, I'm done here as well.

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I agree with many of the things auparavant has stated. I don't think the discussion has much at all to do with sin or righteousness, as we are all aware of what is and is not sin. I haven't seen anyone suggest anything like, "Yeah, go ahead and have male dancers at your bachelorette party--that doesn't compromise your faith at all!" We aren't in disagreement about such things.

What I see, though, is a tendency to define righteousness according to the level one has achieved--without extending the same grace one received before reaching that level of maturity/understanding. This is essentially self-righteousness. If you think about it, anyone who has achieved a greater level of understanding/holiness could evaluate others all day long, and conclude "Not good enough!" even though they themselves were once less mature than they are today. I was really struck once by something that Heather Lindsey shared about her past--how she was seeking the Lord and going to church and reading Scripture...and sleeping with her boyfriends at the same time. But as she continued to seek Him and grow, those sinful behaviors fell out of her life. Any Christian could have looked at her at the time and been like, "She's a tare among the wheat, her faith is not genuine." But clearly the Lord was taking her to a higher plane.

You never know, next year, Tamera could withdraw from the show because she feels convicted that it doesn't represent God clearly enough. Tia could rededicate her life to Christ like the prodigal. Mary Mary could be convicted that they have not been faithful to the Gospel message in their music. My point is that if you have been in process, everyone else has been as well. And only the Lord can say what that process is going to look like and how long it is going to take. It would take real spiritual discernment--and I mean prophecy, word of knowledge, etc. to know whether or not someone's heart was reprobate.

That doesn't mean whatever they do is OK, or even that people need to watch their shows. But recognizing sin for what it is, and trying to determine what the Lord is or is not doing in someone's heart are two different things.
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If you're asking if I'm saying that a person who smokes, drinks and listens to secular music and is perfectly fine continuing like that isn't a Christian then thats exactly what I'm saying! When I first came back to God I listened to secular music and even deceived myself that it was ok because it was "good" music and love songs. But the Holy Ghost began to work and sanctify me. Now I see the gravity of trying to serve God and the world. It can't be done. Jesus Christ didn't die for a Christian to be in bondage to a cigarette or to alcohol. Please don't attempt to back me into a corner and make agree with what God is against because it will not happen. All are not called to Christ. Yes God will have all men to be saved and come into the knowledge of the truth but it doesn't mean we can serve God and not change. We are called to holiness and righteousness. When you can find in the Bible where God is ok with such foolishness we can talk. Until then, I don't want to hear anyone's "opinion". As far as jobs, there were many people who worked because we have to work and the Bible has examples of this (Jacob worked for Laban, Daniel worked in Babylon) We are to be in the world, not of the world. This means that no Christian should be trying live like he world lives. When are the excuses going to stop??? This baffles me.

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I thought and prayed over this and although my response was not mean, it didn't take you into account. I apologize - not for my christian walk not mirroring yours, but I choose to understand your point of view. For you, it is sin to eat meat offered up to idols. For another, there is only One L-rd and they are not bothered by the source of it. If one goes against one's conscience, then it is sinful. Some people are rather secular but that doesn't mean they have no conscience and no love of G-d. I filter what I will listen to :yep: Kanye West is definitely not idolized.
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