Mary Mary

I think I've seen one show of theirs when they were pregnant but nothing since. What I have a little difficulty grasping is the opinion that they are not mirroring Christ. Well, aren't they just plain people? Is anyone here absolutely stellar in his day-to-day, mundane life? Do you recite a scripture when you brush your teeth? Is every waking moment spent searching for scriptures? Or have you just dedicated that day and live? Not worrying about the mirror reflection you give off to others? I don't think they are perfect people. If that is not it that they don't preach on the show???
I haven't seen the Mary Mary show but I do watch the twins. Funny but I had no idea thy were so open about their Christianity in the past. I also remember Tamera talking about not living with Adam before marriage.
To be honest I watch their show because it's one of the only reality shows I've come across where I see black women being portrayed in a positive light. They may not go on and on about their love I Christ on the show but I believe actions speaks louder than words and I definitely approve. I enjoy being able to watch two women who are married and taking care if their families, enjoy exploring healthy eating, workout and spend time with their families. I love the lack I cursing, the lack of scandalous clothing and the general lack of revolting behavior. I love that they volunteer and do other charitable works on the show.

I'm not sure what is going on with the Mary Mary show but I strongly believe that when a person is living for Christ their belief is reflected in the way that they their very presence. People tend to be attracted to that shining light. I much prefer that to people beating me over the head with the fact that they are Christian but then when you look at their life you can find no shred of evidence to support their claim.

THIS ^^^^ for both Tia and Tamera and Mary, Mary.

I remember when Mary Mary's sister Alana was proposed to they were excited but also reminded her and her future husband no sex before marriage. :up: We certainly do not hear nor see that in the majority of reality shows on the air.

I also like the family dynamics, the respect and love for each other as well we have black married couples with kids juggling family, spouse and career. Unlike *cough* *cough* basketball wives where 99.9% of them are not married nor were they married.

I like the fact that Mary Mary are showing you can love the lord and be a christian and that you lead a normal life......I think many people think christians are aliens :lachen: that they aren't like everyone else, they are stuffy, not fun, don't laugh etc etc, kwim?

I love the Duggars' show (and their books). Whether you agree with them having so many kids or not, they honor the Lord in all that they do and that is no secret on their show. Before they even agreed to do the show, they told TLC that they would only do it if their faith was not edited out.

I love children :love3: :yep:

It's a blessing to read your post, the Duggans took a stand for whom they love and serve which is not man. They chose Jesus over media.

Thank you for sharing this. I need to watch this show. :yep:

Thanks Precious Laela...

Guess what? When I clicked on your link, this is what blessed me:

David Tyree‏@DTyree85

Retweet if you love Jesus....Jesus Life International NJ School Of Intercession!

View media Reply


I'm not a fan of facebook or twitter, but seeing a message like this is a blessing to know messages like this are being shared for all to see.
I think I've seen one show of theirs when they were pregnant but nothing since. What I have a little difficulty grasping is the opinion that they are not mirroring Christ. Well, aren't they just plain people? Is anyone here absolutely stellar in his day-to-day, mundane life?

Do you recite a scripture when you brush your teeth? Is every waking moment spent searching for scriptures?

Or have you just dedicated that day and live? Not worrying about the mirror reflection you give off to others? I don't think they are perfect people. If that is not it that they don't preach on the show???

Regarding the bolded above, the Word of God is actually flowing through my mind and thoughts and actions throughout the day. His words have been planted in my heart and from the abundance of my heart, they flow. Even when I'm posting, the Word rises up, simply because it's been planted there.

I'm not the only one here or outside of this forum who lives this way. When you are in relationship with the Lord, He is not hidden in our lives, neither is His Word. In these Reality shows, God is hidden; He has not been a priority in the lives of the cast, where He is presented as such. When you love someone, you're not ashamed to mention who He is.

An example is when I'm posting in other areas of this forum (outside of our Christian Forum), I don't 'hide' Jesus just because the folks 'in the forums next door' are not believers or because they don't like it. I still pray for people and mention the name of Jesus, and without shame or hesitation. The name of God is always in my siggy in one form or another. I'm not hiding nor am I ashamed of who nor whose I am. These reality shows in question are not doing so and being 'nice' isn't good enough. :nono: They're still omitting Jesus, a major compromise.
Yeah, I try to be respectful of the group where ever I am on here. I won't be as candid in CF as I am elsewhere out of respect. But I'm talking about obsessive behavior. You kinda missed the part where I asked if you rather dedicate the day...that suffices and kinda hits on your point as well. Obsessive behavior differs and cripples a person to where they are afraid of hell's fire with every step as it might be a misstep, of sorts...."am I sipping from this cup in a g-dly way? my leg crossed enough or should I not do it....? how would Jesus have me to cut this bread." Extreme examples, but I've seen people in obsession. That's not living. :yep: I think G-d wants us to live and not worry about being imperfect. We are to strive, surely, but I'm speaking of something different.

I kinda see it a nitpicking. Well, akin to people who don't bible-thump on the job...when in scripture, G-d calls us to do our jobs well as that's witness sufficient. We are called to "do our jobs" and not ask every colleague if they are going to church, if they are "saved," if they read their bibles, if they'd like to pray at lunch. I dunno, maybe some do that.

As for any specific ministry Mary Mary has, I don't know much about them. But if it's a show about daily life and if they are not evangelists/preachers...I don't see the problem. What is it you'd have them do? The Duggars own businesses and I'm sure they deal with non-believers. Do they push? I don't think so and they've actually made it clear they don't. So, what is a specific episode I should view to see what you all are seeing? Are they on Bravo?
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Yeah, I try to be respectful of the group where ever I am on here. I won't be as candid in CF as I am elsewhere out of respect. But I'm talking about obsessive behavior. You kinda missed the part where I asked if you rather dedicate the day...that suffices and kinda hits on your point as well. Obsessive behavior differs and cripples a person to where they are afraid of hell's fire with every step as it might be a misstep, of sorts...."am I sipping from this cup in a g-dly way? my leg crossed enough or should I not do it....? how would Jesus have me to cut this bread." Extreme examples, but I've seen people in obsession. That's not living. :yep: I think G-d wants us to live and not worry about being imperfect. We are to strive, surely, but I'm speaking of something different.

I kinda see it a nitpicking. Well, akin to people who don't bible-thump on the job...when in scripture, G-d calls us to do our jobs well as that's witness sufficient. We are called to "do our jobs" and not ask every colleague if they are going to church, if they are "saved," if they read their bibles, if they'd like to pray at lunch. I dunno, maybe some do that.

As for any specific ministry Mary Mary has, I don't know much about them. But if it's a show about daily life and if they are not evangelists/preachers...I don't see the problem. What is it you'd have them do? The Duggars own businesses and I'm sure they deal with non-believers. Do they push? I don't think so and they've actually made it clear they don't. So, what is a specific episode I should view to see what you all are seeing? Are they on Bravo?

I understand about the OCD and the pushing :yep: which I don't agree with as well.

Mary Mary are a team of two who sing Gospel and claim to be Christians, however their public displays / appearences leave it in question.
I watch Tia and Tamera's reality show and it seems as if they're Kabbalists now, they always have a red string around their wrist.
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I hear what you're saying Shimmie and agree to an extent although some things about this thread kind of bother me. One thing I don't agree with are statements that these people aren't Christians.

I've seen examples to Christians in mainstream media. They don't hide Jesus, but they sing secular music, walk on runways, and act in non Christian movies. If you don't care to find out more about them you may not know it, but people who meet them see their light and always comment on how "nice" they are. You'll see dedications to Jesus in their album books/ Twitters/ blogs.

I don't know about Mary Mary, but I do get a "carnal" sense about them like I do quite frankly in a lot of Gospel musicians. I've always thought that it's better to be sing secular music than to simply use God as your way to "shine" without the heart being towards Him. Not saying that's them at all I don't know and don't watch the show. Im just saying that Christians with secular jobs are far better off spiritually than people playing with God in church and in ministries. .

Tamera is always tweeting scripture by the way. Everyone who follows her knows shes a Christian. Drinking wine doesn't disqualify her and as far as I can tell no Tia doesn't seem to be Christian, but we can't say that for sure.
I watch Tia and Tamera's reality show and it seems as if their Kabbalists now, they always have a red string around their wrist.

NinasLongAmbition .... :wave: Hi Sweetheart.

What are / is Kabbalists? What does the red string mean?

Thanks in advance.

BTW: At first glance when I read your post, I thought it read, Kaddashian :spinning: It's late and I'm still on holiday. :lol:

I don't know too much about Kabbalah at all other than the fact that it is a subsect of Judaism. Here's an excerpt from Wikipedia

Wearing a thin red string (as a type of talisman) is a custom, popularly thought to be associated with Judaism's Kabbalah, to ward off misfortune brought about by an "evil eye" (עין הרע in Hebrew). In Yiddish the red string is called a roite bindele.

The red string itself is usually made from thin red wool thread. It is worn, or tied, as a type of bracelet or "band" on the left wrist of the wearer (the receiving side).
Well, I'll take a shot at kabbalism. It's basically the fast, prosperous "route" to so-called fringe Judaism without the Torah. Some of them try and delve into the deepest meanings of scripture and the universe without the basics of learning Torah. That is highly dangerous. It's sensationalism and is not Judaism, basically. Although I respect those who wear Rachel's red string (usually, there is a prayer at the tomb of Rachel for barren women and I think some of what the "kabbalists" (who are not true kabbalists) do is hodge-podge cafeteria style. It looks great, it sounds great, it has the origins of a great tradition without the meat and potatoes. Judaism is not superstition but people have made it into a fringe practice full of it. Am I being disrespectful? Not really, because folks are taking from something whole and beautiful and picking and choosing what they think is cute to culturally appropriate it. To me, that's the height of disrespect. But I basically, if they wish to wear the red string, then call it something totally distinct from judaism and sacred mystical teachings of scripture.
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I hear what you're saying Shimmie and agree to an extent although some things about this thread kind of bother me. One thing I don't agree with are statements that these people aren't Christians.

I've seen examples to Christians in mainstream media. They don't hide Jesus, but they sing secular music, walk on runways, and act in non Christian movies. If you don't care to find out more about them you may not know it, but people who meet them see their light and always comment on how "nice" they are. You'll see dedications to Jesus in their album books/ Twitters/ blogs.

I don't know about Mary Mary, but I do get a "carnal" sense about them like I do quite frankly in a lot of Gospel musicians. I've always thought that it's better to be sing secular music than to simply use God as your way to "shine" without the heart being towards Him. Not saying that's them at all I don't know and don't watch the show. Im just saying that Christians with secular jobs are far better off spiritually than people playing with God in church and in ministries. .

Tamera is always tweeting scripture by the way. Everyone who follows her knows shes a Christian. Drinking wine doesn't disqualify her and as far as I can tell no Tia doesn't seem to be Christian, but we can't say that for sure.

I agree, :yep: to say one is not a Christian is a harsh statement, yet in Mary Mary's case, it's in question. In Tia and Tamera's case, the question is why hide it on their show?

I personally believe that 90% or more Christians work in the secular world. I work and socialize in both worlds and I don't hide who I am.

Regarding the Shows:

What I have a serious concern with is the reality shows which are supposed to be about the 'everyday' lives of the people in the show.

Tia and Tamera do not demonstrate having a relationship with the Lord, it's never mentioned there. I watched the entire season 1 (on purpose) and part of season 2 and God, nor prayer, nor mention of being a Christian has ever been presented on their show. It doesn't make sense and it's a huge disappointment. Why is their Christianity not profiled there? Being a Christian is nothing to be ashamed of.

If the Duggans (mentioned above thread) can take a stand, why not Tia and Tamera? Is their faith in God weakened by fear of being rejected / unemployed by the producers of Style network? Who's their true God?

The Wine:

I'm not saying that drinking wine disqualifies one from being a Christian. I know Christians who drink beer and take shots, smoke cigarettes and yes, it boggles me. :yep: But they don't 'promote' it. They don't encourage others to do the same.

Here's Tamera's Wine video... and yes, I'm floored. :lol:

Her husband and his family own and manage a winery.

They're such a beautiful couple. :love2: I'm happy for both of these girls whom I've watched grow up and became so blessed to know them as Believers in the spotlight.

I'm going close with this:

How can someone who has been so blessed by God, leave Him out of their show? That's all I'm asking and pointing out.

No shade, just asking why? How could God be left out of their show? It makes no sense to me. At the very least, say Grace and a prayer of Thanksgiving as they go through each day their air the show.

Am I asking too much for so little for one to do who loves God? I don't think so.

Love and God's Blessings to everyone. :pray: :love2:

I don't know too much about Kabbalah at all other than the fact that it is a subsect of Judaism. Here's an excerpt from Wikipedia

Wearing a thin red string (as a type of talisman) is a custom, popularly thought to be associated with Judaism's Kabbalah, to ward off misfortune brought about by an "evil eye" (עין הרע in Hebrew). In Yiddish the red string is called a roite bindele.

The red string itself is usually made from thin red wool thread. It is worn, or tied, as a type of bracelet or "band" on the left wrist of the wearer (the receiving side).

Well, I'll take a shot at kabbalism. It's basically the fast, prosperous "route" to so-called fringe Judaism without the Torah. Some of them try and delve into the deepest meanings of scripture and the universe without the basics of learning Torah. That is highly dangerous. It's sensationalism and is not Judaism, basically.

Although I respect those who wear Rachel's red string (usually, there is a prayer at the tomb of Rachel for barren women and I think some of what the "kabbalists" (who are not true kabbalists) do is hodge-podge cafeteria style. It looks great, it sounds great, it has the origins of a great tradition without the meat and potatoes.

Judaism is not superstition but people have made it into a fringe practice full of it. Am I being disrespectful? Not really, because folks are taking from something whole and beautiful and picking and choosing what they think is cute to culturally appropriate it. To me, that's the height of disrespect. But I basically, if they wish to wear the red string, then call it something totally distinct from judaism and sacred mystical teachings of scripture.

NinasLongAmbition and auparavant...

Thanks... both of you for responding. I didn't make the connection to the Kabbalah until I read both of your posts.

I need to read more about this. Thank you both for opening my eyes to something to be aware of. With the birth and death and rise of Jesus Christ, that red string is no longer needed. It was only used to save Rahab when Joshua lead the children of God in battle, so that she would be saved. It was symbolic as the Blood of Christ; so the red string is no longer necessary.

I've appeard 'hostile' in this thread which was not my intent nor my feelings. I'm just disappointed with the media's representation of Christians. Even more, I don't like it when the world taints the wholesome beauty of those on fire for the Lord.

Tia and Tamera were (began as) an inspiration and their faith was never kept a secret. Now it seems to have been 'hushed'. To be honest, none of their shows presented them as Christians. There were a few movies that did. The most recent was The Christmas Angel this Christmas on the GMC channel, which starred Della Reese and Tamera starred in this in a very positive role. :yep:

My love to each of you. :love2:

ETA: Important Correction:

It was Rahab, not Rachel who was instructed by Joshua to hang the red cord from her window. I made the correction in my post above. I actually logged back in to make this correction.... :lol:
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People wear the red string as a blessing and a prayer towards having children. They also pray at the tomb of Rachel and it's wrapped in red string. As a catholic, I comprehend this practice because it's sacramental...utilizing the natural as a memory, ritual tool towards the deep spiritual meaning. True kabbala should be practiced by men learned in Torah and over the age of 40. When I see Madonna and other people wearing the red string, I see people who are into fadism and lack the basic comprehension of the more traditional and religious practice. I'm not against the red string, I've worn it as well....but I also don't appropriate judaism as a fad of some sort and bypass the Torah just to delve into something they think will magically make their lives better. It's like saying, "I'm going to practice surgery without any medical training." :ohwell:
But about Mary Mary....I still don't see the problem. Are they adulterous? Do they not take care of their children? What did they do?
"It was symbolic as the Blood of Christ" <--- for that reason alone, I can understand a person wearing the red string. If they understand why they are wearing it.
Matthew 5:13-16 KJV
Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men. [14] Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. [15] Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. [16] Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

Revelation 3:14-16 KJV
And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God; [15] I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. [16] So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.

1 John 2:15-17 KJV
Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. [16] For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. [17] And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.

Seems like God expects us to live like the Christians we profess to be. Yes he does expect us to strive toward perfection (maturity, wholeness). Ok, I'm done :-)

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But about Mary Mary....I still don't see the problem. Are they adulterous? Do they not take care of their children? What did they do?

They're 'worldly' to an extreme. You'd never know they were Christians by their presentation.

There are many who take excellent care of their children, faithful to their spouces, don't steal, don't smoke, don't drink, yet they have chosen to be without Jesus Christ, so those virtues aren't the issue here.

With Mary Mary, they are demonstrating a life that does not present Jesus, let alone make mention of Him. You can't live just anyway you feel like it, as it is not a good witness. We are called to live above the world, not live like them.
Matthew 5:13-16 KJV
Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men. [14] Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. [15] Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. [16] Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

Revelation 3:14-16 KJV
And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God; [15] I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. [16] So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.

1 John 2:15-17 KJV
Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. [16] For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. [17] And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.

Seems like God expects us to live like the Christians we profess to be. Yes he does expect us to strive toward perfection (maturity, wholeness). Ok, I'm done :-)

Sent from my 4G HTC Thunderbolt using LHCF

:amen: We 'press' towards the mark of the high calling... :yep:

There's too much 'lukewarmness' going on. God's Word is clear... be ye hot or cold; if you are lukewarm, I will spew you out of my mouth.
People wear the red string as a blessing and a prayer towards having children. They also pray at the tomb of Rachel and it's wrapped in red string. As a catholic, I comprehend this practice because it's sacramental...utilizing the natural as a memory, ritual tool towards the deep spiritual meaning. True kabbala should be practiced by men learned in Torah and over the age of 40. When I see Madonna and other people wearing the red string, I see people who are into fadism and lack the basic comprehension of the more traditional and religious practice. I'm not against the red string, I've worn it as well....but I also don't appropriate judaism as a fad of some sort and bypass the Torah just to delve into something they think will magically make their lives better. It's like saying, "I'm going to practice surgery without any medical training." :ohwell:

God made 'Faith and Salvation' so simple. The red string is no longer a factor; it's confusion, which brings me to agree that folks have obviously taken this to a level of idolotry. A red string doesn't enhance one's faith. Prayer, The Word of God and having a Relationship with Jesus does. Hannah didn't wear a red string, she simply prayed, and because 'She Asked' the Lord for a baby, her prayer were granted. Pure and simple, no strings of any colour attached.

Rachel didn't wear a red string :nono:, neither did Rebekah. Now there was a 'scarlet' (red) string tied, by the midwife, about the wrist of baby who popped his fist through his mother (Tamar's in Gen 38) womb ahead of his twin brother.

Why do humans have to make faiith in God so ritualistic and complicated, especially when He made it so simple. Jesus said, 'Be not afraid, only believe."

No red strings are necessary. Have hope in God.

I can see why Jesus commanded us to have the 'faith of a child'... they are so simplistic and pure. No confusion or idolatries.
I don't think you can draw any conclusions about how anyone is from an unscripted show. Things are cut and directed to create a image the producers want. Using the Duggars as an example of Christians on tv is kind of unfair. They got the show because of how they practice their faith-so of course that would be seen in the show. Tia and Tamara revolves around their relationship as sisters and newlyweds/moms so the faith aspect would not be featured by the producers. The same with Mary Mary. It is a given that these women are Christians. For me having a lot of content with them praying and quoting scripture would seem a little extra. Unscripted tv doesn't give any insight to who someone really is. It just focuses on one aspect and tries to create enough drama to keep people interested.
I don't think you can draw any conclusions about how anyone is from an unscripted show. Things are cut and directed to create a image the producers want. Using the Duggars as an example of Christians on tv is kind of unfair. They got the show because of how they practice their faith-so of course that would be seen in the show. Tia and Tamara revolves around their relationship as sisters and newlyweds/moms so the faith aspect would not be featured by the producers. The same with Mary Mary. It is a given that these women are Christians. For me having a lot of content with them praying and quoting scripture would seem a little extra. Unscripted tv doesn't give any insight to who someone really is. It just focuses on one aspect and tries to create enough drama to keep people interested.

Actually it says plenty that an "unscripted" show about Christians shows no activity that shows their alleged Christianity. And if they are allowing producers to edit out their faith for viewers they are selling God out for their own selfish desires. What does the Word say about that? It says what does it profit a man to gain the world and lose his soul. God is not interested in being sold out for them to get views for their show. The bible also says that we deny him before men he will deny us. Well that disqualifies them from being followers of Christ. I don't care who disagrees. This is not acceptable behavior. Then, they are worldly and carnal. I have seen the show so I know. When they are away from their husbands they still talk about them and make mention of them. How much more should we make mention of our Lord and Savior in our daily lives? Does Jesus not want to be apart of our lives? I think he does.

Galatians 2:20 KJV
I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.

If a camera followed me around they'd catch me reading the Word a minute on my lunch break, sneaking in quick prayers during the day, sing praises to Jesus as I do various things and making multiple mentions of him in my day. More than anything my life would mirror his in some way. Shouldn't people who sing gospel music have a true relationship with the man they claim to be singing about. Its really disheartening that I see so many Christians making excuses for this stuff; carnal behavior and even having shirtless men at some gathering. We "Christians" have got to do better with being so lukewarm and making excuses for the so called Christians giving the world a bad representation of Christ. And we wonder why atheism and secularism are on the rise. SMH. I need to stay out of this thread.

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I think that people are "going in" a little too harshly--not because any type of behavior is acceptable, but because, to my knowledge, no one here knows any of these people personally and any judgments made, if they are to be righteous, should be made out of love and concern for their souls. Unless love for them is the motivation, there's no purpose in speaking of it at all. Here's the reality:

Christians backslide.
People who grew up in the faith and end up going into "entertainment" are many, many more times faced with the temptations of the world, the flesh and the devil. Their notoriety does not make them holier or more able to withstand temptation--it makes it that much harder, and one could even argue that to some degree even trying to be successful in secular entertainment is itself opening oneself up to the world.

There's nothing going on in Mary, Mary's life or that of Tia and Tamera that is not going on in countless church pews across the country. I have seen much worse up close and learned of worse today from my mother. How famous or not famous someone is doesn't change the reality of sin.

Again, it has nothing to do with excuse making--it's the same sin you see everyday in other Christians/church members, only it's on TV. As I mentioned above, Tia in particular appears to be a classic example of a backslidden Christian. I personally have no "expectations" for her faith, as it does not pertain to me and I am in no type of friendship/church relationship with her. Nor does the show claim to be about God (though, ironically, it was on this afternoon and the episode was largely about Tamera and her cousin recording a Gospel song, and her cousin broke down in tears because of how meaningful it was to him...) However, insofar as we know they *have* claimed faith in Christ and were stronger at one point in time, our attitude should be one of prayer and hope that Tia and/or Tamera extract themselves from the world and reignite their fire for God. Though, as I mentioned, individually, Tamera has always given the impression to me at least that her faith is very much a part of her life. But I don't look at her with a list of things I expect to see her doing to verify that her faith is real.
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why would you want to be stars on a show that cuts and edits out your God, real people of God may not walk around quoting scriptures all the day long but they acknowledge God.

lets not get distracted because they are 'good' people, hell is going to be full of really nice people with high morals and christian values who gave of their time money and efforts to countless charities and organizations who believe God but are not followers of God.
I watch both shows. I love T&T. Maybe because I'm a twin as well. :-) It is very clear to me that they are Christians. I think they are beautiful, positive, inspirational women. I think they could feature that part of their life more but they do vaguely mention it. Tia talked about how her husband didn't really go to church before they started dating. Tamera sung a gospel song with their cousin.

I like MM too but lately the one who is pregnant says things in a way I didn't expect. It's kind of negative.
I don't understand why people think this is so harsh. I pray for people like that and I'm fully aware that Christians backslide. I myself am a restored backslider so I know firsthand. My issue is the representation of Christ that is presented to the world.

Philippians 2:15 KJV
That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world;

For example, on my job it can get very stressful and I have found myself getting caught up in anger and although I didn't cuss or backbite I wasn't showing the character of Christ because i wasnt humble, gentle or loving. I murmured and complained and I immediately thought of the example I should be setting. Why should anyone want my Christianity if I'm living like them?? That's my point. I'm always amazed how offended people get. How people who are professing Christians behave does effect us. It effects the entire church.

2 Peter 2:2 KJV
And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of.

I pray for all believers. I just don't believe in the shut up and pray since none of us are perfect approach. The bible does not support that approach. Be blessed all!

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I don't understand why people think this is so harsh. I pray for people like that and I'm fully aware that Christians backslide. My issue is the representation of Christ that is presented to the world.

Philippians 2:15 KJV
That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world;

For example, on my job it can get very stressful and I have found myself getting caught up in anger and although I didn't cuss or get rude I realized I wasn't showing the character of Christ and I immediately thought of the example I should be setting. Why should anyone want my Christianity if I'm living like them?? That's my point. I'm always amazed how offended people get. How people who are professing Christians behave does effect us. It effects the entire church.

2 Peter 2:2 KJV
And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of.

I pray for all believers. I just don't believe in the shut up and pray since none of us are perfect approach. The bible does not support that approach. Be blessed all!

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The Lord and other authors of Scripture have already acknowledged that there are tares among the wheat and that many who profess the name do not know Him truly.

We also learn from Scripture that sin among believers is to be addressed amongst church members and leadership--people actually in relationship with those people.

The question is, "Where does this conversation fit into that?" And also, it seems that there are some assumptions being made.

Despite the name, reality shows are very much scripted, even if loosely. The producers create scenarios that they want the episode to be about, and focus on those scenes and interactions. So no one should get the impression that seeing someone on a reality tv show is an accurate, whole depiction of that person's persona, relationships, experiences, etc.

Also, with respect to the depiction of faith in reality tv shows, Jesus already told us that when we pray we are to do so privately. When we do other spiritual works, we are to do so secretly. We are not to constantly be attempting to show people how much we pray, read, worship, etc. We should avoid the spotlight being placed on those things. The Lord sees those things and no one else needs to. Furthermore, times of prayer are times of intimacy with God--I know that I would have no interest whatsoever in having anyone film and broadcast me praying and/or reading Scripture, no matter how much time a day I devoted to it.

What matters before the world is not how often we read our bible and talk about the name of Jesus, what matters before the world actually is what we do, how we treat others, how we love and manage our families. And that's what Christ taught us, to be examples in our love for one another and in good works. So I would look for that fruit before looking for them to be explicit about how much they pray and read Scripture.
The Lord and other authors of Scripture have already acknowledged that there are tares among the wheat and that many who profess the name do not know Him truly.

We also learn from Scripture that sin among believers is to be addressed amongst church members and leadership--people actually in relationship with those people.

The question is, "Where does this conversation fit into that?" And also, it seems that there are some assumptions being made.

Despite the name, reality shows are very much scripted, even if loosely. The producers create scenarios that they want the episode to be about, and focus on those scenes and interactions. So no one should get the impression that seeing someone on a reality tv show is an accurate, whole depiction of that person's persona, relationships, experiences, etc.

Also, with respect to the depiction of faith in reality tv shows, Jesus already told us that when we pray we are to do so privately. When we do other spiritual works, we are to do so secretly. We are not to constantly be attempting to show people how much we pray, read, worship, etc. We should avoid the spotlight being placed on those things. The Lord sees those things and no one else needs to. Furthermore, times of prayer are times of intimacy with God--I know that I would have no interest whatsoever in having anyone film and broadcast me praying and/or reading Scripture, no matter how much time a day I devoted to it.

What matters before the world is not how often we read our bible and talk about the name of Jesus, what matters before the world actually is what we do, how we treat others, how we love and manage our families. And that's what Christ taught us, to be examples in our love for one another and in good works. So I would look for that fruit before looking for them to be explicit about how much they pray and read Scripture.

I agree with you. However, we live in an age where social media puts everything on display. Their lives are public so I see no issue with acknowledging if their behavior is wrong because it can deceive the unlearned. The point is that as much publicity as these people have the fruit would be showing somewhere. I wasn't saying they needed to get before a camera and pray like hypocrites but a private prayer life and relationship with Jesus will produce the fruit of the spirit. I know because I see myself change the more I spend time with God. I don't go to work and quote scriptures or witness to my co-workers. I don't need to, my life is a witness and they know I'm a Christian and I've never told them. Unless I'm really irritated I'm actually very quiet even though it doesn't seem that way... Anyhow, I do understand all that you said.