Married Ladies... Did you experience the same thing when you meet your hubby?


Well-Known Member
There is a guy that I meet a while back. It is weird. At first when I meet him I thought eww.. not my type. But then I was like wait a minute.... I think he is cute. Then finally, something odd..I could actually picture this guy fitting well with my family. I bumped in to him daily and we always talk. I still have this hmm...I can picture myself with in a husband and wife type of thing. I'm not OMG head over hills with him its like... yeah..he could pass. However, I'm not ready for a relationship for now. I'm still working on myself and he is working on actually being financially stable.

I never was able to see myself with anyone like this before. Most guys I could see myself in a "Boyfriend and girlfriend" relationship... But not more because they just wouldn't fit in my overall life ( especially with family). This one...well its completely different. Seems to potentially fit like a glove. Its odd.

Have you ever experienced something like this? How did it turn out?
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In college I knew this girl who would talk about this guy like a dog as in he was NOT attractive. They' ve been married over 13 years now lol

As for me, I didn't see my SO and thought ooooh yeah. But we hung out as cool peeps for a bit before a few months passed and we were official. We fit well in each other's life.

So whenever or however you figure it out ...that's when it'll be. The time differs for us all. V.v. Some think they're with the right person and they fit, to later find out....nope.
In college I knew this girl who would talk about this guy like a dog as in he was NOT attractive. They' ve been married over 13 years now lol

As for me, I didn't see my SO and thought ooooh yeah. But we hung out as cool peeps for a bit before a few months passed and we were official. We fit well in each other's life.

So whenever or however you figure it out ...that's when it'll be. The time differs for us all. V.v. Some think they're with the right person and they fit, to later find out....nope.
Fine 4s are you talking about me :lachen: Man I used to dog out DH, talking about he's too skinny, he's too short, I don't like the shape of his head :lol: My friends never fail to remind me.
I talked about DH too. And said hell nah! Me? With him? :lol: now may will be 5 yrs we've been married. Lol

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When I first met my hubby, I wasn't attracted to him. He was extremely nice, opened doors for me (which he still does), sent flowers. We dated for 3 years and then I knew (from God) that he was the one for me. We'll be married 13 years in June and together 16 years. Never say never :lachen:.
My impression of this sub-forum is that it seems quite cynical.
Keeping with that thinking lol why would you think you didn't settle if your now husband did not interest you at first?
^^^ I agree, there are some on here that go hard when someone sounds like they may be settling when they first meet someone, yet these long marriages seem to have resulted from what looks like settling!!!
When I first met my DH he was a wanna be player and I had just gotten out of a relationship. He was trying to teach me how to be hard and I hung out with him cause his "hardness" was kinda soft to me. We became best friends. He came over to my house one day to help my grandfather work on my car. My grandfather cussed my car out and best friend thought it was the funniest thing ever. He started hanging out with the family more and more until one day we just made it official.

I always thought he was handsome but he said he was never getting married and I was like who said I want to marry you anyway.:grin:

16 yrs married and 9yr old twin boys ( who are born on DH birthday) and we are still going strong.
You know what I think. I think that there are also some men that just have 'that look' you know that look that says," I-am-a-serious-kinda-gentleman-when-I-get-into-something-I don't-play-kinda-look".
My SO has that look, when I saw him, I didn't think he was my type either, didn't fancy him or nothing. But thought he had that family man kind of look. I could see myself with him so clearly with a family and all.Now it's been nearly two years are we are still going strong. People used to see him and say 'he looked like he was serious about me'.
My impression of this sub-forum is that it seems quite cynical.
Keeping with that thinking lol why would you think you didn't settle if your now husband did not interest you at first?

I think what people want and need are different.
I think what people want and need are different.

I didn't get much out of this post but are you suggesting that because people's needs and wants are different what may be settling for one person may not be for another? If so, ITA so why bother even judging or telling someone you don't even know that they're settling?
I didn't get much out of this post but are you suggesting that because people's needs and wants are different what may be settling for one person may not be for another? If so, ITA so why bother even judging or telling someone you don't even know that they're settling?

Fine 4s Sorry. I was on my cellphone and it's hard to really elaborate typing on that thing.

I don't think its settling, because what I want(a fine arse millionaire with that dresses and carries himself a celebrity) is a lot different than what I may really need( a loving family man that has a stable job that's attractive but doesn't have that superstar appeal).

Someone that didn't grab your attention at first glance, is not settling imo.

To me settling is being with someone who is broke, lacks ambition, hella babymomas, or does not treat you well.