Married and still in love??

Are you married and still in love?

  • Yes

    Votes: 63 76.8%
  • No

    Votes: 19 23.2%

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Just curious to know for my records. Who in here has been married for a considerate amount of time (Uhm, lets say 10 years +) and can still claim they're still in love with their DH? Growing up in a world that seems like all older females are single and bitter or married and bitter, would love to know there are still happily married individuals.

Of course it is not limited to married couple of 10 years plus, I was just throwing numbers out there. Please chime in if married for less also!
Married for over 16 years and yes, DH and I are still in love with each other and married life.

He asked me recently if I felt I had made the right choice in marrying him, because he said he had been thinking about me and he felt he had made the best choice in a wife. I feel the same, I couldn't imagine being with anyone else. We have become a unified team and we are on the same page with almost everything.

There has been ups and downs, it hasn't always been smooth sailing due to the fact that we can both be stubborn, and the regular stresses of life; but we realize that selfishness has no room in our marriage and being considerate of each of our needs is a priority.

We are getting older and we just want to enjoy each other's company and be a part of each other's life, life is too short, we don't know how long we're going to have with each other, but we don't want to waste it on a bunch of nonsense.
We've been married 7.5 years we have 3 kids and one on the way, and yes we are still madly in love... That doesn't mean that I have never been angry enough with him to start thinking about an alibi :giggle: but through and through we are in love.

We talk about that sometimes and it's amazing to see how much he still loves me and I love him. We've been through thick and thin together. There was a time where we were so poor that we didn't even have a bed we slept on the floor but we were together (we both were working) and still happy and in love... I couldn't imagine ever being with anyone else. If I returned to singledom I would never remarry like my grandmothers.
Married almost 22 years and still very much in love. Like HoneyComb said of course you have your ups and downs, but that's life. He still makes my heart flutter. I feel really blessed.
married 15 years. G-d has showed us how to stay faithful and in love.

we also have seen many couples with real loving relationships - we were truly humbled and in awe of many of them - and used them as our "mentors in marriage".

i still want to run up and kiss him when i see him - but i play laid back (sometimes).
Awwww, indeed!! I can't wait to get to where you ladies are!!

Married five years, and in all honesty, it's just been the last year/year&half or so that I've seen a glimpse of the promised land of that deep, longlasting love that eHarmony talks about. :lachen: I've had my moments of thinking of an alibi, too, and cursing myself for watching enough CSI to know I would be screwed (:look: :lachen:). But, more and more, as the days go by (even as our life is far from perfect), the deeper in love I become.
That was one thing I never expected - I really thought that the newlywed love would be the deepest it would get - but it's just the tip of the iceberg. My heart has grown bigger to hold the love I have for him. :infatuated:
Awwww, indeed!! I can't wait to get to where you ladies are!!

Married five years, and in all honesty, it's just been the last year/year&half or so that I've seen a glimpse of the promised land of that deep, longlasting love that eHarmony talks about. :lachen: I've had my moments of thinking of an alibi, too, and cursing myself for watching enough CSI to know I would be screwed (:look: :lachen:). But, more and more, as the days go by (even as our life is far from perfect), the deeper in love I become.
That was one thing I never expected - I really thought that the newlywed love would be the deepest it would get - but it's just the tip of the iceberg. My heart has grown bigger to hold the love I have for him. :infatuated:

If you're committed to your marriage JK you will get there:yep:.

Trust me the first 5 or so years of my marriage was very trying. I was 28 and very set in my ways, and DH was 30 and set in his, so that alone took some time. Throw in there raising of children, relocating/moving, him concentrating on school/or gone on leave in the military and me feeling like a single mom--it was tough.

But I'm so glad that we were committed enough, and loved each other enough to overcome those obstacles; and now we are in a place now where we're just enjoying each other, because pretty soon we won't have kids around all the time to focus on and we don't want to feel that it was are only basis for being together.

Also knowing that the grass is not always greener on the other side (esp. during the tough times) kept both of from drifting off the path of reality.
I could have written HoneyComb's post!

YEP after 16yrs (this is both of our second marriage) and six kids: 2 his, 3 mine and our 1 (well really they are all ours just broke it down for this post)...we are crazy in love and crazy for love!! Thank God because my ex was an abusive nightmare, I got out of that mess and said NEVER again!
Married almost 18 years, and definitely still in love. My sweetie knows me like no one else, has my back like you would not believe, and is my absolute favorite person to be with.

Now, every now and then I need a little "alone" time, and I'm happy to have my own time and space, but you best believe I start to miss that big lug pretty quickly.

Sure, there are a lot of negative stats about the state of marriage, but like these other ladies can attest to there are also still plenty of us who feel happy, in love, and blessed in our marriages :yep:
Married for over 16 years and yes, DH and I are still in love with each other and married life.

He asked me recently if I felt I had made the right choice in marrying him, because he said he had been thinking about me and he felt he had made the best choice in a wife. I feel the same, I couldn't imagine being with anyone else. We have become a unified team and we are on the same page with almost everything.

There has been ups and downs, it hasn't always been smooth sailing due to the fact that we can both be stubborn, and the regular stresses of life; but we realize that selfishness has no room in our marriage and being considerate of each of our needs is a priority.

We are getting older and we just want to enjoy each other's company and be a part of each other's life, life is too short, we don't know how long we're going to have with each other, but we don't want to waste it on a bunch of nonsense.

We are getting more and more like this. When you are young you think you have all the time in the world. Ladies in my age group, well ladies I know who are closer to 50, are starting to see husbands having heart attacks. For me that has been a wake up call. You don't want to stay angry for long because you realize every day is precious. You forgive quicker and more easily. I am finding myself becoming more understanding as well. He works really hard too so I am finding myself wanting him to slow down and take better care of himself because I want us to have many many more years together.

Married almost 18 years, and definitely still in love. My sweetie knows me like no one else, has my back like you would not believe, and is my absolute favorite person to be with.

Now, every now and then I need a little "alone" time, and I'm happy to have my own time and space, but you best believe I start to miss that big lug pretty quickly.

Sure, there are a lot of negative stats about the state of marriage, but like these other ladies can attest to there are also still plenty of us who feel happy, in love, and blessed in our marriages :yep:

ITA with the bolded completely.
I've been married a short time (14 weeks and 2 days and counting). :grin: I'm looking forward to sharing my story as the years go by. This is a lovely thread. :)
We are getting more and more like this. When you are young you think you have all the time in the world. Ladies in my age group, well ladies I know who are closer to 50, are starting to see husbands having heart attacks. For me that has been a wake up call. You don't want to stay angry for long because you realize every day is precious. You forgive quicker and more easily. I am finding myself becoming more understanding as well. He works really hard too so I am finding myself wanting him to slow down and take better care of himself because I want us to have many many more years together.

Exactly!!! This is exactly what I meant! The longer you're married and committed to each other, you let little stuff that might have annoyed you when you were younger, go. It's not worth it, no one is perfect, and it just makes the relationship so much better.

I really concentrate on my husband's good qualities, they outway the minor annoying ones that he has. It makes such a difference in my attitude about him and makes me see him in a totally different light.
Married almost 22 years and still very much in love. Like HoneyComb said of course you have your ups and downs, but that's life. He still makes my heart flutter. I feel really blessed.

Are you kidding me? From your profile, I thought YOU were 22! :lachen:
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Exactly!!! This is exactly what I meant! The longer you're married and committed to each other, you let little stuff that might have annoyed you when you were younger, go. It's not worth it, no one is perfect, and it just makes the relationship so much better.

I really concentrate on my husband's good qualities, they outway the minor annoying ones that he has. It makes such a difference in my attitude about him and makes me see him in a totally different light.

That's very interesting! I love these stories.
Exactly!!! This is exactly what I meant! The longer you're married and committed to each other, you let little stuff that might have annoyed you when you were younger, go. It's not worth it, no one is perfect, and it just makes the relationship so much better.

I really concentrate on my husband's good qualities, they outway the minor annoying ones that he has. It makes such a difference in my attitude about him and makes me see him in a totally different light.

So true! I love your attitude (it mirrors mine)!

Yes, she does appear much younger!!
Married 7 years (together 9) and still adore my husband. The way he loves, provides and protects our amazes me. We are committed to this marriage and our family. He is a mighty man of God. He has integrity and is so caring.... I could go on and on!! I agree with the other ladies, once you learn to put aside the little things and focus on the big picture, it's good!!!
Been married 10 years (6-26) and together 13 years, and more in love than ever. He still opens car doors for me, brings home flowers for no reason, rubs my feet, makes my coffee even though he doesn't drink it. We are best friends and would rather spend time together than with others. He met all of the things I prayed to God for, even his height. I prayed for a man who loves God and he was/is a Pastor when I met him. He always tells me he married up when we got married. He knows I don't really care to drive, so he'll take me where ever I need to go. I am so truly blessed!!
This is one of the most beautiful and encouraging posts I have read in awhile. As a recently divorced woman, I can only hope that the next time around I will be blessed enough to experience this. Thank you all for your posts!
Absolutely still in love, and the closer we both move to God, the more love we have for one another. But even above and beyond being "in love" is that fact that we CHOOSE to love one another. Having learned the difference early on in our marriage has helped us through the times when neither of us were quite so "lovable." :yep:
We're still happy and in love! We have been together for almost ten and married for 7 come August. We have our rough patches but they are rare. It helps to remember to keep up on the things that you did when you were first going out and caused the other to fall in love with you.
11 years in July and yes. We have been through so much and he has shown me, he really loves me for me. I battle with hypothyroidism and at it's worst, I was 100lbs heavier than when we first met. He never made me feel bad, and he never stopped making me feel like I was beautiful. I could go on and on but he is honestly my best friend, biggest supporter and the most wonderful father and husband in the world. Each day that passes, I look forward to spending another with him. Q