Manetabolism Users!

Me either :nono:. I bought a total of 6 bottles too. I'm on bottle 2 and haven't seen much growth, but have noticed less shedding. I guess that's something, but not the reason why I purchased the vitamins.

I've taken my pills daily and I'm not seeing any growth really. I have 9 days left on the 1st bottle. I'll finish the next bottle but to me I see no difference as of yet.
I stopped taking my vitamins for a couple weeks because I moved and they were in my shipment...I started up again yesterday.

Sent from my Snow White Frost Galaxy S4 using LHCF
Checking in. I have a noticed about an inch worth of new growth so far. I will post pics when I get to 30 days of using them. So far so good.
I've had my braids in for almost a week and a half, it looks like I'm seeing some new growth. Almost finished my 1st bottle. I have an odd # left so either I have an extra or was missing one.
I start my first bottle out of 3 tomorrow.

Added my bang length currently.

Picture taken 2 weeks ago


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Here it is!

I gained an inch and a half. Started my second bottle on the first but already missed out a day, when there is another good offer I'll be buying two more bottles! Three more inches to waist length, could be there by the end of July!

fell off major with these pills.
With my sister and my good friend getting married, I was super busy.

Starting back 100% tonight
Here's a pic of my new growth I just finished my 1st bottle. I've had these braids in since 5/28. Looks like good progress.

i'll finish my first bottle in 4 days. I dont really know if i got growth or not since im in kinky twists and it might just be slippage. But i measured the front and back before i installed and they were 12.5 and 11.5 respectively. Im not really shooting for an inch, im a slow grower and i usually only grow 0.3 a month so 0.5 would be an improvement. That would mean i would get 3 inches by the end of the year instead of 1.5. Ive also been drinking more water, taking my doctor recommended iron, and exercising moderately.
Checking in. Hopefully I've retained another .5" this month. Not totally sure since I skipped about one week. I will measure again when I'm done with my second bottle.
Another .5" This is good. Average growth rate is excellent for me.


Dd took the pic, so it's not that great, but you can see my hair reaches the thirteen now.

Sent from my Snow White Frost Galaxy S4 using LHCF
Did a mini length check i.e. I wasn't wearing the bra I was wearing for the first length check so it may not accurate and in 51 days, or one month and 3 weeks I've gained/retained 2.5 inches. I did also cut off 1/2 an inch last week because I had my summer ball and my ends looked a bit meh. So in total i've gained 3 inches in just under 2 months, triple my normal growth.

So exciting, I have two more bottles on the way, I'm (hopefully) going travelling this autumn, and I won't bring the pills, and want to cut off probably 2-3 inches of hair before or after I go just so I can start with fresh and perfect healthy ends. So, i'm hoping over the next two bottles I'll gain another 3 or so inches so when I chop i'll be where I am now + 1.5 inches of my normal growth rate but with perfect ends!
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My nails have been doing well with this product. I don't like em long, but I do keep cutting them, probably every two weeks.
Same here with the nails. They're also really strong. I clip them and it sounds like I'm cracking wood.

I've need a trim but I don't feel like straightening. I'm due for a lc. Its been 9 weeks since I've been taking the pills.
I'd planned to start on the first but I just started taking them today. Are people taking two at a time or splitting the doses?
I take two at a time. On her instagram page she says it doesn't matter if you take two at a time or split the dose. Whichever works for you.
Just checking in. Today I finished my first bottle. I have tons of new growth. I plan on relaxing June30/July 1 and then I will take pictures.
Yesterday on instagram i posted an update to my nails. I didnt tag the mane choice in the picture, I just typed a hashtag with them in it.

I guess they did a search and reposted on their page. Tell me why when some folks commented that their nails grown faster on their own, they took the picture down ?

I dont mind taking the picture down , its not like I asked you to post it anyways. It just made me feel like, you only want pictures up that seem like folks get extreme growth. So I feel leery about giving them any other free advertising.

My nails grow fast on their own but they tend to break quick. With a HSN supplement they grow quick and retain the length.

I will finish my 3 month supply and I'm thinking thats it for me. smh.