Manetabolism Users!

I've been taking them since early March. I have a lot of growth, at one point I measured 3" at the 1 month mark but I am trying to measure a different spot for the second month to see if I just measured wrong, measured the wrong spot, just delusional... any of the above basically. I take my braids out on May 17th... that will make 117 days that they have been in, I have kept them clean and I take out sections and redo them so I cannot honestly say exactly how much growth I have received because all of the braids have been redone at least 1, possibly 2 times. I have pics of where my hair was before I installed my braids and I will take pics of how it is when I remove the braids. But I am placing another order for more today. I was previously taking Hairfinity, At one point it did wonders for me but it has since lost its luster...
Month 1 almost done. I didn't notice too much growth, but my hair seems a little thicker and hardly any shedding :yep:. Come on growth!!!! :ohwell:
I jumped on this train. I've been taking them since the 14th. I got a weave on the 13th. It's definitely looser but I didn't want to watch my hair like a maniac. Here's my last lc from the apl challenge. I think it was March 30th.


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When are you all posting progress pictures. I'm debating whether I should start may 1st or keep at my hairfinity. I cancelled my auto ship but they sent me another so I have 2 bottles left.
When are you all posting progress pictures. I'm debating whether I should start may 1st or keep at my hairfinity. I cancelled my auto ship but they sent me another so I have 2 bottles left.

I'll check in between May 16th and the 19th.
I'm gonna update on June 1st. I think I already got decent growth but I can't really tell and I didn't take good starting pictures at all.
I don't want to attribute the growth to the vitamins because my hair does most of it's growing from the middle to the end of the month lol which is when I began taking the vitamins.
I re-took pictures yesterday with my crappy length check tee so I'll officially find out if I have more growth at the very end of next month/beginning of June.
I'll check in between May 16th and the 19th.

I'm gonna update on June 1st. I think I already got decent growth but I can't really tell and I didn't take good starting pictures at all.
I don't want to attribute the growth to the vitamins because my hair does most of it's growing from the middle to the end of the month lol which is when I began taking the vitamins.
I re-took pictures yesterday with my crappy length check tee so I'll officially find out if I have more growth at the very end of next month/beginning of June.

Okay. Cool. I keep seeing progress pictures on social media. So I'm anxious to see the results on the board. Thanks for responding.
I am stubborn and I'm taking both Hairfinity and Manetabolism. Hairfinity is INCREDIBLE and works well, but those Manetabolism results that I see on social media are undeniable. I got bangs cut to see if taking both vitamins was worth my while. Here is my 9 day length check.


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Nice results Whit! I am have to take one a day of the manetabolism because I have been breaking out :0 (. I do like the results thus far.
Got mine in the post yesterday, have to say I hateeee the smell. Blurgh, it smells like chemicals and gross stuff idk.

I'm on my second day today, I'm going to take both of mine in the morning :)

Starting photo is on my blog if anyone is interested :grin:

Fingers crossed i'll gain another inch between now and my 21st (Mat 31st) and another inch between then and graduation (early July).

If these work I could be at waist length in like four months ahhhh.
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Day seven here.

Anyone else notice an improvement in their skin?!
Mine is the best it's looked in ages, my boyfriend even asked why I was wearing make up to bed when I wasn't!
I purchased 2 bottles but have been in a sew in two weeks as of today but I have a pic that I will use to gauge progress. I started bottle 1 tonight. My other bottle is still at the post office. I will get that bottle soon.
I have been thinking about trying these. In the past when I've taken biotin if I didn't drink at least 2.5 liters of water a day, it gave me acne. Do you guys have breakouts from taking the pills?
I am very acne prone and haven't had any breakouts since taking Manetabolism.
I've only been taking them for 2 weeks though.
good to hear mrsrivers i was worried about acne.

i JUST ordered - after seeing results on instagram. hope it works quick and fast for me and all of y'all too!! :)
Almost four weeks. I will blow dry and do a lc at the 1 month mark next weekend. I'll be happy if it is .5 in that month.
still taking my vitamins. I'm half way through my 2nd bottle and don't see nearly as much growth that I see on the instagram page. My hair, scalp or whatever must be resistant as hayle, lol :lachen: . Anyhoo, I'm continuing to take as I did purchase a total of 6 bottles. Talk about a slow grower :nono:.
Excited to see everyones lc, please show them even if you've gained little. It'll be great to see some real results rather than ones just on instagram.

10th day so far :)
I'm starting mine today. Bored with the other ones.

ETA took my first 2 pills
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