Manetabolism Users!

Don't know if I'm crazy or inaccurate or what but I think my hair my have grown half an inch.

Although I am wearing a different bra to the one I did my length check in, which could easily explain it.

Excited for a real length check after my exams and around my 21st birthday :)

Day 11 :)
I took photos last night. I've been taking the vitamins for 27 days. I can't really say how much my hair as grown but it definitely has. I think I need a lighter lc shirt so I can actually see.


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I'm on day 4. I have no before pictures tho. But i did measure some strands last weekend. It's ranging from 6 to 7.5in.

ETA some areas are past 8. All over the place.
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I am on day 5 of the vitamins and my scalp has been itchy when it wasn't prior to taking them. I'm in a sew in so I can't really tell much about my hair at the moment. I washed my hair and cleansed my scalp and it's still itchy. Guess it's the manetabolism. Has anyone else had an itchy scalp since taking these?

My skin has started to improve though which is nice. So I guess when this sew in comes down at the end of June, we will see how my hair looks.

Sent from my SPH-L900 using LHCF
I can't wait to see the glorious reviews and pictures from this growth aid, lemme see of it's living up to the hype.
I have five more days.........

I dont think im going to post pics though cause im naked in some of them(my starting pics that was lazy
I am almost done with my second bottle, I will post official start pics at the beginning of month three. I trimmed about one inch prior to starting and gained 1.5 inches in certain spots my first month. I had to dust more off my ends this month, if I LOOK at my hair the wrong way I get split hair is thick but I have fine strands. I will post pics of the front/sides of my hair which grows the slowest. I bought a six month supply so I will TRY to document 4 solid months of growth. I have noticed a minor breakout since last week...4-5 small bumps, but my water consumption has been down as well. I also stopped taking my birth control, so I am not sure if the pills consistently affect my cycle.
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I grabbed a 4 month supply during the MD sale. Plan to start them in August when I run out of my current supply of Biotin.
Did a very unofficial length check last night, and it looks like I've gained an inch!
I can;t be sure though because I didn't double check accuracy, at the end of the month I'll do a proper length check to hopefully confirm the inch.

Today is day 14 :)
Channy31 that's great to hear :grin:. I've been taking mine about a 1.5 months and dont think I'm seeing the length that others are getting, but then again, I'm not properly measuring, just eyeballing :ohwell:. Anyhoo, are you taking any other vits in addition to this one? About how much water are you drinking per day as I'm sure this helps too? Thx in advance for you feedback :yep:.
I've never used the photo grid programs but here is my attempt to compare before and after photos. The bottom two were taken 4/13/2014 and I started taking the vitamins the 14th. The top two were taken 5/10/2014. I see at least an inch of growth where I normally get the average.

Channy31 that's great to hear :grin:. I've been taking mine about a 1.5 months and dont think I'm seeing the length that others are getting, but then again, I'm not properly measuring, just eyeballing :ohwell:. Anyhoo, are you taking any other vits in addition to this one? About how much water are you drinking per day as I'm sure this helps too? Thx in advance for you feedback :yep:.

I'm hoping my eyes are not deceiving me. I'm not taking anything else, I drink probably just about the recommend amount of water. I also exercise between 1-3 times a week and am pretty healthy which could contribute?

BTW i'm yet to get my tape measure out.. I feel like this is too good to be true. But fingers crossed for another inch :drunk:
I am a slow grower. I probably get 4" per year...which averages less than .5" per month. I have been taking these since the about a month. I have grown/retained about a half inch.

ETA: I still have three days left on my first bottle. I skipped a couple days.

Starting point


After 1 month.




I will begin checking this side. It wasn't this long before. It's probably grown about 3/4", but I have no comparison pics. This will serve as a starting point for this month.


Sent from my Snow White Frost Galaxy S4 using LHCF
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Hope this isn't TMI but has anyone else noticed that hair in other areas is growing faster too.

My leg hairs are growing like crazy.
Checking 60! I'll post "starting" pics soon. I have had to trim a few times in the last 2 months. I am going to officially track the next 4 months while I am on Manetabolism.
I finally received my 2 month supply today. I am so excited to start using it. Ill post pics when I see results.
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Finished a month.....took pics(will not show)....maybe I didn't drink enough water but didn't see any "abnormal" meh won't least for now
Finished a month.....took pics(will not show)....maybe I didn't drink enough water but didn't see any "abnormal" meh won't least for now

Thats a shame, but thanks for letting us know. I think it's important to hear from people that it hasn't worked for too, otherwise it's completely bias.

Day 23 checking in. May do another mini unofficial length check tonight as I have about 8 days left :)
Hmm, this is the first I've heard of these vitamins. I always thought Hairfinity and Viviscal were rip-offs for the price points. Lemme go read...

ETA: After reading the ingredients list and seeing how they have a "celebrity" with a full head of hair weave endorsing their product, I conclude that the only ingredients these vitamins have over most others like Country Life Maxi Hair, Futurebiotics, and others that cost under $10/bottle is the ginkgo, and the amino acids.

The price point is ok but you could just take a regular Walmart hair vitamin and add a BCAA (branched chain amino acids) supplement to it. These companies know Black women are obsessed with weaves (and therefore long hair), so they market get long hair quick vitamins (and products) to us. It's SO OBVIOUS!!!

And they are telling you info you already know, "vitamin deficiency is a primary cause of hair loss..." Anyone with common sense knows this. I'd take it as a grain of salt but do you. *Kanye shrug* I've never purchased any hair vitamins that were marketed widely to Black women except for Nioxin before it was discontinued and hit $100/bottle in price (I paid $13.99) and quit after one bottle cuz the results were nominal at best. I just hate to see our people shelling out money for stuff that likely doesn't work any better than regular vitamins.

On closer inspection, T. Taylor is wearing a LF or FLW. But old girl needs to check that unsightly forehead acne instead of dumping her money and image onto all things "hair." And I'm not hating, just saying. Nothing against her. She's cute, no homo--just making observations...and on to other news....

What vitamins have the amino acids? Do you just buy amino acid vitamins?
Day 25 here :) 5 days to go.. which also means 5 days till my finals at university are over, and 6 days till I'm 21. Exciting stuff!
I've taken my pills daily and I'm not seeing any growth really. I have 9 days left on the 1st bottle. I'll finish the next bottle but to me I see no difference as of yet.