First, you must have missed the part where I said...
Second, notice I said a family, not my family. So as far as the definition of a roommate, I live in a home with an unrelated male. If it's a sin, then it's a sin regardless of the circumstances right? He can have lust for me just like any other man since a man is a man right? And he's not family which would make that even more likely.
I wasn't trying to be deceptive (especially since most posters on this board know my situation). My point was you can't make an arbitrary ruling and not look at the facts and the context of the situation.
And like I said, in college I lived with unrelated males. Worked for me just fine especially since I had no other option. There was no sin it whatsoever.
Now maybe it'd be a sin for you or other people, but that doesn't make it so for everyone. And just because you don't think God is in a situation, doesn't make it true. You shouldn't speak with so much authority on where God is and what He's doing when you can't possibly know.
After this, I have nothing more to say on this subject. I have other things
msa, you knew what you were doing in this thread.
You just proved my point. You admitted that you began with your testimony about your male college roommates of which you are quite proud of and feel there is nothing wrong with. That's your choice. You are well entitled to it. However, it is also the world's standard, not the Body of Christ. It's for those who don't have a conviction about how it looks.
Later you came back with your opening statement of boldness that you were still living with a man unrelated. Directly after your college glee and straight into living with a man... unrelated. That's exactly how you wanted it to read. Otherwise you would have been up front about your foster family from the very beginning. That was your choice of the impression you wanted to relay.
NOW, with the same authority of and which you are so boldly speaking your support of
your 'college' experience (not your foster family which I most certainly respect), I can speak even more boldly and with full authority about the pure image of the Body of Christ simply because I have the word of God to back me up. Simple Fact.
And why would you try and project a negative image of your 'father' in your foster family? You're not proving a point relating to the roommate issue, by misusing him as an example. You said yourself, you are in a family.
Dear Lord, proving a thread point is not that serious, lending to dispagement of someone who gave you a home with his family as a part of his family.
In your 'efforts' to use him as an example relating to this thread topic, you are instead, projecting a negative image of a famiy man who loves you as his child or sister. Major difference from the roommate issue. Major.
This man whom you initially introduced as non family does not deserve the
roommate image that you've suggested about him. He loves you and your sister as family. How sad that you would project him otherwise just to prove a point in a silly thread. Totally and completely unrelated to the topic.