Luscious Healthy Ends Challenge 2022

Why do you say that? Even if you don’t have the same density, your hair can become healthier and look good.
My hair hasn't looked thick and full in a while. It keeps breaking which is why I've given up and just wear wigs. I'm tired of struggling with my hair but I don't want to give up on length goals. I still have a goal for TBL hair but as of now I cant even get past SL. I'm hoping by tucking my hair away will allow it to grow to the lengths I want.
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Come on @Napp ! I got work to do, too. I stick to stuff for 3 days, then I get tired. That's why we are here to support one another to reach places we may have NEVER seen or been to before! Get them hair feets dressed and ready. They are about to be on the MOVE!!!!

:walking: :walking: :walking: :walking: :walking: :walking: :walking: :walking: :walking: :walking: :walking: :walking: :walking: :walking: :walking: :walking: :walking: :walking: :walking: :walking: :walking: :walking: :walking:
If I could just get to full APL I will be so stoked! I haven't had longish hair for years(I kept big chopping) I was going to straighten my hair and give it a trim but I'm rethinking that because I want to cook for the new years. Maybe ill wait till Saturday or Sunday....
My hair hasn't looked thick and full in a while. It keeps breaking which is why I've given up and just wear wigs. I'm tired of struggling with my hair but I don't want to give up on length goals. I still have a goal for TBL hair but as of now I cant even get past SL. I'm hoping by tucking my hair away will allow it to grow to the lengths I want.

Can you show us a picture of your hair while guarding your privacy? Maybe someone here can spot something you can't see and provide some assistance! If not, I understand about not wanting to post a photo.
Here is the last time I straightened my hair in September. "Scuse my back, its problematic. As you can see my ends are janky. I am barely shoulder length.

I don't see your photo! To post the photo, you have to reduce the size, or it won't post.
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Here is the last time I straightened my hair in September. I edited out my back, its problematic. As you can see my ends are janky. I am barely shoulder length.
I'm sorry my friend, but you are SOLIDLY at shoulder length!!! In fact, I would say that you are BEYOND shoulder length. That hair in the middle of your nape, that is dropping in length toward your bra is saying to me, "Ms. Chicoro, I want to lead my sisters down to mid back, but our hair mommy keeps cutting me back."

For real though. What I see is someone who has hair that can grow, at a minimum, to mid back length. Your issue is not a 'hair won't grow' issue. Your challenge is, "How do I protect this hair so that it can gain length and thicken at mid back?". That's the million dollar question.

Now, tell me. Is your hair relaxed? Natural or texlaxed?

I do see that your hair may have some breakage from root to tip. But I could be wrong. If what I think I see is correct, that comes from wearing hair that does not agree with your natural hair. Hair extensions are made from nylon. The shape of that synthetic hair tends to be circular from root to tip. The average afro-textured hair strand tends to be elliptical in shape. That means that there is a inconsistency in the shape of the synthetic hair in contrast to your hair. That creates friction and eventually breakage on your hair.

Two options: Stop using synthetic hair all together. Or try to find some hair that is more compaticable with your hair strand shape.

I could be way off base here. What are your thoughts?
Wait a that...? @GettingKinky, I KNOW you not trying to sneak in and out of THIS thread!
You caught me! You are way too observant.

I don’t really have an ends routine- since I wear my hair curly all the time I never really see them.

Before my weekly wash, I wet my ends and apply olaplex 3 and let it sit for 10 minutes.

And I have a great curly stylist who I see every 4 months and she does a curl by curl trim. She is so patient and thorough - the trim takes about an hour.

Until I decide to straighten my hair- which I haven’t had done in 4 years my ends routine probably won’t get any more involved than this.

But I love @Chicoro threads so I’ll be hanging out.
You caught me! You are way too observant.

I don’t really have an ends routine- since I wear my hair curly all the time I never really see them.

Before my weekly wash, I wet my ends and apply olaplex 3 and let it sit for 10 minutes.

And I have a great curly stylist who I see every 4 months and she does a curl by curl trim. She is so patient and thorough - the trim takes about an hour.

Until I decide to straighten my hair- which I haven’t had done in 4 years my ends routine probably won’t get any more involved than this.

But I love @Chicoro threads so I’ll be hanging out.

THAT's an End Routine. You IN!
I'm sorry my friend, but you are SOLIDLY at shoulder length!!! In fact, I would say that you are BEYOND shoulder length. That hair in the middle of your nape, that is dropping in length toward your bra is saying to me, "Ms. Chicoro, I want to lead my sisters down to mid back, but our hair mommy keeps cutting me back."

For real though. What I see is someone who has hair that can grow, at a minimum, to mid back length. Your issue is not a 'hair won't grow' issue. Your challenge is, "How do I protect this hair so that it can gain length and thicken at mid back?". That's the million dollar question.

Now, tell me. Is your hair relaxed? Natural or texlaxed?

I do see that your hair may have some breakage from root to tip. But I could be wrong. If what I think I see is correct, that comes from wearing hair that does not agree with your natural hair. Hair extensions are made from nylon. The shape of that synthetic hair tends to be circular from root to tip. The average afro-textured hair strand tends to be elliptical in shape. That means that there is a inconsistency in the shape of the synthetic hair in contrast to your hair. That creates friction and eventually breakage on your hair.

Two options: Stop using synthetic hair all together. Or try to find some hair that is more compaticable with your hair strand shape.

I could be way off base here. What are your thoughts?
I am one year post keratin treatment. I am trying to stay natural but its hard for me. The keratin looked great at first but over time my hair broke off. My hair is about the same length it was last year this time so I didn't retain any length this whole year which is depressing. I hope that by staying away from the chemicals, not cutting off my hair and wearing wigs as my protective styles I can finally retain length. The longest my hair has grown was full APL so that's my 2022 goal. Then after we will see if I can get to BSB length.
@keranikki ,

Come out! Come out wherever you are! Speaking of bees, @keranikki has been busy as a bee buzzing in and out of this thread. This thread is like bees to honey. It's irresistible. Then it it becomes a trap. You've been found out. Bring yourself and those hair ends of yours on back to this thread. Because, well, we got you.
Lol, you got me! I was trying to stay in lurk mode. Once, I take some updated pictures, I will officially join.
Wooo weee! Somebody is looking Barbie Doll Pretty! I am so sorry about the situation with your hair. I personally enjoyed the TedTalk. If this is a TedTalk, then mine are Ted Dissertations. *You see how I brought the attention back to myself*...

Regarding stress, every year this girl I knew would lose her hair during finals, in December, when we were attending the university. So, her doctor put her on Vitamin B Complex - Stress Formula.

Vitamin B is not made by the body. It is necessary for the beating of the heart, which in my opinion, is a pretty important function. When you stress, you lose/deplete Vitamin B up to 3x more than normal. And when you low, your body has to choose where to put this precious nutrient.

Your body wants to keep you alive. So you body wisdom says,
"Alex, we are going to choose the heart, for $500!"

Hence, the hair and nails and skin might suffer.

Thus, it may be something to consider discussing with your physician about the appropriateness and the possible addition of Vitamin B Complex Stress formula, into your life.

We got you, though!
:cry3:Thank you for the suggestion, I will talk to my provider and even if she says no I’ll try it anyway. My hair has always been so so thick that I had to separate in 3 sections each side, now I can split her in half. I had a nightmare that all of my hair was an inch long except the front nothing wrong with short hair but in the dream I didn’t know how it happened and that was the nightmare portion.
Thank you ladies you all are the best, I missed being here. :blush::love2:
I am one year post keratin treatment. I am trying to stay natural but its hard for me. The keratin looked great at first but over time my hair broke off. My hair is about the same length it was last year this time so I didn't retain any length this whole year which is depressing. I hope that by staying away from the chemicals, not cutting off my hair and wearing wigs as my protective styles I can finally retain length. The longest my hair has grown was full APL so that's my 2022 goal. Then after we will see if I can get to BSB length.

I am sorry to hear that your hair broke off. I do understand that hair setbacks can be impactful and make one feel bad. It is good to know that your hair didn't break off closer to your ears. There is a blessing in the fact that your hair is not shorter than your starting length. You've made an assessment and have put some options on the table for yourself and a plan! Your hair is clearly on its way to armpit length. The hair has already dropped down to that length in some areas of your nape. I think your hair is an ideal candidate for Olaplex 0 and Olaplex 3. Now that we all know a small of your story, and where you are trying to go, we can support you in your journey within this thread. Thank you for sharing and entrusting us with the details of your story.


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:cry3:Thank you for the suggestion, I will talk to my provider and even if she says no I’ll try it anyway. My hair has always been so so thick that I had to separate in 3 sections each side, now I can split her in half. I had a nightmare that all of my hair was an inch long except the front nothing wrong with short hair but in the dream I didn’t know how it happened and that was the nightmare portion.
Thank you ladies you all are the best, I missed being here. :blush::love2:
We are glad to have you back. Even though this thread is a trap we can still help one another thrive! I'm sure you will do your research as it relates to Vitamin B Complex- Stress formula. That dream of yours sounds about right. At the beginning of the year your hair was thick, long and beautiful as usual. Then, some very impactful life incidents happened. On top of that you had a surprisingly bad experience at the hair salon that adversely impacted your hair. Although all of it transpired over a year's time, it still seemed to come out of nowhere. The great thing is that you are here with us who are located everywhere! Everywhere trumps nowhere. Thus, you are in a great place. The fabulous thing is once your hair situation stabilizes and your hair starts to flourish and thrive, you can strut on down that line and we all salute you! Hang in there.
I am sorry to hear that your hair broke off. I do understand that hair setbacks can be impactful and make one feel bad. It is good to know that your hair didn't break off closer to your ears. There is a blessing in the fact that your hair is not shorter than your starting length. You've made an assessment and have put some options on the table for yourself and a plan! Your hair is clearly on its way to armpit length. The hair has already dropped down to that length in some areas of your nape. I think your hair is an ideal candidate for Olaplex 0 and Olaplex 3. Now that we all know a small of your story, and where you are trying to go, we can support you in your journey within this thread. Thank you for sharing and entrusting us with the details of your story.
I actually have olaplex step one and two (I have a license) that I need to use up. Because it has two steps I don't typically reach for it. I will probably use that as my DC after I take out my braids. I also have Joico Defy damage Protective bond building masque that I need to use too. Maybe I will alternate them between washings. I was thinking of washing and rebraiding every 2 months but I might make it every month to get more washings in. I have so many products I need to use up....
I am one year post keratin treatment. I am trying to stay natural but its hard for me. The keratin looked great at first but over time my hair broke off. My hair is about the same length it was last year this time so I didn't retain any length this whole year which is depressing. I hope that by staying away from the chemicals, not cutting off my hair and wearing wigs as my protective styles I can finally retain length. The longest my hair has grown was full APL so that's my 2022 goal. Then after we will see if I can get to BSB length.

I saw this and wrote it down for myself. It is how to make a keratin hair treatment for natural hair at home. You can order the keratin and the glycolic acid from if you are in the United States.

Equipment You’ll Need •
Measuring cups • Mixing bowls • Thermometer • Stick blender/ High shear mixer Ingredients • 2 Cups (61%) Basic Conditioner • ¼ cup (15%) keratin • ¼ cup (15%) glycolic acid solution • 1 Tbsp (2%) vegetable glycerin • 1 ½ Tbsp (3%) marula oil • 1 ½ Tbsp (3%) avocado oil • 1 Tsp (1%) konjac powder

1. Gently heat using stove top or microwave 2 Cups of Basic Conditioner to 180F and remove from heat.
2. In a separate container, combine ¼ cup keratin and ¼ cup glycolic acid solution
3. Add the keratin and glycolic mixture to the heated Basic Conditioner while mixing with a stick blender or high shear mixer until fully blended.
4. Add 1 Tbsp vegetable glycerin, 1 ½ Tbsp marula oil and 1 ½ Tbsp avocado oil and continue mixing.
5. Slowly add 1 Tsp konjac powder by sprinkling into mixture while continuously mixing with stick blender or high shear mixer.
6. Mix until all ingredients are well blended.
7. Once the conditioner has cooled to room temperature, pour into bottles or back into original ½ gallon container.

Directions for Use
1. Apply after thoroughly cleaning hair. We recommend using Deep Cleansing Natural Hair Shampoo ( or Vital Skin Face & Body Wash.
2. Squeeze out excess water and apply a generous amount of the Keratin Treatment.
3. Leave on for 15 - 20 minutes.
4. Lightly rinse hair, just enough so that the Keratin Treatment is no longer visible.
5. Gently towel dry hair. If you want to let your hair air-dry, you will notice the shine and smoothness, but your curls should be intact and bouncy.
6. For straightening hair, blow dry completely until hair is completely dry.
7. Once hair is completely dry, use a straightening iron on high heat (410F or higher for best results).

I saw this and wrote it down for myself. It is how to make a keratin hair treatment for natural hair at home. You can order the keratin and the glycolic acid from if you are in the United States.

Equipment You’ll Need •
Measuring cups • Mixing bowls • Thermometer • Stick blender/ High shear mixer Ingredients • 2 Cups (61%) Basic Conditioner • ¼ cup (15%) keratin • ¼ cup (15%) glycolic acid solution • 1 Tbsp (2%) vegetable glycerin • 1 ½ Tbsp (3%) marula oil • 1 ½ Tbsp (3%) avocado oil • 1 Tsp (1%) konjac powder

1. Gently heat using stove top or microwave 2 Cups of Basic Conditioner to 180F and remove from heat.
2. In a separate container, combine ¼ cup keratin and ¼ cup glycolic acid solution
3. Add the keratin and glycolic mixture to the heated Basic Conditioner while mixing with a stick blender or high shear mixer until fully blended.
4. Add 1 Tbsp vegetable glycerin, 1 ½ Tbsp marula oil and 1 ½ Tbsp avocado oil and continue mixing.
5. Slowly add 1 Tsp konjac powder by sprinkling into mixture while continuously mixing with stick blender or high shear mixer.
6. Mix until all ingredients are well blended.
7. Once the conditioner has cooled to room temperature, pour into bottles or back into original ½ gallon container.

Directions for Use
1. Apply after thoroughly cleaning hair. We recommend using Deep Cleansing Natural Hair Shampoo ( or Vital Skin Face & Body Wash.
2. Squeeze out excess water and apply a generous amount of the Keratin Treatment.
3. Leave on for 15 - 20 minutes.
4. Lightly rinse hair, just enough so that the Keratin Treatment is no longer visible.
5. Gently towel dry hair. If you want to let your hair air-dry, you will notice the shine and smoothness, but your curls should be intact and bouncy.
6. For straightening hair, blow dry completely until hair is completely dry.
7. Once hair is completely dry, use a straightening iron on high heat (410F or higher for best results).

I don't know if ill go back to keratin again but thanks for this! The thing about the keratin is that it needs to be done regularly if you don't want breakage but I'm so lazy about doing them especially since I don't wear them for the straight hair look. I noticed my keratin treated curls have less longevity than my natural curls which is why I decided to go back to natural. But my keratin treated hair was more malleable and defined easier than my natural hair so its a trade off. If I do go back I will probably use Arosci Resturcturing foam (Amino acid treatment) or Pure Brazillian Clear (Keratin treatment). Those are some brands I liked in the past.