Luscious Healthy Ends Challenge 2022

After moisturizing with s curl I usually seal with Camille rose natural almond jai butter because its non greasy but I wonder if my hair is really being sealed due to its creamy consistency. My hair feels good and moisturized though so I wonder if I should bother changing anything.
Thanks doll @GettingKinky :kiss:

I've just used some SaschaJuan Overnight Treatment with a tiny bit of castor oil on the ends. I put my hair in a loose bun with no pins and donned my cap. I'm not planning on going out tomorrow so it will just stay like that all day.

I just checked my work diary, thankfully I have no meetings on my return to work on Tuesday, so my hair can just stay wrapped in my silk cap. Meetings for most of Wednesday though so I will just prep my hair for a bun and keep it that way for the week. I'll comb again on Sunday on wash day. I'm going to revisit my green smoothies again cause my growth rate just amped when I was taking them regularly.
Healthy Ends Tip: Measuring Your Hair

When measuring the hair for your starting point, please be meticulous with this all important process. That means, make sure you document EXACTLY how you measured and where you measured so that you can have a true reading at the final measure point.

  1. Place hair in sections that you can find and re-do anytime. Do not just choose random hairs in your head to measure. You are setting yourself up for failure and disappointment.
  2. Measure the hair from the root and to the end.
  3. Take a photo of that sectioned hair and write on the photo the length measurements of that area. For example, I do Bantu Knots and I take a photo and write on each bantu knot the length of the hair. I have a reliable record.
  4. Make sure you indicate if the hair is wet or dry or oily when you measure it. If I measure my dry, stretched hair, it tends to be a 1/2 inch or even an entire inch 'shorter' than if I were to measure it WET. I have to remind myself to measure my hair WET. That shows me the greatest length on my stretched hair that is not straightened.
Re-Braid Process

I do something else to my hair on a weekly basis. I don't wash my hair weekly anymore. I don't have the interest to do that or quite often, neither the time. So, I am washing my hair about every 2,3 or 4 weeks.

I re-braid my hair 1x per week, usually on the weekends, specifically on Sunday, as I have more time. Rushing always creates an opportunity for me to have unnecessary and massive breakage.

My Process:
  1. Unbraid hair. Saturate the the dry hair, approximately the last six (6) inches of hair with a protein fortifying product. Today I used my Aphogee Green Tea Reconstructor. I like to use Brazilian Keratin Leave -In but I can't always find it. I used to make my own concoction with Colorful Neutral Protein Filler but that 6.99 bottle costs $30.00 US dollars on Amazon France - NO THANKS! Recently I just purchased from AromaZone Keratin Protect. I will start to use that when I finish my Aphogee. AromaZone is a like a giant store with beauty product and natural ingredients, here in France. They have a store in Lyon, now. Point: Understand processes so you can use whatever products to which you have access work. Never, ever be product dependent. If they discontinue or change the formulation, for whatever reason, you will be in trouble. It is so important to develop and nurture Product Autonomy and Independence.
  2. Once I saturate the last six (6) inches of hair, I then spray the enter section of hair with plain warm water or a warm tea concoction. Most times it is just plain old water.
  3. Then I massage my scalp with a warm melted, Shea butter.
  4. I leave my hair in Bantu Knots and let it rest under a plastic cap.
  5. Then, I put Shea butter on my entire head and re-braid my hair.
aphogee green tea.jpgBrazilian keratin Nat Liquid .pngcolorful neutral protein filler.pngaroma zone keratin protect.png
Aphogee Brazilian Colorful Neutral AromaZone
Green Tea Keratin Leave-In Protein Filler Keratin Protect
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I really should be sleeping... there were so many posts that I needed to catch up on. This thread is hot and I'm going to have to come back and post (today's self) my routine and hopefully some pics.

*Squirms with delight in anticipation of Snoop's future, promised post with information and pictures to come!
Stops self and remembers, "Of course she's coming back. SHE CAN'T ESCAPE this thread" *

Yes, @snoop , come on back on your OWN accord. Keep believing you really are making a free choice. Yeah, okay.

(I am not using this right now as my hair is gaining length and I have lots of fragile hairs. It is not good for detangling or slip. It is GREAT for moisture.)

Coconut Milk Conditioner (DIY) Look at how that spoon stands up by itself: Rich and Thick! Try it for thirsty Hair Ends.

This is my homemade coconut conditioner. I make it and use it 1x per week. I heated it up this time and it felt sooooo good!

I make it so it does two things:
1. Lubricate the hair strands
2. Lay down the cuticles (DE-SWELL the hair strand is the correct term!)

I use coconut milk or coconut cream. I like coconut milk more because when I add guar gum, it forms more of a solid, thick substance. I use peanut oil because it is super greasy, too.

I think the box of coconut milk is about 200 ml. I use ALL of this at one time.

1. Easy to make
2. Thick and rich and greasy
3. Easy to find ingredients
4. Inexpensive

1. Very little slip when detangling
2. Doesn't smell good without adding scent
3. Can't keep in fridge, it goes bad

-coconut milk or cream (200 ml)
-guar gum (1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon)
-peanut oil (1/4 cup)
-citric acid (1/2 to 1 teaspoon)
-Water if needed to thin

Once blended, I pour it out and heat it up. Then, I doctor it up by adding olive oil and honey right before applying to my hair.Coconut Milk DIY Conditioner.jpg
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Joining! I don't have a set routine at the moment for my ends so I will look through for some tips! But I am planning on moisturising every night with water & Vatika oil and wrapping my ends regardless of what hairstyle I do now. The current condition of my ends is below - my hair is stretched but without heat in these photos. I did a quick trim in November of roughly 0.5-1 inch and most likely I will trim at the next 6-month mark if it's needed. Looking forward to seeing all the growth of everyone's hair this year!

I got my straightened for New Year’s Eve. Then I got doused by champagne at the celebration I was at after the ball drop countdown. :angry2: There went my blowout. Best length check I could do for now. I neglected my hair this past year because I had a lot on my plate. It was a rough year for me. I barely deep conditioned and it showed. I had to chop off 3 inches of hair because they were so thin. Lesson learned. Deep conditioning under the hooded dryer is a must for my hair. No ways around it. Conditioning in the shower isn’t enough.
@Chicoro all of your thickly greasy concoctions have done wonders for your hair. I’m curious - when you shampoo what do you use to remove it all, and how many times do you have to shampoo?

When I used that, it was as a conditioner. Thus, nothing was used to shampoo.

When I do want do break down the build-up, surprisingly glycerin/olive oil/Aloe Vera break it down. Or, I use a clarifying shampoo. I might wash it 2x. The only time want to get my hair squeaky clean is before a blowout and flat iron/press.

I will wash my hair and let it dry the day before and not use any leave-ins. Then, I will wash it again the next day and style it that day.
I got my straightened for New Year’s Eve. Then I got doused by champagne at the celebration I was at after the ball drop countdown. :angry2: There went my blowout. Best length check I could do for now. I neglected my hair this past year because I had a lot on my plate. It was a rough year for me. I barely deep conditioned and it showed. I had to chop off 3 inches of hair because they were so thin. Lesson learned. Deep conditioning under the hooded dryer is a must for my hair. No ways around it. Conditioning in the shower isn’t enough.
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You are solidly at collar bone length! Your hair is full and thick. Your hair is shiny and very dark. Some folks get bald spots and have hair that one can see through completely. You have some blessings here with this lovely hair. Let's see what happens in 2022 and let's all take it one day at a time!
Take it easy, Pretty Things. Tomorrow is the first start of a fresh, the first week of a new year. Some of us are rejoicing and skipping into others. Others are barely crossing over that line, dragging and slow. But it does it matter, you got here, though! Don't judge yourselves and let's be nice to us.
Here's a little treat. This is our very own Niko's Cousin. I am not sure if she is still here on LHCF and I don't know what her screen is here. She just mentioned to me in passing she is a former LHCF member.

Let's take in a moment to look at her Luscious Healthy Ends. They are magnificent!

I want to add more protein to my routine, but before I do I need to find a good moisturizing deep conditioner.

What's a good deep conditioner with no protein, mineral oil or silicone? Preferably with some slip.
Here's a little treat. This is our very own Niko's Cousin. I am not sure if she is still here on LHCF and I don't know what her screen is here. She just mentioned to me in passing she is a former LHCF member.

Let's take in a moment to look at her Luscious Healthy Ends. They are magnificent!

OMG I remember her! I want to say she was called redhotlala or something like that. I used to stalk her fotki! Beautiful hair! I am not too surprised she went natural.
I want to add more protein to my routine, but before I do I need to find a good moisturizing deep conditioner.

What's a good deep conditioner with no protein, mineral oil or silicone? Preferably with some slip.
We can tell you, but what's good for us may not be good for you. My suggestion is for you to start looking up products and look at the back of label on the conditioners, at the ingredients. Try to find one to three examples. After you've made some eliminations and picked what you think may be good then we can really do our stuff! Bring the selections back here and we can all talk about it. In the end, you'd have cultivated a skill for a lifetime. Being able to read and understand product ingredients gives a tremendous amount of autonomy and independence and freedom - except from this thread! No leaving. Period. :giggle:
OMG I remember her! I want to say she was called redhotlala or something like that. I used to stalk her fotki! Beautiful hair! I am not too surprised she went natural.
It looks like she's been stretching her relaxer for 28 months, or over 2 years and 4 months. Her hair truly is magnficent.
I just moisturised with Aveda Nutriplenish Daily Treatment. I split my hair into quarters and really focused on the ends. This is quite a heavy leave in for me, but that's okay I won't be having my hair down this week.
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I just moisturised with Aveda Nutriplenish Daily Treatment. I split my hair into quarters and really focused on the ends. This is quite a heavy leave in for me, but that's okay I won't be having my hair down this week.
That's the great thing about these kinds of challenges. They incite you to do things a little bit differently. Sometimes those tweaks create a windfall and cascade of positive results.
Tropic of Brittany on YouTube has great natural updos to protect those Luscious Healty Ends using twisted, natural, stretched hair.

I'm looking for a new sealant for my moisturize and seal regimen. I don't want anything oily or greasy though. I would continue to use Camille Rose if it wasn't for her taking my money and never sending me product. Now I have to find something else. Any suggestions?
I'm looking for a new sealant for my moisturize and seal regimen. I don't want anything oily or greasy though. I would continue to use Camille Rose if it wasn't for her taking my money and never sending me product. Now I have to find something else. Any suggestions?
She’s wrong for that! Taking your money. And not giving you anything in return.
I'm looking for a new sealant for my moisturize and seal regimen. I don't want anything oily or greasy though. I would continue to use Camille Rose if it wasn't for her taking my money and never sending me product. Now I have to find something else. Any suggestions?
Did you report her to your bank?