Luscious Healthy Ends Challenge 2015/2016

I'm going to get SSK no matter what I do but I'm trying to avoid splits. I rarely see any but I'm just determined to reach my length goal. So, I don't use heat regularly (only to check the length), and I use to trim my hair while wet. Lately I've been blowdrying it first and trimming dry. It seems easier now that it is longer. Do you guys think the heat would be detrimental if it's done monthly for a dusting. I use to trim bimonthly by the moon but the longer my hair gets it seems as though my ends need more attention. Maybe they are just really old ends. Could dusting monthly help to keep them healthier rather than waiting every other month?
Heat once a month is fine. That's usually what I do... the monthly trimming is ok too, but make sure you are dusting/micro trimming so that you don't lose length. Monthly micro trims will keep your hair thick from root to tip.
Hi @faithVA , I'm late, but I'd like to join this challenge. Here are my stats:

1. Are you relaxed, texlaxed, natural, transitioning, etc


2. Current Hair Length

3. Why are you joining this challenge?

My ends were awful and I had lots of breakage. I just got a serious trim last week that took me from MBL to APL. I'm on a mission to grow it back, but grow it healthy. I was stuck at MBL for 2 years, all because I didn't want to get a good I stopped getting good retention.

4. What have you tried to improve your ends?
Keeping my hair up in a bun. Staying away from heat, DC weekly, co-wash daily or every other day. Seal my ends with jojoba oil or grape seed oil. (LOC method)

5. What are you going to try to get those healthy ends?
Regular dustings to keep my ends healthy. And stay up on my DC's as mentioned above.

6. Will you update us 1x a month?
Yes, I will!

Monthly check-in! Still bunning (top-knots). I've been CWing daily and sealing with jojoba oil and Nourishspa condish (LOC). Dcing weekly...sometimes w/ heat, but mainly without heat. My ends are looking better. I won't dust again until the end of June.
Last night I moisturized with Neutrogena Silk Touch cream abd sealed with Cream of Nature Argan oil.

After I get back from the gym I will wash, dc and head to the salon for a blowout.
Ive been looking for this but can't find it. Where are you purchasing Neutrogena?
@faithVA; I'm late but I would like to join this challenge please. Here's my info;

1. Are you relaxed, texlaxed, natural, transitioning, etc: Natural.

2. Current Hair Length: BSL.

3. Why are you joining this challenge? Rough, dry, thinning ends that break easily.

4. What have you tried to improve your ends? Recently I started oiling the ends every night & sleeping with hair in 2 large twists. I avoid harsh chemicals. I rarely use heat, if I do it's very low. I switched to seamless combs and filtered water (our hard water was making my hair drier and more brittle.) I take hair vitamins. I have to trim often due to the thinning ends, which defeats my growth goals.

5. What are you going to try to get those healthy ends? Keep my current routine (oiling, twists, etc.) and add bi-weekly deep conditioning treatments which I've neglected due to a busy schedule. I've also started a healthier diet, rich in raw leafy green vegetables & fruits, protein, and more vitamin D (previously I had a deficiency in this nutrient).

6. Will you update us 1x a month? Yes, I will.
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Checking in, sorry it's been a little while but I've been ill for a couple of weeks.

I did a 0.5 - 1" trim all over at the beginning of May.

I have been suffering from crunchy hair with my usual M&S combo of African Pride LI/Elasta QP/EVOO/Almond oil so I am biting the bullet and switching to Mizani Butter Rich which always leaves my hair feeling amazing, with coconut oil and avocado oil.

I have realised a few things about my hair; It needs washing ideally every 4 days for ease of styling, softness and curl pattern. Dirty hair = dry frizzy unstyleable horribleness that can't accept or hold onto moisture. My hair NEEDS regular light/med protein - no noticeable preference so far as to type but egg always goes down well. Shampoo is not my enemy as far as my scalp is concerned, the jury is still out on the ends but I am erring on the side of caution for now.

Happy to report that some thickness is returning, I have a lot of new hairs sprouting, but accept that iit will likely take 2 years to get back to where it was.

Looking forward to reading back the last few pages and catching up with how everyone else is doing.
My friend gave me the info for her lady in Katy too. I am thinking about going to them soon. Please do tell how the Keratase goes.

This morning I am doing the GHE on my free fro, lets see how that goes!
I'd like to join :)

1). Texturized
2). SL (not yet full SL)

3). My hair has always been tangled so I get split ends from mechanical damage really easily.

4). In 2013 and 2014, I just ignored the splits and hoped I could grow them out. I did random protein treatments and DCd weekly. I cut about 1 - 1/2 inches off in January 2015.

-Biweekly protein treatments
-Trimming as needed with the Split Ender
-Finger detangling except when I need to stretch the NG for a trim
-Exclusive protective styling for the rest of the year
-Sealing with castor coconut oil mix
-Henna about once a month
-Add nettle tea to my spray bottle

6). Yes
I did some experimentation last week but I'm back to my usual routine and products. Every few months I get an itch to change, try it, don't like it, and remind myself why I do what I do.

I trimmed about a 1/2 inch from my ends while deep conditioning today. My last trim was in October I believe. Hopefully this trim will last me until the end of 2015 or beginning of 2016.
When dh compliments me on my hair I know I'm doing something right, because he rarely notices anything. Today he was like "Your ends look really even. You did a good job..." Hopefully I can maintain clean layers and an even hemline for the rest of the year.
I moisturized last night with Keratin Thermique. It's marketed as a smoothing milk for heat styling, but I like it as a leave in. I have a sample of this and 2 other smoothing milks.
I trimmed yesterday. I didnt see any splits but I want to work on taking off my bone straight ends and get on schedule with my texturizer. I did that last week.

Here is a pic of how my ends looked before trimming. This is lightly flat ironed hair on 310.

When wojld you say I need to trim or dust again? Is 12 weeks too soon?



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I washed, dc'd and styled today. I'm still waiting for my hair to dry now. I'm going to try a dry trim after my hair dries fully. I'm watching youtube videos now to see how different people do it.