Luscious Healthy Ends Challenge 2015/2016

Did a modified oil rinse today. On dry hair, I saturated with the last of my SD SWD and slathered broccoli seed oil on top. Hid under plastic cap and heat cap while doing morning/kid stuff. Rinsed off with hot water, sealed with ACV and loc. Did a weird twist/bun thingy and called it a day.
Tonight I moisturized with the aphogee green tea stuff, hv whipped cream and sealed with afroveda vata oil.
That whipped cream moisturizer is the best. I really hope it goes on sale soon bc I am almost out.
Im still doing good! M&S these braids daily. Today I used ApHogee Pro-Vit LI and Alikay Natural Essential 17 Oil
I got a few new goodies today. I sealed with safflower oil for the first time today and I'm in love. It's so much lighter than evoo and argan oil. It just glides over my strands and gives me crazy shine. I think it has ceramides too.

I'm looking forward to my next wash day (Monday) so that I can use my new Cream of Nature detangling shampoo. I got the old formula in the white and blue bottle. It smells so good! I added some argan oil and I might put some safflower oil in there too. I gotta make this last, because this formula has been discontinued.
I am going on deployment soon, and I have decided to go back to a minimalist routine. The last time I used EVCO, shikakai powder, QB BRBC, and OH J&B. This time I am probably going to get some cheapie conditioner to cowash and a moisturizer. That's all I really have time for underway. I might even get my hair braided so I don't have to worry about it for a few months. Decisions, decisions...

I have been practicing with a cleansing cream I have and a leave-in to see if my hair would thrive off this method. A few things I've noticed:
  • My hair (especially my ends) is very very moisturized, but not overly so
  • I have far less breakage than when I shampoo my hair first. Less tangles and less of my ends wrapping around forming knots
  • It only takes me around ten minutes max to clean*/detangle my hair:)

*Now about that cleaning. I don't know it it's a matter of my technique or if this cleansing cream isn't truly cleaning my scalp but I have found certain areas of my scalp just aren't getting as clean as I would like. I do want to spend less time on my hair because my primary goal during deployment is figuring out ways to maximize my sleep time. However, not at the sacrifice of good hygiene. I am going to keep on using this product and will report later. I might need to incorporate ACV rinses or something.
I just cowashed with V05. Then I moisturized with Darcy's leave in and also used some Eden Bodyworks Curl Defining Creme. I sealed with Jamaican black castor oil. I put my hair in about 22 medium sized twists. I'll probably pin up the twists for work tomorrow.
My ends look pretty good. I haven't noticed any split ends in my shed hairs lately.
I'm going to get SSK no matter what I do but I'm trying to avoid splits. I rarely see any but I'm just determined to reach my length goal. So, I don't use heat regularly (only to check the length), and I use to trim my hair while wet. Lately I've been blowdrying it first and trimming dry. It seems easier now that it is longer. Do you guys think the heat would be detrimental if it's done monthly for a dusting. I use to trim bimonthly by the moon but the longer my hair gets it seems as though my ends need more attention. Maybe they are just really old ends. Could dusting monthly help to keep them healthier rather than waiting every other month?
I'm going to get SSK no matter what I do but I'm trying to avoid splits. I rarely see any but I'm just determined to reach my length goal. So, I don't use heat regularly (only to check the length), and I use to trim my hair while wet. Lately I've been blowdrying it first and trimming dry. It seems easier now that it is longer. Do you guys think the heat would be detrimental if it's done monthly for a dusting. I use to trim bimonthly by the moon but the longer my hair gets it seems as though my ends need more attention. Maybe they are just really old ends. Could dusting monthly help to keep them healthier rather than waiting every other month?

I don't think heat once a month is detrimental. I do think if you dust every month you will cut away your length progress. If you are already at your length goal then a monthly dusting is fine. You may want to just search and destroy and then do a dusting every 2 or 3 months.

If you aren't seeing any splits, dusting monthly is too much.
This challenge is for everyone who wants to focus on healthier ends. We know our hair is always growing and that healthy ends are key to retention.

This challenge is for you if you...
1. had healthy ends but damaged them in some way
2. have ends that are dry, brittle, bushy
3. have ends that are thin, breaking or brittle
4. have breakage you just want to get rid of
5. have healthy ends and want to keep them that way
6. or fill in the blank

To join, post
1. Are you relaxed, texlaxed, natural, transitioning, etc
I am natural
2. Current Hair Length
neck length
3. Why are you joining this challenge?
I want to reach shoulder length, hopefully by the end of 2015
4. What have you tried to improve your ends?
moisturizing my ends with Shea Moisture JBCO leave-in conditioner and trimming every now and then
5. What are you going to try to get those healthy ends?
try to keep doing the above and getting idea from others online what others are doing
6. Will you update us 1x a month?

Retention is an ongoing thing so if you join please be committed to updating at least 1x a month.



Last night I moisturized with Neutrogena Silk Touch cream abd sealed with Cream of Nature Argan oil.

After I get back from the gym I will wash, dc and head to the salon for a blowout.
I'm going to get SSK no matter what I do but I'm trying to avoid splits. I rarely see any but I'm just determined to reach my length goal. So, I don't use heat regularly (only to check the length), and I use to trim my hair while wet. Lately I've been blowdrying it first and trimming dry. It seems easier now that it is longer. Do you guys think the heat would be detrimental if it's done monthly for a dusting. I use to trim bimonthly by the moon but the longer my hair gets it seems as though my ends need more attention. Maybe they are just really old ends. Could dusting monthly help to keep them healthier rather than waiting every other month?
I didn't have a problem with my ends and I did that. Just a light dusting with do.