I always thought I had medium porosity hair, butconsidering what's been working for me in my regimen I think my hair has low porosity so I'm adding my stats.
--Share your hair background
I have fine 4a hair. I went natural 9 years ago because my relaxed hair was in really bad shape. My natural hair was always dry, and never grew past my collarbone. I tried so many different things to retain length, but because I struggled with styling my hair I liked to keep it straightened with rollersets and braidouts for easy styling and avoided moisture since it would cause my hair to revert.
In summer 2012 I got my hair texturized b/c if my hair wasn't going to get any longer, I at least wanted hair that was easy for me to style. After that I started doing wash and gos daily, either worn loose and curly or put up in a curly puff. After 2 months I thought my hair looked a bit longer, and by my next touch up 3 months later my hair was definitely longer
. I've stuck with this regimen ever since.
--What symptoms is your hair exhibiting?
Dryness and crunchiness unless I'm very heavy-handed with moisture. Crunchiness if I use heavy products on my hair.
--What have you tried that worked?
Wetting my hair daily. I don't co-wash daily since I find that makes my hair too mushy, but I will at least rinse my hair with water. My hair likes light leave-ins and moisturizers, like Cantu shea butter and ORS olive oil, applied to soaking wet hair. I follow with light oils like EVOO. I use light gels like Fantasia and the purple Miss Jessie's to style. I've also gotten great results from baggying/GHE.
--What have you tried that did not work?
Products like JBCO/castor oil and butters are a no-go for my hair, but I will use a little bit on my ends sometimes. Using moisturizers alone also didn't work for me, my hair has thrived when using a light oil after my leave in and moisturizer. Long-term protective styling also doesn't work for me. A few years ago I spent an entire summer in cornrows thinking I would retain length since I was constantly protective styling
No such luck - my hair needs to be soaked with moisture daily.
This is a great thread! Off to read some of the older posts now