On break
I had to leave town for a funeral and didn't get a chance to wash my hair before I left. Thankfully, my wash n go from last Sunday is still going strong, which surprised me. My family keeps complimenting my hair, so I need to do long term wash n goes more often.
To maintain at night, I band the right front section with a cut headband and band the rest in the back in two sections with two Satin scrunched each. I've used water (shower) or a water spritz with oil and a little leave-in to moisturize each day.
I keep trying to upload pictures, but I get an error. When I get home, I'll just post to my blog and upload that way.

I can't wait to see pics!
I had to download a photo resizer app and reduce my photo size to something like 75% before I was able to upload a photo.