Loving God, Your Neighbor, and Yourself.

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
I think we are all familiar with this passage from Matthew 22:36-39:

"Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself . . . . .'"

I am wondering - in addition to being women of God, we are wives, mothers, sisters, daughters, friends, professionals, etc., etc. When I find myself getting overwhelmed by demands on my time from outside sources, I remind myself that part of the commandment is to love my neighbor as myself . . . the Lord did not leave us out of the equation. So, I'm wondering, how do you balance (or, more appropriately, juggle) all of the demands of loving and serving God, being a good neighbor to others, and a good friend to yourself?

Please chime in - I am anxious to hear your comments!!!
I'm not totally sure what you're asking, I mean I understand your words, but something is missing for me.

Daily you deal with people (family, friends, people on the job etc.) love them as God would have you love them. Lets just say you've had a very busy day and you don't feel like being bothered and one of your friends call with a very urgent need. What do you do? Will you blow them off or will you take the time to be the shoulder for them to cry on setting aside your own personal need for rest and relaxation. It's little changes like that which makes the difference.

I use to be really selfish with myself and the Lord had to teach me to be more patient, loving and kind with others. He always reminds me that It's not about me, but it's about him and people need to see him through me because I am his light in the world. Think about them. As you begin to give more of yourself to others you won't have to ask the question how can I do this because it'll start to come naturally.

I hope this helps.