How was church...Come and share your sermon topic and notes

Ohh, I like this thread! We are going through the book of Isaiah. Sunday's topic was Lucifer (Isaiah 14:3-21 and Ezekiel 28:11-19). Basically we talked about where Satan came from, what he's doing now and where he's going. There were LOTS of other small references included, but I don't actually have my notes with me at the moment to record them all.
Service was very good today!!! We are continuing on our sermon series Conquerors and today a guest minister came to preach. The title of the sermon was called "Conquering is Just a Part of His Plan"
We read from Joshua 1:5-9
God has a plan for our lives! We have to intimately know God in order to know our purpose.
Embrace God's plan for our lives
Conquering is apart of God's plan for our lives
Matthew 11:28
We have something to do in order to reap the promise of God. We must first be obedient .
The promise is based on the condition of obedience
We have to have raw dependency on God, we can not conqueror without God.
God will bring us to trials and obstacles that we can't get out of to make us depend on Him
Respond to the call in faith and not in fear
Fear and faith can not mix together, we have to operate in faith in order to be a conqueror.
We have to keep pressing even if we don't see it ,trust God in the process!
Notes taken from Bible study yesterday, this church I have been going to for Bible study have been doing a three part series on faith. Yesterday was the last part of the series.
We started out last night talking about: What has to be on one accord?
We talked about the mind, heart, and mouth which are our faith applied to any situation.
First we looked at Proverbs 18:21 and looked at "Death and life are in the power of the tongue. Mouth is apart of faith application through the things we speak. The negative and positive things we say.
The mind and heart are interchangeable
We looked at Matthew 12: 33-38
We are the tree, a tree is known by its fruit, the fruit we produce.
Words are very important, but what is really important is the heart. God wants us to rely on Him. Your heart is the symptom of your mouth.
We looked at Ezekiel 37:1-14 where God was asking Ezekiel questions to see where his mind was. When God wants you to apply your faith He is going to help you apply your faith. So you know who God is!
Valleys in life- we have to make up in our mind that it's not the end of your situation, we have to speak to the situation as if it is already done.