A major key element to all that is mentioned above is patience. If you don't have any patience you are going to learn how to have some or your hair will suffer becaue you will do something to it just because you bored, frustrated or just don't want to continue to do what you are doing. This is not to say that is will be easy, but nothing ever worth having is easy to obtain. You are going for not only a goal but it is a lifestyle change which means not only your habits regarding your hair but also your mindset has to adjust.
Anytime you get anxious may I suggest you step away from anything that will be a drastic change. Determine if you really want to make the irreversable change or are you just bored or frustrated.
Don't let your emotions determine your hair practices or style. Women of color need to learn patience about their hair because we have always been sold quick fixes for our hair and our hair and we as women have suffered for generations.
There will always be something new, something quick, something to make dealing with your hair easier and even some new discoveries on this board, many of these may not be bad things. Learn now by noticing the ladies with length many of them don't seem interested they keep it simple and continue on with what they are doing.
Be patient and methodical with your hair and when you are in those as I call them valley times, then change your focus to something or someone else so that your hair does not suffer the consequences.
Find those things that will work for you now, continue with them and/or adjust when your hair tells you. You have to remember this is an adventure and a lifestyle now and it will have twists and turns, mountains and valleys.
Happy growing!