**Long Hair Secrets**


New Member
So, ladies what are your secrets to your hair growth?? I think mostly I can credit my hair growth to protective styling (weaves). But, now I will be taking it out and I wanna here more tips and secrets...:grin:
I like to rinse or cowash every three days. My scalp stay itch free. Twist helped my hair grow good. LOW/no manipulation.
I heat castor and amla oil and lightly oil my scalp and massage for few mins. This has really helped my hair grow, on top of eating Eggs E-V-E-R-Y-D-A-Y.
Thanks ladies, keep em coming :)

BTW- what is K.I.S.S.???

Keep it simple, sista'!

Don't get pulled into all these recipes and other things that work for other ladies. Once you see your routine working stick to it. some people need to make all these extensive concoctions, but a lot of ladies I've seen with LONG hair don't do much of that. So just find out what works for you because the simple regimens are easy to keep up every day, and are nicer to your check book.
Gracias GoingNatural,

You reaffirmed what I was thinking. I was going crazy trying to think of my own concoction but, then I was like forget it. I can't even begin to do that.
Keep it simple, sista'!

Don't get pulled into all these recipes and other things that work for other ladies. Once you see your routine working stick to it. some people need to make all these extensive concoctions, but a lot of ladies I've seen with LONG hair don't do much of that. So just find out what works for you because the simple regimens are easy to keep up every day, and are nicer to your check book.

This is the truth!!! It is so rare that I add new things to my reggie. I learned a long time ago its usually not worth it.
My secret used to be box braids. That took me to SL (yeah I know not long) but I never made it there before. The longest was ear length.

Anyway tried the braids years later and didnt get the great growth I got from them the first time.
Thank you so much ladies. Your replies have been really helpful to me. Just pray for me because Saturday morning is D-Day. I am getting my real hair done after 10 years of weaves braids, and ponies. :)
Low heat (8x/year) and co-washing 3x week. Also leaving in a regular conditioner and wearing my hair up (usually a bun).
(1) Moisture rich products:yep:
(2) Handle the hair gently as if it were silk:yep:
(3) Protective styling:yep:
(4) Keep my regimen simple:yep:
It's a secret..I can't tell!

--My only secret is wearing waves. I leave the crown and edges out. But whoo chile, it has helped me retain so much growth. I love it.
Staying away from the scissors when trimming or cutting isn't needed.

yep--that's why I have pics from dang near 10 years ago to illustrate that my hair has pretty much stayed the same length because I would "trim" 3-inch chunks because it had been "6 weeks," because I wanted to pre-emptively combat split ends, and because I worried about drying time if my hair was longer (wet ends in rollersets = more heat to get them straight = split ends), etc. Craziness:drunk:.

LHCF is helping me learn that I can handle longer hair.
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Keep it simple, sista'!

Don't get pulled into all these recipes and other things that work for other ladies. Once you see your routine working stick to it. some people need to make all these extensive concoctions, but a lot of ladies I've seen with LONG hair don't do much of that. So just find out what works for you because the simple regimens are easy to keep up every day, and are nicer to your check book.

ITA....I believe the basics transformed my hair.....deep conditioning, buns/half wigs, and S-curl saved my fried dyed and laid to the side hair!:lachen:
I like how all of these things are simple and most people can do them. It's not the creative complicated stuff. Obviously, keep it simple is the way to go.