Long hair and intuition


Well-Known Member
I stumbled upon this topic today and wanted to know your thoughts. I read an article.. too long to post here… but it hinted that long hair increases one intuition and serves a purpose. the article mentioned how an experiment was done with indian men who were trackers of the military during vietnam war. these indian men with long hair were better able to detect and use their intuition to help the military versus the indian men whose hair was cut short in a military type haircut. There are other subjects which also hint that long hair as seen often in women makes one more sensitive to the environment and is almost like a sixth sense. I also saw a youtube video on this subject wherein a male discussed having his hair grow out and seeing an increase in his creativity, perception etc. Women's intuition was also hinted as being a result of many women having longer hair in comparison to men. I thought it was very interesting.
I think this could have some truth since it sometimes takes a bit of intuition to grow the hair in the first place. Maybe your intuition is exercised.
Very interesting!
Was talking to someone a few weeks ago about this. Haven't checked his facts but he said that men in the navy can have hair/beards because of their ability to navigate better when they have hair. Hmmmm....dunno.
I know some of what you're referring to in regards to the Native Americans with long hair used as trackers. When a few cut their hair to maintain the military look, their tracking abilities suffered. Not only that but they scored lower on their fitness exams which they'd once aced.

Personally, as an esoteric spiritualist, I believe that your hair is an extension of you and an expression of your inner self. Kind of like Avatar tails lol

Hair is a sacred personal gift that we are blessed with. Especially those of us with that beautiful Ether 9 curl. Our big hair that grows up and round, forming a sphere bright like the sun. With Sun kissed Brown faces to match.

Black hair is magical, that's why it takes such care to grow. Nothing beautiful and unique ever came fast and easy.

If hair were not important it wouldn't be used as one of the dividing lines amongst black people.
People have always believed that long hair is a sign of mental strength and power.

There may be some truth to it?
Maybe people who seek long hair (a self-selected group) are more likely to have higher intuition versus longer hair giving you more intuition. Also, maybe those who cut their hair and lost their hair were simply super attached to their hair/culture and lost confidence when it was gone and not that the hair had intrinsic powers. Correlation does not equal causation. Statistics/Psychology 101, folks! :yep: