(LONG) All my progress gone and Im Bald! (pix)


Active Member
About 2 weeks ago I was in a terrible accident and fractured my c-spine.

I had to have emergency surgery which in order to perform the doctor had to shave the bottom of my head close to the hairline :cry3: While I was in the hospital I was on mandatory bed rest. I wasnt allowed out of the bed for ANYTHING for fear that any movement would cause further damage to my spine. So, while on the 2 week bed rest my hair became extremley matted and tangled. :sad:

Upon returning home I tried to wash and conditon what was left of my hair but it was so tangled I could barely get the comb through it! Plus, my hair was just falling out in clumps! :whyme: So, I managed to pull my hair into a ponytail and attached a fake ponytail onto it and a headband.

Im just so devastated about my hairloss! I dont know wether to cut it short and start over or try and salvage what I have left :confused: What makes the situation worse is that I have to wear a cervial neckbrace for the next 3 months and my neck is so sore that any movement to my neck like combing my hair, braiding, washing is so painfull! What is a girl to do? Any advice or suggestions are appreciated!

PS- I am extremley happy to be alive and very thankful that I was not left paralyzed after this accident. But, Im also saddened by my hair and thought this would be a wonderful place to recieve some hair support. Thanks for listening ladies! :kiss:

First off, i am very sorry about your accident, that must have been really horrific!
I had to run in here to look because i have always thought your hair was very inspirational...
Is that a post surgery picture in your siggie? (the one where you have shorts and a white top?
sorry if this is a silly Q
Hey girl!

I'm so sorry about your accident and your hair troubles! I'm glad that you're okay. I'm wishing much luck and many blessings on a safe and speedy recovery.

Have you considered maybe getting some braids put in? They're very easy to maintain. You could follow the crown and glory method. All you need is some braids spray and some infusium 23(or something else if you prefer). You can wash once a week or even once every two weeks given your condition. They're very low maintainence and you can still style(if you like) without having to worry too much about your hair. IMO, braids would be easier and you also will be able to give your hair a rest and allow it to grow with minimal manipulation and relieve yourself from having to stress about maintaining a short cut. As long as you keep your braids (and your hair) moisturized, your hair will be fine and it will thrive. The following is the link to the crown and glory method:


Another alternative is to cut your hair short. Even with a short cut, you will still need to maintain if you want to keep it healthy. However, it sounds like and also looks like your hair can be saved. Good luck with whatever you do decide and please take it easy.
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Wow! So Sorry about your accident. Thank God you are alive:) Maybe you could have someone braid your hair into cornrows or tree braids and leave them. It would be one less thing to worry about. I will say prayers for you:D
Sorry to hear this but i'm glad you are physically OK.

Your hair will grow back, so don't worry too much :kiss:
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Oh, wow, I'm so sorry to hear of your accident!! I'm so glad you're still with us! :kiss:

I've known a few people who have experienced hair loss after major surgery. I don't know if it's because of medications, anesthesia, stress, or all of it combined. I have no advice in that area, but maybe some of the RN's or other medical professionals will give insight.

Is there anyone that can care for your hair and keep up with your regimen while you're recovering? Applying moisturizer & an oil then scarving might help. ...after reading the other posts, braiding sounds like a good idea as well.

The thing I have noticed with my friends who lost their hair was that it grew back, one person even thicker. My prayers to you for a speedy recovery, and also warm loving vibes for your hair health.
Wow, I'm so sorry about your accident, but happy to hear you are ok. YOu have my sympathy regarding your loss of hair :cry:
Naturellle said:
Hey girl!

I'm so sorry about your accident and your hair troubles! I'm glad that you're okay. I'm wishing much luck and many blessings on a safe and speedy recovery.

Have you considered maybe getting some braids put in? They're very easy to maintain. You could follow the crown and glory method. All you need is some braids spray and some infusium 23(or something else if you prefer). You can wash once a week or even once every two weeks given your condition. They're very low maintainence and you can still style(if you like) without having to worry too much about your hair. IMO, braids would be easier and you also will be able to give your hair a rest and allow it to grow with minimal manipulation and relieve yourself from having to stress about maintaining a short cut. As long as you keep your braids (and your hair) moisturized, your hair will be fine and it will thrive. The following is the link to the crown and glory method:


Another alternative is to cut your hair short. Even with a short cut, you will still need to maintain if you want to keep it healthy. However, it sounds like and also looks like your hair can be saved. Good luck with whatever you do decide and please take it easy.

I agree with what she said.
I am really sorry to hear about the accident and the hair challenges! I pray you recover very soon.
Glad to hear that you're okay!
How terrible!
Glad to see that you will be making a full recovery
And I'm sure your hair will grow back, no doubt.

Anyhow, I'm just glad to hear that you are okay!
OMG! I am sorry to hear about your accident, but you are so blessed to be alive! I agree about the braids? Are you married? Maybe your husband could help with the spraying and all that. If you could get a couple of people to do the braids at once, then the time that you have to sit at the shop would be lessed. Nothing like LIFE to put things in perspective. You grew your hair once, you can do it again! I would concentrate on you getting better! That's what's really important!
So Sorry to hear about your accident. But please don't worry about your hair. Hair grows back.

I am praying for 100% speedy recovery for you!
First of all, praise GOD that you do not have any severe injuries than could have resulted in lifetime paralysis. That's a blessing in itself! From what you have describe, God kept you! You have a testimony. Now as far as your hair is concern, I know that it is devasting, but it will grow back. A dear friend of mine went through breast cancer at the age of 38 about five years ago. Instead of watching her hair fall out in clumps, she shaved it off. Now her hair is back to past BSL. If they have shaved a portion of head already, you may want to consider shaving the rest. I know that it's hard, but it will com back healthier and pretty that ever.
sorry to hear what happened. i hope you have a speedy recovery. i know you know but keep in mind that God allowed you to be here. hair will grow back. the physical state that you are in is temporary, thank God! just try to remember that you are truely blessed girl. try not to concern yourself with vanity. you'll be back to your old self soon. all praise be God:)
You are so blessed to be up walking right now. God is great and has something in store for you. As for your hair I would suggest braids as well. I think they will help you to because they are low mantinence and all u have to do it keep them moistured. Do a search and find out more about braids and how the ladies around here keep their hair up during them. I wish I knew what I did now when I had micros I think my hair would be way past APL, BSL now. Good luck to you over the next few weeks. A cervical injury is real serious so take care of yourself you have a lot of people praying for u and support here on the forum.
First of all, if the hair loss is too great as to make you feel embarrassed about it, I would recommend wearing a wig for a while. Have you ever heard of E.V.P. It is a hair treatment that is used for anyone suffering from hair loss due to surgery, medication, or hereditary reasons. My girlfriend who had awful hair loss when she had surgery back when she was in her twenties used this last year. She started using it a few weeks prior to surgery and kept using it for three months later. She didn't suffer any hair loss this time around and she said her hair actually got healthier. I read somewhere where women who were undergoing chemotherapy used EVP and it actually slowed down their hair loss while doing the treatments. Try it!
Thank God you are okay. Your hair will grow back. A friend of mine had to have surgery and they shaved some of her hair and the rest of it matted up while she was in ICU. So she cut it all off and now she has the thickest and healthiest hair ever. It will grow back. I agree with the other ladies maybe some loose braids. Wishing you a speedy and full recovery.
I am so sorry that this happened but I am glad that you are alive!!! I will be praying for you. For your hair if you have stylist your trust I would go in and get it washed, deep conditioned etc... and like the other ladies suggested I would opt for braids. You don't want to have to worry about styling your hair during this time when you should be recovering. I pray that you have a speedy recovery and I am sure your hair will return to health.
I am very happy that you are okay, that is a real blessing! I am not sure that you would be able to do braids because they take so long to do, but maybe someone could help you wash your hair weekly or twice a week and do a protective style of some sort like a french roll or french braid that you could tie up at night and take down each wash.

From your picture you don't look bald to me, looks like you still have more hair than I do:look:
janeemat said:
First of all, praise GOD that you do not have any severe injuries than could have resulted in lifetime paralysis. That's a blessing in itself! From what you have describe, God kept you! You have a testimony. Now as far as your hair is concern, I know that it is devasting, but it will grow back. A dear friend of mine went through breast cancer at the age of 38 about five years ago. Instead of watching her hair fall out in clumps, she shaved it off. Now her hair is back to past BSL. If they have shaved a portion of head already, you may want to consider shaving the rest. I know that it's hard, but it will com back healthier and pretty that ever.
I agree with this. I saw shave it off. You are already one of the luciest people in the world to have survived tis accident. Its these times when you realize hair is just hair. Cut of off and start over! I know its hard but as others have said you will gain thik, healthy hair. I also remember reading another member who was in the hospital and drank carot juice everyday...he hair grew back quickly and thick!!
:( awww. As everyone has said already, soo happy that you are alive and well. Accidents are the scariest thing ever, because no matter how well you take care of yourself, you cant prepare for accidents.

As far as your hair, I dont know you, or know of your journey, but it seems as though you have mastered the technique already. You know what needs to be done. I would honestly cut it to even it out, and begin again when you are well enough. Yoy mentioned that your neck cant handle the combing etc, so it may be too soon to consider braiding. Once you are strong enough, I'd opt for that for a while until you decide your next step. Glad youre alive. :)
I'm thanking the Lord you're ok!

I would cut to shorter and then have it braided. It's best to go with a low maintennance style for the next three months.
I will pray for your speedy recovery, and agree on pretty much what has already been said, give yourself time to heal, :rosebud:so that you can prevent any possible relasp, then start to give your hair the attention it needs to recover also,:rosebud: and of course you know their is a ton of support :) and a wealth of knowledge from all the wonder ladies here:Rose: :love: :kiss2:
I am happy to hear you made it through the accident. I was in 2 car crashes between March 20 and April 12. I am happy to be alive as well. So I know how it feels to go through a car accident.

Take care of your health first then worry about your hair.

It will always grow back. Talk to God and let him know you are happy to live for one more day. (if you haven't already)

As for hair options...you have PLENTY of choices! It is summer..so if you was to get a hair cut and do wash and go's all summer...hair growth should be plenty!;)

Don't worry...
I'm very glad to hear your ok. The hair....well....it does grow back. I've lost my hair twice to chemo and it definitely came back. I think this is why I have a different attitude about it anymore.

But you're not your hair, though its nice to have!! Cute, funky hats, scarves and wigs were my best friends for a LONG TIME!

I guess it would depend on how much they shaved off. If its not a lot then try using a scarf until the area fills in. But, if you're going to have problems with basic care of your hair because of your injury, and you don't have someone you trust to do it for you, then you may want to give serious thought to just start over.

Glad you're doing better!

I'm sorry to hear about your accident, but I'm very glad that you're still with us. What happened to your hair must be very upsetting, especially since your hair was so gorgeous. I agree with the ladies here, braids might be a good option for a while as your hair starts to grow back. Since braids can last for 2 months that should give you some time to weigh your options without having to deal with daily styling.
Be assured, your hair will grow back. In the meantime I hope you make a full recovery.
I'm glad to see you're doing better ((( hugs )))

You had a lovely healthy head of hair before and you'll have one again... braid it up until you are in better condition to take care of it and then decide... if you wanna cop, then cop.
Vaqtea, I'm also glad you are OK. Your health is more important. The hair will grow back just like it did before.

I agree that you should get into a low maintenance hairstyle like braids until your neck are more mobile. But right now you shouldn't be doing too much that requires you to stress your neck. Good luck and I had a few inches chopped off last June, One year later I'm back to that same lenght. I was devasted but that only thought me that it'll grow back eventually.

Take care