(LONG) All my progress gone and Im Bald! (pix)

Well great thing you're okay. The great thing about hair is that it grows back. But your life is a one time thing. So use this opportunity to nurse your hair back to health, and perhaps this time it might grow in even more beautiful!
I am so sorry to hear about your accident. What a Blessing that you are still with us. In the scheme of things, having to get your hair cut is not important at all. It's very important that you are alive and on the mend. You hair will definitely grow back. It's going to take a lot of patience to heal and to grow your hair back, but it will happen. Blessings on a full and speedy recovery!:Rose:
Wow. I am glad that you are a live and well. A friend of mine and aunt had brain surgery. My aunts was in the front of her head, my friends was in the center. They both just let the sort patches grow out. I wouldnt cut it, just let it grow. if anyone has something to say about why there is a bald patch, then they can come see ME about it....
Vateqa, look at you thinking of hair at a time like this!:D You are truly blessed!;) I'm glad that God protected and preserved you. I know that when we work so hard on having beautiful, healthy hair...we get a little...well....OBESSIVE!:lol: :grin: But your health is far more precious! You know India Arie said ...."I am not my hair~:look: I'm sure she's never been on LHCF though!:lachen: Take care of your body & healthy hair is GUARANTEED to follow!;)
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Aww Vaqtea, thank God u came out of your accident in one piece. Will be keeping you in my prayers for a speedy recovery. As for the hair, i'll leave the advice to the experts here at LHCF.
Someone posted a funnel to wash hair in the children's section. It maybe helpful in your situation as well.

I think a good option would be crown and glory with cornrows. It doesn't take long to do cornrows so they won't cause as much as a strain on your neck. You can even put a wig on over it if you wish.
vaqtea said:
About 2 weeks ago I was in a terrible accident and fractured my c-spine.

I had to have emergency surgery which in order to perform the doctor had to shave the bottom of my head close to the hairline :cry3: While I was in the hospital I was on mandatory bed rest. I wasnt allowed out of the bed for ANYTHING for fear that any movement would cause further damage to my spine. So, while on the 2 week bed rest my hair became extremley matted and tangled. :sad:

Upon returning home I tried to wash and conditon what was left of my hair but it was so tangled I could barely get the comb through it! Plus, my hair was just falling out in clumps! :whyme: So, I managed to pull my hair into a ponytail and attached a fake ponytail onto it and a headband.

Im just so devastated about my hairloss! I dont know wether to cut it short and start over or try and salvage what I have left :confused: What makes the situation worse is that I have to wear a cervial neckbrace for the next 3 months and my neck is so sore that any movement to my neck like combing my hair, braiding, washing is so painfull! What is a girl to do? Any advice or suggestions are appreciated!

PS- I am extremley happy to be alive and very thankful that I was not left paralyzed after this accident. But, Im also saddened by my hair and thought this would be a wonderful place to recieve some hair support. Thanks for listening ladies! :kiss:


I'm so glad that you are alive, may God bless you and restores your health, strengh and your hair too!
vaqtea said:
About 2 weeks ago I was in a terrible accident and fractured my c-spine.

I had to have emergency surgery which in order to perform the doctor had to shave the bottom of my head close to the hairline :cry3: While I was in the hospital I was on mandatory bed rest. I wasnt allowed out of the bed for ANYTHING for fear that any movement would cause further damage to my spine. So, while on the 2 week bed rest my hair became extremley matted and tangled. :sad:

Upon returning home I tried to wash and conditon what was left of my hair but it was so tangled I could barely get the comb through it! Plus, my hair was just falling out in clumps! :whyme: So, I managed to pull my hair into a ponytail and attached a fake ponytail onto it and a headband.

Im just so devastated about my hairloss! I dont know wether to cut it short and start over or try and salvage what I have left :confused: What makes the situation worse is that I have to wear a cervial neckbrace for the next 3 months and my neck is so sore that any movement to my neck like combing my hair, braiding, washing is so painfull! What is a girl to do? Any advice or suggestions are appreciated!

PS- I am extremley happy to be alive and very thankful that I was not left paralyzed after this accident. But, Im also saddened by my hair and thought this would be a wonderful place to recieve some hair support. Thanks for listening ladies! :kiss:


I haven't read the whole thread and honestly, I don't know if my suggestion will work but but I wanted to chime in and say I'm so happy that you are okay. What an ordeal!!! Thank God you made it out of that situation. Your health is definitely more important than your hair (even as beautiful as it is). Take care of your body first and make sure your spine is gently cared for. If it hurts to brush or comb, you may want to get someone who will patiently and very gently comb and detangle your hair and then get it cornrowed so that you don't have to mess with it at all at least for the next couple of weeks.
Health: God has blessed you. Things could have been a lot worse as I work in Physical Rehab. I hope you have a speedy recovery.

Hair: As other posters have said, try to get someone to help you with your wash/style. I know for a c-spine surgery, they probably did not shave a large portion of your hair so it may not be necessary for you to shave the whole head/start over. When that section heals, the hair will grow back sooner than you think. In the meantime, a maintenance style like braids...I agree with.

Hope you feel better.:Rose:
Cayenne0622 said:
I haven't read the whole thread and honestly, I don't know if my suggestion will work but but I wanted to chime in and say I'm so happy that you are okay. What an ordeal!!! Thank God you made it out of that situation. Your health is definitely more important than your hair (even as beautiful as it is). Take care of your body first and make sure your spine is gently cared for. If it hurts to brush or comb, you may want to get someone who will patiently and very gently comb and detangle your hair and then get it cornrowed so that you don't have to mess with it at all at least for the next couple of weeks.

I agree. I'll pray for you to have a speedy and full recovery (((HUGS)))!
I'm very sorry to hear about your accident. In a case like this, hair is not important. As your health and strength gets better, your hair will grow back.
I agree with getting someone you love to gently detangle your hair and cornrow it up. That way it can be up for a few weeks.

Good luck mama and glad you are okay!
I am really glad to hear that you are doing ok and survived that terrible accident! When I had surgery many eons ago, the anesthesia and the chemo made my hair fall out. The nurses told me to eat as much as I could even if I wasn't hungry if I wanted my hair to grow back. After it finally did start growing my aunt kept it braided for me.

After your body resets itself your hair will come right back.

Good luck and God bless you with a speedy recovery.
I'm sorry this happened to you, look at the positives you are going to be ok, it could've been worse, you are alive and healthy and your hair will grow back, I wouldn't give it to much thought at the moment just get healthy and rest, your hair was long and beautiful and you have the knowledge to achieve the length so when you are better health wise just start over fresh and enjoy the journey, god bless:)
wow...ur so blessed to be alive....im glad ur okay...like the other ladies suggested, braids or cornrows would be good to put in...........
i hope you feel better chica
sorry about the accident.. I think braids/ cornrows are the best bet. Hope you get well soon ;)
[SIZE=+1] Like everyone said......sorry about the accident. But thank God you're alright.

I know losing you're hair is hard but one thing for sure it will grow back. Braid it up and leave it alone. Worry about getting better. Your health is more important.

Take care and God bless! :)
Hi vaqtea :wave:

I'm Sorry about your accident and hair loss :cry3: I am glad you are okay and don't worry about your hair it will grow back even healthier than it was before.:yep: and like the other ladies, I agree with getting braids/conrows. God Bless.

You know what? You are blessed. Don't even worry about that hair right now...I am certain it will grow back better than before.

Until you get your confidence back, why don't you buy a lace front? Check on BHM in the LF section and ask the ladies.

To your recovery.... :-)
I'm sorry to hear about your accident. I suggest what another poster said, consider braids until you're okay enough to get back on a routine hair regimen. It's a low maintenance way to keep your hair out of the way while you're healing. And I know we're not going through it, but don't worry too much, concentrate on getting better. Your hair will grow back.
vaqtea said:
About 2 weeks ago I was in a terrible accident and fractured my c-spine.

I had to have emergency surgery which in order to perform the doctor had to shave the bottom of my head close to the hairline :cry3: While I was in the hospital I was on mandatory bed rest. I wasnt allowed out of the bed for ANYTHING for fear that any movement would cause further damage to my spine. So, while on the 2 week bed rest my hair became extremley matted and tangled. :sad:

Upon returning home I tried to wash and conditon what was left of my hair but it was so tangled I could barely get the comb through it! Plus, my hair was just falling out in clumps! :whyme: So, I managed to pull my hair into a ponytail and attached a fake ponytail onto it and a headband.

Im just so devastated about my hairloss! I dont know wether to cut it short and start over or try and salvage what I have left :confused: What makes the situation worse is that I have to wear a cervial neckbrace for the next 3 months and my neck is so sore that any movement to my neck like combing my hair, braiding, washing is so painfull! What is a girl to do? Any advice or suggestions are appreciated!

PS- I am extremley happy to be alive and very thankful that I was not left paralyzed after this accident. But, Im also saddened by my hair and thought this would be a wonderful place to recieve some hair support. Thanks for listening ladies! :kiss:

Girl, don't you worry about that hair, it will grow back. All that matters is you're alive and not paralyzed.
To echo what everyone else has said, I'm truly happy that your made it through alive!

As far as your hair be confident that it will grow back, because your grew it long before. Now your armed with the skills, it will probably grow back thicker and longer.

Plus, I have a feeling if you focus even more on your health (mental and physical) and recovery, and use this opportunity to focus on your blessings, your hair will be back sooner than later.
Thank God ur ok and I wish u a speedy recovery...I agree with most on having someone braid up ur hair...dont worry ur hair will grow back in no time