(LONG) All my progress gone and Im Bald! (pix)

Sorry to hear about your accident be strong! My cousin was in a wreck 2 yrs ago breaking 2 bones in her neck the same ones Christopher Reed broke. The nurse said she NEVER knew anyone that had the breaks & wasnt paralized she wore her halo for 3-4 months & stayed in the hospital 2 months. But anyway my prayers are with you but she got braids & her hair has grown back now to where it was prior to the accident.
I'm happy to hear that you're okay now. Your health and being alive is far more important than hair. Hair grows back, and everything will be okay! You have us here to help you along the way :).
crlsweetie912 said:
OMG! I am sorry to hear about your accident, but you are so blessed to be alive! I agree about the braids? Are you married? Maybe your husband could help with the spraying and all that. If you could get a couple of people to do the braids at once, then the time that you have to sit at the shop would be lessed. Nothing like LIFE to put things in perspective. You grew your hair once, you can do it again! I would concentrate on you getting better! That's what's really important!

Say that again.
Nothing like LIFE to put things in perspective. You grew your hair once, you can do it again! I would concentrate on you getting better! That's what's really important!

take care sweetheart !!
I am soo sorry this has happend to you. It will grow back, it just takes time. I'm glad that it wasn't worse than what it could be.

Just comb your hair as gently as possible. that is really the only thing that i can think of.
I am sorry to hear about your accident, but I am glad that you were able to walk away from it! I understand your frustration with losing some of your hair, I would pretty upset if that happened to me. Just as others have said, you grew it once and you can do it again. Right now, you have more important things to focus on. Take care of yourself and when you're ready to start the hair journey over again, we'll be right here to help you :) .
thank god your ok. i'm wishing you a speedy recovery. sorry to hear about your hair. i hope it grows back twice as long and thick.
glad to hear that you're ok.

hair grows. we can all testify to that. you'll be back on track in no time...
Hopefully you can salvage what you have left. Braids are a good idea, or maybe a friend or family member can help you wash, condition, comb, and moisturize until it becomes less painful for you. Hopefully your neck will be less sore very soon so that you can comb and wash without pain.
guesswho said:
I'm sorry this happened to you, look at the positives you are going to be ok, it could've been worse, you are alive and healthy and your hair will grow back, I wouldn't give it to much thought at the moment just get healthy and rest, your hair was long and beautiful and you have the knowledge to achieve the length so when you are better health wise just start over fresh and enjoy the journey, god bless:)

ITA :)
{{{{Hugs Vaqtea}}} Take care of yourself sweetie and God bless :)
vaqtea said:
About 2 weeks ago I was in a terrible accident and fractured my c-spine.

I had to have emergency surgery which in order to perform the doctor had to shave the bottom of my head close to the hairline :cry3: While I was in the hospital I was on mandatory bed rest. I wasnt allowed out of the bed for ANYTHING for fear that any movement would cause further damage to my spine. So, while on the 2 week bed rest my hair became extremley matted and tangled. :sad:

Upon returning home I tried to wash and conditon what was left of my hair but it was so tangled I could barely get the comb through it! Plus, my hair was just falling out in clumps! :whyme: So, I managed to pull my hair into a ponytail and attached a fake ponytail onto it and a headband.

Im just so devastated about my hairloss! I dont know wether to cut it short and start over or try and salvage what I have left :confused: What makes the situation worse is that I have to wear a cervial neckbrace for the next 3 months and my neck is so sore that any movement to my neck like combing my hair, braiding, washing is so painfull! What is a girl to do? Any advice or suggestions are appreciated!

PS- I am extremley happy to be alive and very thankful that I was not left paralyzed after this accident. But, Im also saddened by my hair and thought this would be a wonderful place to recieve some hair support. Thanks for listening ladies! :kiss:


IMO i'd say for now leave it long. Dont know about you ...but for me shorter hair takes more manipulation and thats the last thing you need. When your neck is feeling better, it gets its strength back, and the brace comes off then maybe cutting wouldnt be a bad idea. although keeping it long...itll take a while but you'll still be able to nurse it back to health just like you're doing with the rest of your body right now.

Either way remember your hair is gonna grow back. We all know hair growth is a delayed gratification...but we all know in the end...we'll haved that long hair we want or once had and want back. And you're already in the habit of taking such good care of it so growing it all back or just simply nursing it back to health will be easier maybe then when you first started your hair journey.

I know how down you must be and i know you've heard this about 1,000 times...but it could've been so much worse and thank goodness your ok and walking, and recooperating, and thats you're even able to be here typing to us right now!

Good luck
My heartfelt sympathy for the shock, loss and everything you are going through.The very best to you. Life is a blessing and a challenge and I know all the ladies feel deeply for you in this very trying time.
I'm so sorry to hear about your accident, but very happy that you survived it!
I will be adding you to my prayer list.

Oh, and I wouldn't cut it all off. I would see if I could get someone who is very gentle to braid it.
aww.. i'm glad you survived everything and are doing better. i'd just keep deepconditioning. don't shave your hair if you don't have to. i had to wear a neck brace for a week and it bugged the living crap out of me so i feel your pain. Hang in there, most importantly you're still alive and health. never forget that.
I'm sending well wishes your way, hon {{{hugs}}}. I can't tell you if you should cut your hair or just leave it be so just pray and the lord will give you an answer. He brought you out of that accident alive and he will show you what decision you should make in regards to your hair. Good luck to a speedy recovery -- all around.
Anethesia does in fact cause some people to loose hair after surgery. I would recommend anyone who is going to have surgery be sure to include Brewer's yeast prior to surgery. It aids in wound healing. I know this as a fact because I once had a huge bruise on my arm due to having an IV come out of the vein and fluid accumulated under my skin to the size of a baseball. It was huge (about 5 inches round) black, blue, green and red. Within 5 days the bruise was gone. I also recommend using EVP 3. In fact I just ordered some for myself. I thought if it works good for those having chemical treatments or surgery, it might be a good thing to include in my regular regimen. Here is some information on it. Also have any of you guys tried it. My girlfriend uses it and her hair seems to be very healthy. She had and none of her hair came out this time around, not like it did the last time she had surgery. Here's the EVP 3 information:

E.V.P.3 Chemaid has been clinically proven to not only prevent but to correct and reverse many major hair problems caused by hereditary factors, medication, stress, poor diet, environmental pollutants and to correct excessive breakage and damage caused by alkaline cosmetic hair preparations used for perming,tinting,bleaching and hair relaxing.
Thank God that you are well and can share this story with us. Your hair will grow back to its previous glory. Be strong and stay encouraged. Thanks for sharing your story because we all can benefit from each other's positive energy, and by posting your experience, you are also sharing your strength with us. This too, shall pass.
Glad to hear you're okay and that there will be no permanent damage. Braids were suggested by many, but they seem like they may put to push pressure on your neck and scalp. especially during the hours you'd have to sit to get them done.

I suggest that you cut it short. The positives to this would be: low maintenance haircare, less hot hair hanging on you during the summer months, and a chance to try out really cute short hairstyles. Ever wondered if you'd look good with a Halle Berry short do? Now could be the time to try it out. You could even go natural for a while if you've ever been curious as to what that'd be like ;) (of course I'm biased towards this since I'm natural).

Then after your neck feels stronger you could get cornrows and start wearing wigs. Whatever you decide, I hope that you feel better and know that your LHCF family is with you. I'll say prayers for you. :)
I hope you have a speedy recovery. sorry to hear you were injured. I don't know what to suggest. I would think to avoid pain shave it all off. Only because with it bald there is very very low maintience (sp)and I don't know how much you can take having your head pulled this way or that with getting braids and cornrows. You can have a large braid on the side something easy to maintain and keep from getting tangle you can wash it like that and just rebraid the one braid to the side. I am not sure how important you feel you need the length right now. I think its really about how much you can physically endure. If you can tolerate it cornrows would be best. I wish you lots of luck on your decision. Get well soon.
OMG! So sorry to hear about your accident. I always admire your siggy pics btw. My own hair issues seem so silly now.....

My vote is for cutting and starting over but I'm sure that wil be even more traumatic....

GL with your health and hair!
Glad to hear that you're okay vaqtea. :wave:

It may be possible to save the rest of your hair just baby it until you can nurse it back to health, the rest will grow back in no time.
I am so sorry to hear about your accident. Like the ladies said, thank god you are alive. As your hair. Braid it up and forget about it. Seriously braid it up. The less that you have to do right now the better. Plus you can still get the benefits for a protective style.
Sorry to hear about your accident. Glad to hear you are able to walk. Your hair is secondary, it will grow back. Your health is all you need to be concerned with right now. Get well soon.
I am so glad you are better(Thank God)!

Your hair will regrow even faster than before, think positive and pray

God Bless
Wow! You are SO lucky to walk away from that!! I agree that braids can give a well deserved break from worry about your hair.You continue to take care of yourself.:kiss: