(LONG) All my progress gone and Im Bald! (pix)

Edie said:
First of all, if the hair loss is too great as to make you feel embarrassed about it, I would recommend wearing a wig for a while.

I am so sorry this happend to you. I really wish you a speedy recovery. I went through surgery and lost alot of my hair. I agree with Edie that you could use a wig. I has surgery on my neck and I too could not do too much with my head. So I used a wig until it got better.
Yes, you are INDEED BLESSED to be alive and well, with all your limbs, senses, and sensibilities. :) I still have compassion for your hair situation though, and I don't think it's wrong for you to be disappointed about it, even amongst all the things you have to be eternally grateful for.

My recommendation is to get a nice trim, DC, and get your hair braided into some simple cornrows, and slap a wig on it like some of the other ladies have suggested. I do this with my hair and it's one of the easiest, healthiest things I've done for my hair. Good luck with everything...I'm sure this will all work itself out. Try not to worry.:o
I am so sorry to hear about your accident and I hope that you are doing well with your recovery. I wish you the best with your hair decision and health. :)
Before anything else... I'm glad you're ok. Thank God!

Your hair will fall into place soon, I wouldn't worry about that too much.