Loneis Fresh Relaxer-Is it getting Thinner?


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies, its my 3 month update again. I self relaxed and self trimmed my hair with my usual procedure. I decided to wrap it to see it straight and length check as I always leave it curly. Unfortunaley it seems to be slightly thin in the middle at the bottom in the back, depending on the photo so I'm a little confused. This is the reason why I cut it over a year ago and it seems to be happening again. This may be attributed to the fact that I have a few relaxer burns and some of the hair is stuck to my scalp in that section
(it always happens-every relaxer burns me as soon as I apply it). Or me finding it hard to detangle the middle section when wet (it still has lye relaxer at the ends) and that I have been trimming only every other relaxer (and a minute bit at that!). Im not going to do another major chop as its not as bad as last year (July pics) but I may begin trimming at every relaxer. Someone just left a comment and stated that I shouldn't do a major chop as her sisters hair grows the same way. Is that really possible that you middle could grow slower or just be thinner than the rest? On closer inspection of older fotki pics, it appears to be happening over the years, e.g. Pic 1 from Apr-June 2004 Album, Pic 9 from March 2006 Album and the worst is Pic 3 from July 2006 Album (but that one is due to heat/improper care with rollersets).

Could my hair actually grow this way? Help me out!

Thanks and God bless!

Check out my fotki-December 2007 at the bottom
First, I have to say that your hair is beautiful and I see no reason to chop. :yep:

It is possible for a section of hair to thinner, slower growing and different from the rest. I have a spot almost in the same section that you have that is "rougher" than the rest of my hair. I am not sure if it is the result of the way it grows or some leftover damage to the cuticle from an old texturizer. I do know that this section gets really tangled more than any other part of my hair.

With my hair though, it isn't that this part grows slower -- I realized over time that it was problems with detangling that led that section being thinner & shorter & even rougher than the rest of my hair.
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Your hair is really pretty...
It seems like it probably just grows faster on the back sides than in the middle...kind of the opposite of how some people hair grows in a u or a v shape. It will just be a personal preference as to whether u even it up in the back, but u cant even tell at all when its curly.
I left a rather long-winded comment in your album that says pretty much the same thing as ravenmerlita.

Another point to take into consideration is that IRL your hair never looks like it does in photos. You're moving, some hair hangs to the front, some to the back, etc. so even though there is a teensy-weensy difference in length, it is never noticeable to others and is easily attributed to your moving around.

Just re-evaluate your detangling techniques and how you apply DC and moisturizers to the back and adjust if necessary. But most of all, don't go chopping off your hair.
First, I have to say that your hair is beautiful and I see no reason to chop. :yep:

It is possible for a section of hair to thinner, slower growing and different from the rest. I have a spot almost in the same section that you have that is "rougher" than the rest of my hair. I am not sure if it is the result of the way it grows or some leftover damage to the cuticle from an old texturizer. I do know that this section gets really tangled more than any other part of my hair.

With my hair though, it isn't that this part grows slower -- I realized over time that it was problems with detangling that led that section being thinner & shorter & even rougher than the rest of my hair.

I realized I think this is an issue I've been having...and I'm going to utilize that last piece of advice. I think I've been so concerned with the right and the left, the middle has been neglected.
Lonei, you've made such beautiful progress over the years! I don't think you should cut it all at once either. Do you happen to sleep on your back, or tie your scarf in the back, pressing on the scalp in the middle? I was just wondering, because it seems to me that my hair grows slower on the side I sleep on, and pressure from my tie-down in the front has thinned my hair in that area.

I suggest that along with your other activities to even out your hair and protect it during relaxing, that you massage your scalp daily, concentrating on the areas that are slower growing. HTH
Lonei, you've made such beautiful progress over the years! I don't think you should cut it all at once either. Do you happen to sleep on your back, or tie your scarf in the back, pressing on the scalp in the middle? I was just wondering, because it seems to me that my hair grows slower on the side I sleep on, and pressure from my tie-down in the front has thinned my hair in that area.

I suggest that along with your other activities to even out your hair and protect it during relaxing, that you massage your scalp daily, concentrating on the areas that are slower growing. HTH

Hey, no I dont slep how you described but I'm greatful for all the compliments and advice you ladies have given...
I have a similar issue with that exact area. I think the detangling has to have something to do with it b/c I did not have this issue at APL. I've cut once but its still there....decisions decisions. Its not an issue when you wear your hair curly as you do, but I prefer mine straight, at least some times.
I have a similar issue with that exact area. I think the detangling has to have something to do with it b/c I did not have this issue at APL. I've cut once but its still there....decisions decisions. Its not an issue when you wear your hair curly as you do, but I prefer mine straight, at least some times.

...maybe we'll form a club for Aries chicks with middle hair issues...
Lonei, you've made such beautiful progress over the years! I don't think you should cut it all at once either. Do you happen to sleep on your back, or tie your scarf in the back, pressing on the scalp in the middle? I was just wondering, because it seems to me that my hair grows slower on the side I sleep on, and pressure from my tie-down in the front has thinned my hair in that area.

I suggest that along with your other activities to even out your hair and protect it during relaxing, that you massage your scalp daily, concentrating on the areas that are slower growing. HTH

@ the bolded: I do that and I noticed that I was having the same issue as Lonei. I recently cut my hair back to shoulder as a result. I couldn't stand it anymore. I was holding on for the whole year hoping for improvement. Although there was improvement, I know a cut would speed up the process. I'm definitely changing the way I wear my scarf, massage that more and add extra conditioner to that area.

Anyhoo, Lonei personally, I think that your hair is beautiful as always. I notice space in some pics and I don't notice it in others(especially with the curly hair pics). I say just nurture you hair a little more and wait to see if your hair improves. I'm definitely cosigning the advice provided in this thread with respect to caring for your hair.
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Lonei, you've made such beautiful progress over the years! I don't think you should cut it all at once either. Do you happen to sleep on your back, or tie your scarf in the back, pressing on the scalp in the middle? I was just wondering, because it seems to me that my hair grows slower on the side I sleep on, and pressure from my tie-down in the front has thinned my hair in that area.

I suggest that along with your other activities to even out your hair and protect it during relaxing, that you massage your scalp daily, concentrating on the areas that are slower growing. HTH

My hair in the middle was growing very slowing. I recently figured out it was due to my scarf tied in the back. I just bought a velcro satin wrap in place of my scarf.

Lonei your hair is beautiful and I cosign with the advice in this thread. Also, keep that area moisturize.
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Hey Lonei! First off your hair looks great and it's really grown! It is possible that your hair grows that way. Mine does and I've struggled with it for years. For some reason the middle is always shorter and it's confusing. At one point a small section in the middle was like 2 inches shorter than the rest:sad:. It's better now than it used to be but still there. I would not do a big trim though. I did that not long ago and I was left with hair just below bsl and it still grew back in the same way. I would just do frequent dustings until it catches up and pay extra attention to that section as far as moisturizing, manipulation, dc's and protein. Hope it all works out!
Thanks ladies, you all have really put my mind at rest, not that it really concerned me like it did last year but still, its nice to know you guys understand. I think it may be a growth pattern also with the detangling, i just didn't notice it until someone flagged it up and I looked back at old pics. Thanks!
:bighug: to Poka and MissTress.... y'all Non-Aries can be down with the club...:yep:

I do appreciate members sharing their issues and offering advice ...

I recently asked Sareca about my left side issue...then I realized that I always apply product and focus on my right side before my left...now I know to start with my left first, then go to my right so that side isn't neglected...

then I saw this thread and I'm like dang, that sounds like me too:ohwell:...and I thought about the doo rag scarf that I tie around my head and sleeping on my back...and I don't really think about that area the way I do the other parts of my head...now I know to be more conscious of the middle going forward. I think I'll focus on that area first when applying conditioner/moisturizer/etc., then the left, then the right....

anyhoo, good thread lonei:yep:...we know that we aren't alone in this middle hair challenged world..
have you ladies tried those drawstring bonnets? I prefer that over the scarf because of the same reasons that you ladies mentioned and it stays on at night.
Hey Lonei, I left some comments in your fotki, ITA with what the other ladies have said your hair looks great just continue to baby it. You might want to check out also Chicoro's album, she talks about the growth pattern of her hair in all of it's various stages. Very seldomly does hair grow totally evenly on any head.

Also the middle of one's hair tends to be troublesome. I know mine was, because my nape was always the most fragile and breakage that used to occur there during detangling, before I started washing in braids like you and many other ladies here do.

You know what to do, girl, I'm just babbling here... :phone:
Hey, can I be a "middle-hair" too?? I have a Wu-tang symbol in the back of my head :lol:

ETA: Ok, just came back from the fotki. Lonei, my hair does the same thing (except your hair looks way more gorgeous), tricky spot that disappears, then reappears. I agree with all the "no-cutting" ladies. I'm just trimming a little till it all catches up, and I believe it will...It's all beautiful, btw :yep:
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YOur hair looks good. It looks like it grows faster on the sides and front sides even in the rollersets, but I see some strands that are the same length as the sides in the middle. That makes me believe that it may just be your middle nape area (have you taken a look at just your nape are?) it could be breakage in that area and maybe pay close attention to that area for a while will help it retain more length. Some pple keep that section braided up when wearing the rest down to help protect it.
my hair grows like yours. the sides grow really fast but the middle grows slower.

my sides are also thicker. i believe it's because i sleep on the side(s)
have you ladies tried those drawstring bonnets? I prefer that over the scarf because of the same reasons that you ladies mentioned and it stays on at night.
I've started wearing a bonnet at night too in case the scarf was causing problems. I did notice that strands of hair would get caught in the knot of the scarf sometimes.
I've started wearing a bonnet at night too in case the scarf was causing problems. I did notice that strands of hair would get caught in the knot of the scarf sometimes.

I notice that too. I think I will try wearing a bonnet sometimes. Can't hurt right.

I have the Wu-Tang symbol too, lol. Mona, we should call our club Wu-Tang Clan.:lachen: