IT's over.. Relaxer pic updates

Re: IT\'s over.. Relaxer pic updates

Silvergirl, your hair is very nice. With texture like that I would never relax again.
Re: IT\'s over.. Relaxer pic updates

Your hair looks wonderful! You've obtained a lot of length over the past year. Keep up the great work. And I love the waves, it looks like you've got a great hair care routine established. I really enjoyed your album, I was laughing about you buying the Dove products because the bottles are so pretty, I have been wanting to buy some just to display them.
Re: IT\'s over.. Relaxer pic updates

Congrats on your decision! Your hair looks lovely.

(I am going to miss my fellow transitioner!)
Re: IT\'s over.. Relaxer pic updates

What great progress! your hair looks wonderful and I love those glasses on you