Well-Known Member
Ladies, can I ask a question? Why did you decide to lock your hair? Any regrets? Anything you would do differently?
As much as I hate braiding and banding, I hated the marathon wash and styling sessions on my natural hair. It was so bad that it took an entire weekend to detangle, wash, deep con, rinse, twist, braid or roll, dry and style.I’m tired from writing all that. No regrets for me except I should have done it years ago then I’d be done with braiding and banding.
My work loc crush is thinking about cutting her locks. In my head I want to. Her locks are so pretty but she said she’s been locked for years and wants to do something different. Her hair is goals for me. I’ll be so sad if she comes in with them gone.
I knew sooner or later I would go back to locs. I’m just in a different place in my life and needed haircare Regimen to fit the journey. I think locs can look so regal and soulful!
I love clean, well cared for locs. I like locs, not sections of forgotten matted hair.
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