Lock It Up! Support Thread (Sisterlocs, Dreads, Freeform, Etc)

I haven't posted in this thread in a while, but I have some concerns. My left side edges appear to be thinning. :-(

But they were kind of thinning when I was a loose natural. My loctitian said she would check it out during my next visit.

I may have to mix a JBCO solution and start rubbing it on my edges daily. I plan to make the Shea Moisture JBCO poo my main poo...and when I am fully loc'd, I will use the conditioner.

I need to try this for my nape. My nape has always a problem area.
What shampoo is everyone using on their starter locs?

shea moisture's black soap shampoo, jbco shampoo & moisture retention shampoo, i rotate them. they all seem to work pretty well. no residue. none of them seem to affect the loc-ing process

and joico K-Pak clarifying shampoo for when i swim, this leaves my hair sooo dry but it's worth it not to have chlorine in my hair
shea moisture's black soap shampoo, jbco shampoo & moisture retention shampoo, i rotate them. they all seem to work pretty well. no residue. none of them seem to affect the loc-ing process

and joico K-Pak clarifying shampoo for when i swim, this leaves my hair sooo dry but it's worth it not to have chlorine in my hair

Thank you for reassuring me! I will keep the jbco poo then. I have lots of shampoo to use up, so I'll be taking them to all my retwisting appointments. I have an appointment tomorrow, so I will take the JBCO with me.
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I'm going on a cruise in 2 weeks so I'll probably re twist next weekend. After that, I probably won't retwist again until January.
I didn't retwist yet and I'm going on my cruise in 3 days. I'm thinking about going to a loctician tomorrow instead of doing it myself. I haven't had anyone else to do my hair since May '14. Also, I have to pay someone to Palm roll it then probably end up getting my hair wet. :(

I'll probably just end up interlocking it. :ohwell:
I made it 2 months! My hair is moving right along. It's frizzy and budding and definitely in the what the heck is going on with her hair stage. I'm kind of questioning my decision to loc short hair because I don't really have any styling options to control the frizz and the few unruly locs I have. I'm just pinning up the sides and rocking it. I've only got about 4 in of hair and I don't want to do too much manipulation of my hair at this stage of the process.
I am starting to feel a little blue about my hair. It is frizzy, unruly, and just plain crazy looking right now. I am about 2 weeks away from 10 months in and I'm not feeling very beautiful. It doesn't help that I have some personal issues going on too, but it would have helped to have my hair in some kind of order. But at this point, my hair is locked in pretty good and would require a haircut to go back to my loose natural hair.

This too shall pass.
Attempting my second retightening. I did a little yesterday and finished the front today. I think I probably will be able to finish it by tomorrow which will be much faster than my first attempt
Realized it's been a while since I posted pics. At this point I'm 13.5 months locked and when I did my reti class the person who trademarked sisterlocks evaluated my locks and said they were fully locked.

With flash:


@Arian is this the side you sleep on? If so [and it's thinning] you will have to really baby this area to stop the thinning and obtain growth. I've found it way too hard to change sleeping habits.

I haven't posted in this thread in a while, but I have some concerns. My left side edges appear to be thinning. :-(

But they were kind of thinning when I was a loose natural. My loctitian said she would check it out during my next visit.

I may have to mix a JBCO solution and start rubbing it on my edges daily. I plan to make the Shea Moisture JBCO poo my main poo...and when I am fully loc'd, I will use the conditioner.
My loctitian is going to re-twist my roots this Sunday before my Virginia trip next week. This is about a week earlier than I normally re-twist, but my scalp is itchy and I have been sweating profusely all "up in" my head. I cannot wait to feel her fingernails on my scalp.
hey guys, so i need suggestions

my locs are quite dry because i've bleached and dyed them. i've been deep conditioning my hair and my dreads have been doing fine except for the last two weeks, i dunno what i did differently...:(

any suggestions for getting my hair back to "normal"?
my locs are doing very well. i wish they were a bit longer but i don't have too many complaints. they are very dry though and im not sure what to do about it. i never quite figured out how to moisture my hair after 6-7 years as a loose natural.

I got loc curls this go round... they are soft, though, and probably won't hold up through the end of the week.

cute! you're lucky that you're able to keep so much length. i was bsl when i loced and after washing i was ear length.:lol:
my locs are doing very well. i wish they were a bit longer but i don't have too many complaints. they are very dry though and im not sure what to do about it. i never quite figured out how to moisture my hair after 6-7 years as a loose natural.

cute! you're lucky that you're able to keep so much length. i was bsl when i loced and after washing i was ear length.:lol:

My hair has already fell! :lol: I am 10 months in the hole! I am amazed that I haven't experienced much shrinkage either. I was certainly expecting it. It may be coming, though.
I'd suggest you try saturating your locks with Aloe Vera Gel (the clear color since you've bleached them) Start with a light application and increase the amount over a few days till they feel better.

hey guys, so i need suggestionsTry

my locs are quite dry because i've bleached and dyed them. i've been deep conditioning my hair and my dreads have been doing fine except for the last two weeks, i dunno what i did differently...:(

any suggestions for getting my hair back to "normal"?
hey!! i didn't know where else to ask.

i grew up being told that if you don't undo braids after a few months, your hair will loc up and you'll have to cut them off. well, i know now that you can take down locs no matter how old!! that's pretty groundbreaking. so, i have twists in my hair right now with marley hair. i'd like to keep them in until december...maybe longer. is it possible to keep them in until march maybe? and if so, if it does loc a bit, how damaging can this be or better yet, how difficult or easy would it be to undo?
