Lock It Up! Support Thread (Sisterlocs, Dreads, Freeform, Etc)

OK I am going to stop asking so many questions! Do you all recommend braiding your starter locs at night for stretching and to prevent bunching? When I used to do mini-twists, I would spray my hair at night and then put them in two large braids. Is that too much with locs? TIA

Ask all the questions you want, sis! That's what we're here for. You can continue doing that if you want. Just make sure you are separating your locks often. Ideally you want to probably do it every time you take your hair down from the braids to make sure your locks are not marrying.

ETA: Especially since you are also spraying your hair at night.
I’m thinking about big chopping and starting my locs over. But I’m scared of having really short hair and going through the ugly phase again.
I’m thinking about big chopping and starting my locs over. But I’m scared of having really short hair and going through the ugly phase again.

I haven’t been in this thread in a minute .
Why would you do that @mz.rae ?

one lesson I’ve learned with my Sisterlocks is that we have to be patient with them and let them go through their stages.

Saturday 7/25 was my 4 year locaversary and even though I’m going through a rough time with my locks because of the pandemic . I still love my locks and would not give them up barring illness.
Let me see if I can post a pic of from then to now . I’m not tech savvy so if you don’t see the pics. My bad!

Sorry, I couldn’t upload my pics. Is there a new simpler way to do it?
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I haven’t been in this thread in a minute .
Why would you do that @mz.rae ?

one lesson I’ve learned with my Sisterlocks is that we have to be patient with them and let them go through their stages.

Saturday 7/25 was my 4 year locaversary and even though I’m going through a rough time with my locks because of the pandemic . I still love my locks and would not give them up barring illness.
Let me see if I can post a pic of from then to now . I’m not tech savvy so if you don’t see the pics. My bad!

Sorry, I couldn’t upload my pics. Is there a new simpler way to do it?
Thank you so much! I guess for me it stems from relocating to another city and how expensive the retightens are here. And then on top of that not having the desire to want to drive back to my home city or do my own retightens. I’m guess with my Sisterlocks I’ve never really felt free there was always some sort of obstacle to overcome and I just feel like my hair has some sort of bad energy to it now. I just feel like cutting them off and restarting them as micro traditional locs. I just want to experience the experience of someone washing my hair getting a retwist, and the freedom of being able to do my hair if I wanted to. I just don’t feel that with Sisterlocks any longer.

And uploading pictures I use Imgur and just copy and past the link into the thread, that’s the easiest way I’ve found to do it. I’m not sure if anyone else has an easier way to do it.
Thank you so much! I guess for me it stems from relocating to another city and how expensive the retightens are here. And then on top of that not having the desire to want to drive back to my home city or do my own retightens. I’m guess with my Sisterlocks I’ve never really felt free there was always some sort of obstacle to overcome and I just feel like my hair has some sort of bad energy to it now. I just feel like cutting them off and restarting them as micro traditional locs. I just want to experience the experience of someone washing my hair getting a retwist, and the freedom of being able to do my hair if I wanted to. I just don’t feel that with Sisterlocks any longer.

And uploading pictures I use Imgur and just copy and past the link into the thread, that’s the easiest way I’ve found to do it. I’m not sure if anyone else has an easier way to do it.
Can you retighten your own hair?
I’m thinking about big chopping and starting my locs over. But I’m scared of having really short hair and going through the ugly phase again.[/]

I don’t think it will be so bad if you start over. We are going through so much in the world and in our everyday lives right now. Do what will bring you peace. I have micro traditional locs and I complain a lot, but some lipgloss and earrings makes it easier.
I'm in this boat now. I meant to retighten my locks 2 weeks ago but still haven't. I will try to get to it this week.
Hopefully we can get our hair done by the end of the week! I have a presentation I’m trying to finish today and study for an exam to take by the beginning of next week! Plus I gotta work and be a mom... When am I suppose to do my hair?!? I know I can’t put anymore water to this head of mine until I am ready to retwist!
Sooooo.... I got my interlocs installed on July 15... went back on July 22 (a week later) to get her to fix the front part and then I just took them all out last weekend. I didn't love the parting and I knew if it bothered me now, it would always bother me. I was so concerned about the method of starting, I never thought that I'd need to worry about parting.

Anyway I have an appointment with a different loctition next Tuesday, so hopefully I can come back here with good news next week.

As much as I love my Sisterlocks I understand what you’re saying.
When I was first installed the loctitian was great but her prices are steep. I live in NY.

She charges at my last look at her site $225.00 for a retight and more if you go over 6 weeks. That’s a car payment for some. Even though I wasn’t strapped for cash at that time I did wonder how I could continue over the years to pay her like that. If I even wanted to. Because of an incident I shopped for another consultant that happened to be closer to my home and much cheaper and faster.

I was a bit disappointed to see that some of my Sisterlock faves like Lavinia are combining their locks. I don’t know if you follow her on YT but if not maybe check her out. She combined her locks and now is able to retighten her own hair in a reasonable amount of time and loves it. Maybe do that instead of cutting the whole thing off. At first I was low key mad at them for doing that because I chose Sisterlocks because that’s what I wanted but now I’m thinking eventually I may do the same because as much as I like my new consultant I don’t want to be tied forever for having to depend on someone else to keep my hair maintained. I’ve always been a do it myselfer with my hair. Richrootz also said she was thinking of combining in her last video.

I’ll try Imgur and see if I can post my locaversary pics.

Yay, I did it!
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Has anyone ever repaired locs on their own? My loctitian installed 3-4 locs that I personally think are too thin. They’re not thinning btw, just thin.

I’m worried they’ll just break off one day.

I have a couple like that too. I was just thinking that I’m going to ask my consultant to combine them. I may do it myself.

Do you think that may be your solution? Sounds like you don’t need a repair but just to combine those locks that may be too thin.
I just had my first Sisterlock retighten in my new city and I am not pleased with the experience at all. First of all she was late to the appointment! And not only was she late, she brought THREE other people to the appointment! No heads up about them coming, no anything. They weren’t even wearing masks or anything! So all five of us are sitting in a salon suite that is probably only meant for two people in the middle of a COVID pandemic.

Then when she does the retighten she isn’t spraying the sections with water prior to doing the rotations so it hurts! I have never seen anyone retighten on dry hair! And then afterwards she didn’t put any oil on the scalp or anything. I left disappointed and upset, it reminded me of horror stories of bad salon experiences back in the day. And the people in my city charge DOUBLE the price I was paying back home. Honestly I wanted/ want to cry, for double the money it wasn’t even worth it. The two people I went to back home were much more professional, charged less, one was even a hairstylist along with doing sisterlocks. And to add another thing the consultant I went to is getting ready to relocate to another city and while there she was going on about she was tired of being in the current city and how she doesn’t like it there. I’m sorry I don’t know about anyone else but when I first move to a new city I don’t want to be around a person that is complaining about said city because I want to experience it for myself. All in all I’m not happy or pleased....


I finally got to read your post about what has you thinking about big chopping.

I feel your disappointment. You have valid reasons.

Was this person a certified Sisterlock consultant? If so I would consider reporting her to home office. She was totally out of line with the lateness and then bring 3 other people to your appt that you’re paying for!! No way!

Then in the midst of this pandemic no masks or safety measures. That’s totally unacceptable. Of course they were probably talking to each other so all those droplets in the air. I would have stopped her in her tracks from the beginning and said no. Some people are not taking this pandemic seriously but it’s no joke. My best friend contracted it had a fever for 4 days and within 2 weeks she passed away. We have to be diligent about our exposure. That consultant showed disrespect for you and herself.

I still feel you shouldn’t give up . Go to the directory and give another consultant a chance and see what she says she may change your mind. Also combining them may help so you can maintain your own if you can do that.

However, if you do big chop, I totally understand.

That was a bad experience you had. I can just feel my own unease or awkward feeling being put in that situation.
I have a couple like that too. I was just thinking that I’m going to ask my consultant to combine them. I may do it myself.

Do you think that may be your solution? Sounds like you don’t need a repair but just to combine those locks that may be too thin.

I’d love that, but the locs around those ones aren’t as thin, so I really don’t wanna end up with random jumbo locs! Ugh I’ll just bite the bullet and make the appointment. Surely there has to be a solution!
Omg no.... I'm so sorry for your loss :sad:

Thank you so much @Cheekychica . I appreciate the thought. I miss my friend everyday. She had everything to live for. Family and friends a husband that adored her. A beautiful home. She was so much fun. The life of the party. I miss her good cooking. My dear husband is very picky but she made me a sweet potato pie and he ate the whole thing before I could get to it. She Always had something going. However, this virus got her and took her out within 2 weeks and because of the virus she died alone in the hospital. We were forbidden to go in the hospital. We could only text her because of the breathing we couldn’t even call and talk to her.

A lot of folks think it’s more important to have the freedom to go to the beach and to the gym And not wear masks calling this virus a hoax. I witnessed it first hand. She’s not the only person I knew personally that died from this virus so what that consultant did was inexcusable. Don’t mean to be Debbie Downer but this really gets me. We have to advocate for ourselves and like they say “just say NO!! “
Thank you so much @Cheekychica . I appreciate the thought. I miss my friend everyday. She had everything to live for. Family and friends a husband that adored her. A beautiful home. She was so much fun. The life of the party. I miss her good cooking. My dear husband is very picky but she made me a sweet potato pie and he ate the whole thing before I could get to it. She Always had something going. However, this virus got her and took her out within 2 weeks and because of the virus she died alone in the hospital. We were forbidden to go in the hospital. We could only text her because of the breathing we couldn’t even call and talk to her.

A lot of folks think it’s more important to have the freedom to go to the beach and to the gym And not wear masks calling this virus a hoax. I witnessed it first hand. She’s not the only person I knew personally that died from this virus so what that consultant did was inexcusable. Don’t mean to be Debbie Downer but this really gets me. We have to advocate for ourselves and like they say “just say NO!! “

This is so sad, especially the bolded. Wow. :sad: I'm sending you positive vibes and a virtual hug. I hope you and your family are keeping safe. Everyone in this thread really.
Has anyone ever repaired locs on their own? My loctitian installed 3-4 locs that I personally think are too thin. They’re not thinning btw, just thin.

I’m worried they’ll just break off one day.

You might want to go ahead and just combine them. Remember earlier in the thread when I kept contemplating whether I should combine some of mine that seemed to be too thin? Well, I eventually decided not to and then they broke off. I was so upset with myself because it could have been prevented.

I’d love that, but the locs around those ones aren’t as thin, so I really don’t wanna end up with random jumbo locs! Ugh I’ll just bite the bullet and make the appointment. Surely there has to be a solution!

I know you said what you said, but it might actually end up looking fine. Keep in mind that your locks still have a lot of different phases to go through and maturing to do, so if you combine now, they may look bigger/swell, but eventually it will condense and actually all end up looking proportionate. I think your locks are already dope right now, but it might also give your locks an even more unique look and even more personality.

Good luck with whatever you decide!