Lingerie.. A Must or a Waste?


New Member
I would have done a poll but I'm on my phone. I noticed that when I buy new threads for DH it doesn't have the same effect the next time I pull it out (even if it is months later).

Do you guys think its a waste of money to buy lingerie to wear for a few minutes before coloring or is it worth those few minutes? Do so s of you save it for special occasions?
I don't think its a waste. Men like lingerie so I would try to wear a variety and make sure its what he likes.

The type of lingerie that I thought would turn DH on didn' we both were online together and I had him pick out the type he would like to see me in.

No, I don't save mine for special occasions. I wear it as soon as I purchase it.
I wear mine for myself even though DH likes when I come to bed in it. I just like the feminine feel and comfort of a nice laced or silk sleepwear :yep:
I tend to not spend too much money on a single lingerie item, but the initial reaction is often worth every penny. I will spend some serious money on items that I really like and really make me feel confident. I've noticed though that even if it's the same piece, if I make a show of it (as in "you know what comes after this, right?") the reaction is always good. Men may be visual creatures, but they want the total package whether it's gift wrapped or not and part of that is putting on a little performance that makes them feel desired.
Lingerie is a must. But not the cheap stuff. I love lingerie made out of real silk... It just makes me feel sexy. And DHs reaction is always up to par.
It depends on the man. Also on what makes the woman feel good.:yep:

My exes didn't care about lingerie so much. The first one liked me in a big pink fluffy dressing gown and baggy on my head :lol:. The second one liked satin nighties on occasion, but wasn't really into anything else.

SO really loves nice lingerie and play suits :look: The make up, the perfume and all that.

Its not a waste for him, but I prefer he contributes to the more impractical lingerie costs since he likes it so much. If your man doesn't seem too bothered about it I'd do the impractical lingerie a lot less often. Birthdays and Christmas lol.:drunk:

At the moment I don't have loads of money, so I buy last seasons stuff on ebay from my favourite lingerie stores. They tend to be 70% cheaper. Or I'll get cute stuff in sales.

I always wear pretty, good quality, matching sets day to day. However, if you're talking about those pieces you can only wear in the bedroom I'd only pay for them at a discount and surprise him maybe 1x a month within my current budget. Half the time they are not worth the current store price.
whether you have an so or not yes it is essential. it makes you feel good about yourself, an added bonus is if the so likes it.
Dang, I finally know what "coloring" means. lol

Yes, I wear Lingerie for me. A LHCF has a really cute signature showing a lady ironing in a really cute lingerie outfit.
But why would you wear it for only a few minutes? Foreplay starts way before you hit the bedroom.

Instead of coming home and changing into sweats or "comfy" lounge wear, change into the lingerie. Cook in it, clean in it etc.

It is definitely a must.
It depends on the man. Also on what makes the woman feel good.:yep:

My exes didn't care about lingerie so much. The first one liked me in a big pink fluffy dressing gown and baggy on my head :lol:. The second one liked satin nighties on occasion, but wasn't really into anything else.

SO really loves nice lingerie and play suits :look: The make up, the perfume and all that.

Its not a waste for him, but I prefer he contributes to the more impractical lingerie costs since he likes it so much. If your man doesn't seem too bothered about it I'd do the impractical lingerie a lot less often. Birthdays and Christmas lol.:drunk:

At the moment I don't have loads of money, so I buy last seasons stuff on ebay from my favourite lingerie stores. They tend to be 70% cheaper. Or I'll get cute stuff in sales.

I always wear pretty, good quality, matching sets day to day. However, if you're talking about those pieces you can only wear in the bedroom I'd only pay for them at a discount and surprise him maybe 1x a month within my current budget. Half the time they are not worth the current store price.

Which stores do you get your lingerie from on eBay ?

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But why would you wear it for only a few minutes? Foreplay starts way before you hit the bedroom.

Instead of coming home and changing into sweats or "comfy" lounge wear, change into the lingerie. Cook in it, clean in it etc.

It is definitely a must.

This is a good idea. I've been wearing lingerie for him for almost 8 years now and I love it, but as soon as he sees me in it -- coloring begins soon after.

I'm comfortable in it and I def love to see his face when he sees me, but $50-100 for a few strands from Frederick's of Hollywood or wherever is starting to add up! I have two drawers of lingerie that don't have that same effect anymore since he's seen them already.

I think I may need to shop in different places or something.... Or just stop being cheap lol.
I'm comfortable in it and I def love to see his face when he sees me, but $50-100 for a few strands from Frederick's of Hollywood or wherever is starting to add up! I have two drawers of lingerie that don't have that same effect anymore since he's seen them already.

I think I may need to shop in different places or something.... Or just stop being cheap lol.

You could actually go less expensive. If you already know that your lingerie won't have the same effect on him the second time around, stop buying the pricey stuff. Places like TJ Maxx, Marshalls and Target have pretty stuff for half the price of Victoria's Secret and Fredericks, and most likely will have the same impact.
I have some that I've used and others that still have tags on them. Because we have kids, our anniversary the only time I can wear lingerie for expended period of time being that we're alone at a hotel.

Lingerie with some role playing (maybe a few whips and feathers) is definitely a recipe for a good time. :yep:
I love lingerie..

OT: Does anyone have the link to the instructional video that was shared several months ago? My old laptop died with it..
I love to buy lingerie and have a draw full!! I love to get new pieces just to add to my collection. Its just the reaction makes it so worth it!! :)
Since it never says on long and the fact that I would rather spend real money on clothes that I wear outside the bedroom and functional bras/panties, most of my lingerie comes from Ross, Marshall's and Nordstrom Rack. :lol:

You can find some pretty decent pieces for a good price. Color and feel is most important to me (him). Dim lights doesn't say how much I paid for it or if its 100% silk made in France or some sort of blend. I must say my silk panties is worth every penny though.
It's not a waste because we both enjoy it. I enjoy wearing it and he enjoys seeing it.

I don't buy really expensive stuff though. The cheaper stuff is just as eye appealing and he doesn't know the difference or care anyway. Also, it allows me to add to the arsenal more often.:grin:
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I remember I bought this really expensive Flora Nikrooz peignoir and my ex-husband threw it on the floor like a cigarette butt, LOL! It stayed on .004 milliseconds. Nonetheless, I don't think lingerie is a waste. It makes me feel pretty and I like how it feels on my skin. Whether I have a man/not, nice lingerie is a must.
It is a must! If lingerie makes you feel feminine and sexy how can that be a waste. I wouldn't say that a particular piece of lingerie will get the party started in my house but frumpy stuff can definitely derail it. DH needs to know I am a beautiful, feminine woman and choosing lingerie that flatters all of my assets helps remind me of that and trust, that's powerful stuff. I invest in pretty pieces for everyday wear because I find that does way more than blowing a ton of money on one piece. I bought some over the top expensive get ups for my honeymoon and most of them were ruined. Never again.
I definitely think I'm going to try the less expensive but still sexy route. I asked DH and he said he prefers wife beater & boy shorts to some of the stuff I have (ya know, the ones that almost need instructions on how to put it on ;).

We were in Dillard's and he picked out a lace top with matching lace boy shorts for <$30 so we were BOTH happy! Lol I still felt sexy and feminine and he liked it as well! ;). I'll save the over the top stuff for special occasions.

Thanks for the suggestions and opinions! And not suggesting I wear pj's with the feet attached :) :) Sometimes I forget men are a lot more simple when it comes to certain things.
True story told to me before i married. Older widow told me that she was raised in an ultra conservative home with her mother telling her and sisters that relations were for the man and she should always keep herself covered even in front of her husband. She grew up and married with this mentality that displaying herself to her husband was wicked so she always covered up and wore flannel gowns to bed. She said one day her husband got into bed with her and turned toward her shouting, "Flannel again!" so he got up and left her from then on. So yes lingerie is important, he wanted her to wear some hot lingere.
Yup. Its worth it. I get cheaper stuff so I can replace every so often.

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I love lingerie! As my body changes, I just get what I think is most flattering. I've used eBay, strippa stores, Victoria's Secret and Frederick's of Hollywood. The latter two options are doing their semi-annuals now. I think they end soon.

I stopped by VS before the guy I'm seeing went out of town for 2 weeks and got a soft pink and gold babydoll. It looks more sweet than sexy. He seemed to appreciate the gesture.

ETA: I re-wear lingerie during massages and umm... dances that take place on an oversized chair/couch. So far, it hasn't been a waste. Not now or in the past.
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