LHCF Yearbook


Well-Known Member
I don't know if anyone has thought about this, but:

Wouldn't it be cool to have a LHCF Yearbook? It'll have pictures of all the members, and many pictures of the LHCF Meetings, Hair Growth Progress pictures, Hair Recipies, Hair Inspirations Page, a Most Likely to page etc. One can come out each year and there can be a class of '07 or '08 speaking of those who graduated from SL and made it to APL or graduated from damaged hair to healthy hair.

What do you ladies think? More ideas are welcomed.
This is a great idea! Don't worry about the one star rating, that makes no sense! :nono: I just gave you a vote for 5 stars! :grin:
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I think its a good idea..u would have to find folks that really wanna be part of the project though...let me know whats needed and I will try my best to help

I gave u 4 stars
I would love to. I just think that it will be cool to have something memoriable for us to have in years to come. I haven't been to any of the LHCF meetings yet due to college. I was thinking that we could get together and think of an LHCF 'official school colors',. 'school logo' and an 'alma mater (I think that's what it's called)'

Many ideas would be great!!!
I also think this is a great idea. Would it actually be a "book" or could it be like a blog or something?
I also think this is a great idea. Would it actually be a "book" or could it be like a blog or something?

I was thinking of an actual book for keepsake purposes. But a blog sounds great too/for updates and ideas. I can start a group where I normally blog at called LHCF Yearbook where everyone can post their ideas.

I also opened up a room in the chat room called LHCF Yearbook so that we can talk about it there as well.

ETA: Thanks everyone for the upgrading the stars vote :grin:
Some people are just super private and would rather NOT have their pic up. Also, the who's who can be seen as a popularity contest. This might be the reason for the one star.