"Let's make a pact. If we dont find anyone in ten years, lets get married".


Well-Known Member
Your male best friend says this to you.

I kind of think it's settling. Like the other person is second best. It's like ok, if I dont find anyone I'm gonna settle down with you since there's no one else.

What do you think?
I would be like, how bout I get a pack of ice for your eye I'm getting ready to blacken? :lachen:Someone telling you he will ask for your hand in marriage in 10 years is nooooooo compliment. :nono: He is saying you would have to be the last woman on earth in order for him to settle down with. :lachen:
I used to joke about this with a friend of mine.

Then as years passed and my status wasn't changing, I was like, "Hey, okay, I need to find somebody, 'cause this is ridiculous."

I was never serious about the pact though... it was a joke, but I realize later that for me to even think that way, I was putting the thought in my head that I wasn't gonna find anyone... and I think that thoughts are powerful.
I've been told this as well by a male friend.

I don't understand why he isn't married with children yet and he can't undertstand why I'm not as well.

We always joke that it will be funny as hell to see who each other settles down with because we know each others personality so well and have shared many of our dating stories.

Its all jokes of course. I better not be 45 years old, checkin' for him. :look:
i did that pact thing w/ my male bff.... he married a Caucasian woman. they have the cutest daughter and he is the happiest i've ever seen him AND she lets him keep me as THEIR friend and she & I have NEVER met each other (but we're in each other's mafia on FB mafia wars) LOL
I've been told this as well by a male friend.

I don't understand why he isn't married with children yet and he can't undertstand why I'm not as well.

We always joke that it will be funny as hell to see who each other settles down with because we know each others personality so well and have shared many of our dating stories.

Its all jokes of course. I better not be 45 years old, checkin' for him. :look:
