***Let's Do a Baggie Challenge***


Hair Coach
***Let\'s Do a Baggie Challenge***

With all of the buzz going on about how wonderful the baggie technique is ( I can certainly testify to that) let's go for it and start a challenge.

The object is to use the baggie on a daily basis to retain as much length as possible.

With the baggie you should be able to go the entire length of time on the challenge without trimming because the baggie helps keep the ends so moisturized that they won't even think of splittin.

If you have no idea of what the baggie technique is, here is a visual: How to do the baggie technique

You may improvise and do it however it works best for you and use whatever oils you like as long as you have it all bagged up!

Any takers?

I think it should last 6 months so that way we can see if it is really beneficial( I already know it is though).

I think you will find your ends in better condition and you will also find that you have retained all of your growth when this challenge is over.

Good Luck to all!

I will check back at the beginning of each month to see how everyone is doing. It will start December 1, 2004 and Last to June 1, 2005.

P.S. It's o.k. not to wear the baggie on certain or special occasions. ;)

ETA: This may also be done on dry hair!!
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Re: ***Let\'s Do a Baggie Challenge***

I'm so, so in!!! /images/graemlins/wink.gif /images/graemlins/clap.gif
Re: ***Let\'s Do a Baggie Challenge***

Sounds good to me DSD. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

I will be wearing the baggie mainly at night over my 5 to 6 inch ponytail, after coating my ends with either olive oil or Wildgrowth oil. During the day I will wear styles that will protect my ends.

Do you really think that I will retain significant growth, hence greater length? I'm excited!

Thanks for this challenge.
Re: ***Let\'s Do a Baggie Challenge***

I was thinking about baggie method all night last night. /images/graemlins/laugh.gif But I don't know when I will start this challenge...I know it won't be today. Probably after my school is out for Christmas break which is after Dec 3rd. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

Anyway, I'm thinking about using my mixture of oils and S-Curl to put in my baggie. I want to get a wavy phony-pony and a straight one to wear over the baggie when I go out to school, work, store, special occasions, etc. When I'm around my apartment, I'll just wear a scarf around my head. I will wear this 1-2 weeks straight up until my next wash. To keep the rest of my hair smooth, I'll use my Silk Elements glossing polish or styling gel. Each day, I plan on spraying Surge Plus 14 on the exposed hair (for my scalp).

Since I'm transitioning, I'm debating whether I should do the baggie method or braids...what do you think would be the best way to grow out my hair??? /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Re: ***Let\'s Do a Baggie Challenge***

I'm in DSD! Off to change my siggy....

I'm in braids but still manage do do an "all over" baggie by using a plastic cap at night. When I take the braids out at the end of this month its right back to the bun challenge and baggie method at night.
Re: ***Let\'s Do a Baggie Challenge***

I would love to join this challenge but I just decided I am going to wear my hair in braids until January, I want to wait 12 weeks before I relax again since I only get about 1/4 inch growth every month. Any suggestions on how to do the baggie method while wearing braids.
Re: ***Let\'s Do a Baggie Challenge***

I'm in. I'm a 5 days baggie method challenger. I let my hair go free on the weekends so I don't get too bored.
Re: ***Let\'s Do a Baggie Challenge***

I am in!! After all the hype yesterday about the baggie, I tried it last night and loved the results I had gotten this morning!! So I am in!! I have my hair in a baggie right now!!! I think I will do it at least 5 days a week so I wont get bored with it as well!! /images/graemlins/clap.gif
Re: ***Let\'s Do a Baggie Challenge***

I'm in! /images/graemlins/cool.gif I wear mines over night. In addition--I'm going to find a nice "hair scruchie" near my color. I wanna wear my baggie 24/7. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: ***Let\'s Do a Baggie Challenge***

Wow! I am loving all the responses. Yay! /images/graemlins/clap.gif ladies we are going to be looking so good. We are going to be swinging in 6 months!! I can't wait. I can't wait until June!!

@ Paladin, you will definitely retain most if not all of your length. Trust! Good Luck!

Simplycee, what you are doing sounds great. I think that will be just as effective.

Shawnee66, you can just wear a baggie over your braids at night. Your hair will be wo moisturized in the morning.

Ladies, it's nothing wrong with doing it for 5 days. You will still reap the benefits.

Good Luck to all!!
Re: ***Let\'s Do a Baggie Challenge***

I'm in too!! I'm going to try to wear mine 24/7 also. Time to find me some nice phoney ponies!!! I'm off to the store right now to buy me some baggies! /images/graemlins/clap.gif
Re: ***Let\'s Do a Baggie Challenge***

I want to be in this challenge too, but I have a few questions./images/graemlins/ohwell.gif

Is it MANDATORY that I use a baggie or a phony pony? I really am not feeling the phonie pony. Since the main idea of this challenge is to protect my ends, can I opt to wear my hair in a bun 24/7 and cover it with a scrunchie or something? I plan on washing/conditioning my hair, applying oils to my wet hair, and then bunning it and not touching the bun for every three days (I usually wash on the third day). I guess this is more like a bun challenge than a baggie challenge, huh? /images/graemlins/frown.gif
Re: ***Let\'s Do a Baggie Challenge***

SherryLove said:
DSD,,,, this is so cool....GO FOR IT,,,,LADIES!!!!!!!

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Sherrylove, I assume that you are in. /images/graemlins/smile.gif You know since you are already doing it and all...
Re: ***Let\'s Do a Baggie Challenge***

ok- i'm natural- don't have enough hair for a pony-unless i press my hair out so i'll just continue to moisturize and baggie at nite- is this acceptable- if so, please count me in. since- i ususally wear a curly fro daily- i'll start moisturizing day and nite to prevent breagage and splitting.
Re: ***Let\'s Do a Baggie Challenge***

i want to do this, but i think my hair is too short. I can gather it in a small pony tail, but I can't wrap it around itself. I'm just confused on how I can do it, but i'll figured it out. help needed....

1) I have a phony pony, but it hurts my head if I wear it too long
2) I could do this ( wear phony pony) during the week and wear my hair out on weekends. This will not discourage me from working out either, cause My hair will be tied up /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: ***Let\'s Do a Baggie Challenge***

I'm in!!! I'm sure Calbear will want to join too, we both decided that the baggie method was tried and proven and worth doing. So count us both in!!
Re: ***Let\'s Do a Baggie Challenge***

CarmelDiva, what you are doing is fine. The key is to keep the ends constantly moisturized.

Shinka, if you can get your hair into a ponytail you are good to go. It doesn't have to wrap around itself, it just has to be able to go in a baggie.
Re: ***Let\'s Do a Baggie Challenge***

EssentialGrowth said:
I want to be in this challenge too, but I have a few questions./images/graemlins/ohwell.gif

Is it MANDATORY that I use a baggie or a phony pony? I really am not feeling the phonie pony. Since the main idea of this challenge is to protect my ends, can I opt to wear my hair in a bun 24/7 and cover it with a scrunchie or something? I plan on washing/conditioning my hair, applying oils to my wet hair, and then bunning it and not touching the bun for every three days (I usually wash on the third day). I guess this is more like a bun challenge than a baggie challenge, huh? /images/graemlins/frown.gif

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Essential, there is a bun challenge that many of us are doing so you may want to get on that? However, additionally, yesterday, Sengschick posted this EXTREMELY helpful method of doing the baggie method without a phony pony. Here is the thread http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showflat.php/Cat/0/Number/748218/an//page/2#748218.

Good luck on the challenge ladies /images/graemlins/clap.gif--if I can realllly master Sengs' bun I will likely hop aboard /images/graemlins/grin.gif.
Re: ***Let\'s Do a Baggie Challenge***

I'm in! I wear mine for a week at a time. I'm going to wear a wig when going outside (1-2x/week) so this will cover the baggie. At home, I keep my hair in cornrows and leave the baggie out.
Re: ***Let\'s Do a Baggie Challenge***

dreemssold said:
EssentialGrowth said:
I want to be in this challenge too, but I have a few questions./images/graemlins/ohwell.gif

Is it MANDATORY that I use a baggie or a phony pony? I really am not feeling the phonie pony. Since the main idea of this challenge is to protect my ends, can I opt to wear my hair in a bun 24/7 and cover it with a scrunchie or something? I plan on washing/conditioning my hair, applying oils to my wet hair, and then bunning it and not touching the bun for every three days (I usually wash on the third day). I guess this is more like a bun challenge than a baggie challenge, huh? /images/graemlins/frown.gif

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Essential, there is a bun challenge that many of us are doing so you may want to get on that? However, additionally, yesterday, Sengschick posted this EXTREMELY helpful method of doing the baggie method without a phony pony. Here is the thread http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showflat.php/Cat/0/Number/748218/an//page/2#748218.

Good luck on the challenge ladies /images/graemlins/clap.gif--if I can realllly master Sengs' bun I will likely hop aboard /images/graemlins/grin.gif.

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I completely missed this.

I co-sign what you said Dreemssold!!
Re: ***Let\'s Do a Baggie Challenge***

No fair!! I don't think my hair is long enough. How can you do the baggie method with 5 inches of hair?!!! Tell me that! Oh, and I'm not wearin wigs everyday!!
Re: ***Let\'s Do a Baggie Challenge***

Napturl, you are too funny!! You can't get your hair into a ponytail. Five inches is a lot to work with!!
Re: ***Let\'s Do a Baggie Challenge***

Another questions:

if I do the baggie while my ponytail is wet, will it eventually dry or will it stay wet? I am afraid of breakage.
Re: ***Let\'s Do a Baggie Challenge***

THANK YOU SO MUCH!/images/graemlins/kiss.gifI can definitely do this baggie method with my own bun and have my ends protected with a baggie. Who would have thought? /images/graemlins/smile.gif YAY!! Count me in ladies. See you in June '05 /images/graemlins/clap.gif
Re: ***Let\'s Do a Baggie Challenge***

/images/graemlins/clap.gif /images/graemlins/clap.gif /images/graemlins/clap.gif <font color="blue">I'm in...I'm at 16 1/2" from crown to ends while wet (I haven't measured while dry) I wear my baggie 24/7 anyway...so this is perfect for me. </font>
Re: ***Let\'s Do a Baggie Challenge***

Shinka said:
Another questions:

if I do the baggie while my ponytail is wet, will it eventually dry or will it stay wet? I am afraid of breakage.

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<font color="blue">I always do mine while wet...I condition twice a week and wash once a week. And every time I put my hair up while wet apply my stuff and put it in a baggie. "I have NO breakage." I haven't used heat since May and gained 3 1/2 inches since starting the baggie method in June. </font>