Ladies who never had long hair before LHCF


Well-Known Member
Okay, So I know that a lot of women on here who has had long hair before LHCF, either as a child or before It broke off.

But what about those of us who have NEVER had long hair before in their life??? I know I cant be the only one...

Not as a child, Not now, not Ever!!

I have never had hair past my neck! Who else?

Who has NEVER had hair past their NECKS?

If that was you and you have already made it to FULL armpit or longer please Share!!!

Give us a little a little inspiration!

I know that If you have never had long hair, it makes it a lot harder to believe that you ever will...

help us out..:)
The longest I've had was grazing shoulder length back in 2006. Now I'm at neck length trying to grow, grow, grow again!

Can't wait to read some of these inspiring stories!!

I want to see some too. Most ladies I see have always had hair longer than shoulder length. It IS encouraging but the most encouragement comes from those that thought they'd never get to APL and beyond!
Okay, So I know that a lot of women on here who has had long hair before LHCF, either as a child or before It broke off.

But what about those of us who have NEVER had long hair before in their life??? I know I cant be the only one...

Not as a child, Not now, not Ever!!

I have never had hair past my neck! Who else?

Who has NEVER had hair past their NECKS?

If that was you and you have already made it to FULL armpit or longer please Share!!!

Give us a little a little inspiration!

I know that If you have never had long hair, it makes it a lot harder to believe that you ever will...

help us out..:)

OP, do you remember how your hair was taken care of when you were a child? Maybe, your hair has the potential to grow pass NL but was never given a fighting chance :yep:
My hair was never past SL before I started my hair journey 1.5 years ago.
Now I'm just past BSL.
Here's a link to my fotki!
I'm aiming for WL by June 2010 and then, sky's the limit!
I would say adding moisture to my hair and then protein as it got longer has changed the way my hair feels and acts!
There was another thread along these lines. I shared my story there will paste it again below:

My hair was between neck and shoulder when I decided to transition. This pic was taken when my hair was OK.

I say it was OK because I'd just found a good stylist who touched it up for me and at this stage she didn't do that "let me hold your hand and break some bad news to you about your hair" move. This time she was somewhat pleased with it.

On my return for a second touch up, my hair ends were in such a bad state (sorry no pic) that I would have been embarrassed if the salon hadn't been a bit empty when after brushing my hair flat into a "looks bald do" she pulled a chair in front of me and held my hand the way you would when you're about to tell someone some really bad news they may not be able to handle, and said something like "There are people for whom perms are a no-no. I think you're one of those, and you probably will have to just accept that you aren't made for perms."

If I wasn't shy, I'd have stood up and done the Z-formation and put the lady in her place coz she obviously had not seen how good my virgin hair looks when relaxed. It was actually to prove her wrong that I decided to transition so I'd go back to her with virgin hair and see if she'd still sing the same tune and note she just did--which I had taken as such an insult, BTW.

So I braided my hair with extension--I do this myself and since I was already following a regimen of trimming 1/4 inch every 6-8 weeks, I decided I'd undo a braid at a time and trim then that I'd slowly get rid of my relaxed hair. Now I had an inch of growth when I decided to transition in braids in August 2001. I simply washed and conditioned my hair in braids any time it felt dry; redid my braids esp along the hairline whenever they got loose; and trimmed the ends estimating what __ ie 1/4 inch felt like per braid before rebraiding till all had been trimmed. Since I did my own braids, I was careful to use less hair per braid section so I didn't have a lot of weight pulling on my scalp from too much additional hair.

By August 2002, I was here:

(which was kinda the longest my hair had ever been even when relaxed and probably when I should have gone for the relaxer to prove my stylist wrong; but I didn't. Maybe funds were in short supply?... I don't really remember why it is I rebraided my hair again for another year instead of going down to set my stylist straight.)

I found and joined LHCF in July 2003, and in August 2003, took another pic of my hair and was floored. :thud: NEVER in my wildest dreams did I imagine Nonie could have hair this long:

Let's just say that, having achieved this much, I've somewhat become complacent and just can't tell you if my hair can grow any longer than this coz I get excited and slack in my hair care when I get to this milestone so that retention just becomes a joke and set myself back. But I can tell you that when I was a teen going go boarding school where you were not allowed to braid your hair unless it could be put into less than 3 plaits, I fantasized about being able to divide my hair into 3 equal sections that could be forced to form even a pony half an inch in diameter. I just wanted to be able to plait it into three and tuck them under. I remember wishing so hard for that, even getting a jheri curl just to get there. I never imagined I'd not only be able to plait my hair in 3, but that I'd ever see my hair form a tail this long:

Granted, it's not waist or BSL or even APL. But it's LONG in my opinion from where I once stood. And it's all mine.

So yes, you CAN get your hair to at least APL or close if you learn all you can and use common sense not to get sucked into "magic potion" fantasies. Just good, sensible hair care and diet and exercise.

There are more inspiring story in that thread so here's a link to it:
The longest my hair's ever been was CBL, and that was as a child/young teenager, before it was relaxed and broke off. Before that I was perpetually in braids, and that was only because no one knew how to take care of my hair (I've been trying to grow out my nape for practically my whole life).

I haven't had major growth yet as I'm relatively early in my journey, but I hope to be able to come back with a success story... :yep:
Bumping, I've never had long hair, but since joining this forum I have a new found confidence that it is possible.
Got it to my shoulders once and that was during my pregnancy.

Other than that. This is the longest my hair has ever been in my ENTIRE life.
Great thread OP, I hope more people chip in. I flirted with shoulder length hair many moons ago and got cocky and it broke off lol, I hope we meet again for good in Dec 2010!
Okay... it's kind of scaring me that this thread hasn't taken off more. I did have long hair as a child, but that doesn't mean I'm not still worried this can't be accomplished.
I don't have inspiration length yet, but I lived my life between and inch of hair to neck length all my life.

as short as my hair is now it's still longer than it's ever been currently CBL sad
My take on this is a little different. Even though my hair has been longer than this in the past, I am inspired to see some ladies that have longer hair now then when they were a child. Sometimes I think my hair will never be longer than what it was as a child. This gives me a little hope.
I've posted these pics before but the before pic was my regular length give or take an inch or two for the majority of my life before finding hairboards.

My hair was never really much longer than it is in the before pic in my siggy. At it's longest length it was maybe half an inch or so longer than that.

My hair started to take off when I found hair boards and started using weaves as a protective style. My after pic is from June 09. I've had a semi-major trim since then, but my length should be about BSL heading towards MBL now. I'll find out when I take this sew-in out in a couple of days.
Girl, get out of here :blush::blush::blush:! Are you serious! Whateva you're doing, keep it up.

Yes Mam very serious i am blessed it took alot of work and Patience which i dont have but i finally achieved 1 of my goals.
As a child, my hair was ear/neck length. In my teens, it reached collarbone length, then finally a little past shoulder length as an adullt. :grin: Unfortunately, in 2005, it broke off, back to neck/shoulder length, :sad: due to abuse of heat and relaxers. Six months later, I found LHCF.

I'm not sure what my length is now because I'm a texlaxer who doesn't straighten much...cuz I LIKE BIG HAIR! My guess is that if I were to flatiron my hair totally straight, it would reach waistlength. :grin:
My Regimen,

2 times a week condition wash /deep condition under a heat cap for about 30 mins to an hour

I use these products in rotation Wen Fig cleansing Conditioner,Aussie moist conditioner,Aussie 3 min conditioner,Joico Moisture Receovery,Joico Kpak moisture Hydration,Ors Replenshing Conditioner My hair Loves all types of Moisturizing Conditioners.

No Shampoo Airdry only i only Flatiron when checking Length

Moisturizers i use in Rotation S-curl,Proline Softner Moisturizer,Qhemet root burdock Butter,Qhemet olive honey balm,Hairveda WHipped Ends