Ladies who never had long hair before LHCF

My older sister has always had pretty longish hair. She says my mom took really good care of it but when when i was born, being the third child their wasnt as much time for my hair as it was her. She was the first child.

Idk. maybe it was just bad hair care. But my sister regardless has always had the "better hair"

I had the same issue. My sister's dad was a 5 ft tall Miles Davis clone with wavy blue-black hair that was midback length. As for me, well:


That's me at two and that was probably the longest it got. in case you blink and miss them, there are bangs there. Excuse the size. I'm resizing and it's not working.
Okay, So I know that a lot of women on here who has had long hair before LHCF, either as a child or before It broke off.

But what about those of us who have NEVER had long hair before in their life??? I know I cant be the only one...

Not as a child, Not now, not Ever!!

I have never had hair past my neck! Who else?

Who has NEVER had hair past their NECKS?

If that was you and you have already made it to FULL armpit or longer please Share!!!

Give us a little a little inspiration!

I know that If you have never had long hair, it makes it a lot harder to believe that you ever will...

help us out..:)

Me, me, me. But I can say now I am fast approaching my goal of full CBL :clap:
Nope never had long hair either. As a child I remember another black girl (probably SL) ask "Why is your hair so short." :perplexed

As a pre-teen my mom stopped with the relaxers and I just got it pressed for about 2 years. Of course, she was still using grease to "moisturize," curling my hair, hairspray/gel, and washing once a month. Nevertheless, I was able to achieve some length (slightly past SL). :look:

Once a hit 15, it was all down hill...Dyed, fried, laid to the side along with glue, weaves, relaxing bone straight 2x a day...YES I said twice a day!!! Trying to be cute. My hair was ate out!!! (maybe 3 inches all over). :nono:

Fast forwarding, I found LHCF in '08..continued to relax...Early '09 transitioned to texlax and now I'm thinking about going completely natural (haven't relaxed since Feb '09).

Tried BKT thing Nov '09, which was a setback- MAJOR SPLITS!!! I'm not knocking BKT, I just don't think it's for me. My hair has been in a weave since Dec '09. The BKT experience was extremely discouraging and I've been uninterested in my dealing with my hair.

I'm probably a little past APL now but I will definitely need a trim. I've experimented with so many things after joining LHCF. I know I could be much further along (like BSL) but it's a learning process. There are some universal truths but your hair also has it's own identity. It's going to be trial & error trying to figure out what works for you. I'm looking forward to what 2010 will bring. I'm K.I.S.S. this year!!!
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count me in on this one..I never had long hair ever..this is the long my hair has ever been..
I never thought my hair could grow past neck length...:-/

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I'm a lurker. But wanted to post in this thread just to say thank you. I was completely clueless about hair when I found the forum, so opted to read and learn rather than spread misinformation. And I've learned a lot from you ladies!

I had MBL locs before, but never my free hair. When I was young, it always remained thin, straggly and around neck length and constantly broke off to the new growth, leaving bald spots. I stopped relaxing and got locs in '01, cut them in 07', and began my healthy hair journey and frequenting LHCF in April 08'. I've had a few bumps here and there, but definitely the wisdom and techniques I've learned from you ladies has helped me obtain lengths not even my mother thought was possible.

I'm around APL. I was a little pass APL before I cut 3 inches in January. Now I'm back to barely APL. lol.
I'm a lurker. But wanted to post in this thread just to say thank you. I was completely clueless about hair when I found the forum, so opted to read and learn rather than spread misinformation. And I've learned a lot from you ladies!

I had MBL locs before, but never my free hair. When I was young, it always remained thin, straggly and around neck length and constantly broke off to the new growth, leaving bald spots. I stopped relaxing and got locs in '01, cut them in 07', and began my healthy hair journey and frequenting LHCF in April 08'. I've had a few bumps here and there, but definitely the wisdom and techniques I've learned from you ladies has helped me obtain lengths not even my mother thought was possible.

I'm around APL. I was a little pass APL before I cut 3 inches in January. Now I'm back to barely APL. lol.
sounds like your hair grows fast!
My hair was never past shoulder length... Then it grew to a little past the picture in my siggy then I decided to go natural so I did a mini big chop but, it is still growing.
Wow, what a great thread. My hair is approaching NL. Before LHCF, I really did not think Black women with "normal" hair could grow it past shoulder length. You ladies provide me with so much motivation to have healthy hair (really at any length, but I am hoping for SL).
My hair has never been this length before LHCF. It was always teetering around shoulder length, but it was never really much longer. This first pic is from May of 2005 after much overprocessing/damage. The 2nd pic is from the Summer of 2009, and I was probably 90% natural here. The last one is from the beginning of February.

Though it's not as long as I want yet, I attribute the health and thickness to everything I've learned here.


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I've never had hair past my neck ever in my life until now. My hair is not long now but it is touching shoulder length (barely), I've been on this journey for 3 years and rarely wear my hair out. When I was doing my hair the other day, my mom said wow your hair is long. I thought that was funny because my hair right now is some people's starting pic length.
I've always been a little past SL all my life, never APL. I started my journey 2 years ago and now I am currently WL.
I am past SL and this is the longest my hair has ever been. In the past I would be right at SL, never longer. Once I get to APL I will personally feel like I accomplished something. I have never even been close to that.

Oh My Goodness your babies are SOOO cute!!!!
There were times when my hair reached CBL, and one time APL for a few weeks before it all broke off :cry3: but MOST of my life I was shy of SL. I thought my hair was just inherently jacked and could not ever be long.
Never had it longer that SL. I would enjoy it for a littler while and had to cut it back up just above SL every other month, year after year. LHCF has been a godsend indeed...:yep:
Great thread. I got to collar bone before my hair broke off, but I never got to full SL. Some of my hair would get to SL, like the back and sides, but the middle and front never got that long before it broke off. I had a MAJOR breakage and found LHCF seeking help. Just wanted to say thanks to all of you for giving me inspiration. Right now, i'm aiming for healthy hair. Length can come with time.
i never had hair past my shoulders. Because of what I learned on this board and applying the principles, I am apart of the long hair dont care crew.
This thread is very inspiring. Even though I pretty much have always had long hair and could have had waist length if I would stop cutting it off all the time, I find that you ladies are wonderful. For years I would try to tell coworkers and friends that they could grow their hair long and always would be told that only "my type of hair" could grow. I'm glad I found this board because it truly will motivate you to be better when it comes to your hair and the ladies here will give anyone hope for having healthy, long hair.
I'm so happy that my thread is giving a lot of women inspiration! I know for sure that it has definately inspired me and I just cant wait to reach my goals. :) I know this may sound all gushee and stuff but I love you ladies:blush: Thank you.
Great thread!

I NEVER had long hair. I have coarse, thick, 4B/C-Napp hair. I think that the longest that it ever grew was maybe and inch past SL.

I am now relaxed (Phyto :love:) and currently a little past APL on my way to my goal of MBL.
Great thread!

I NEVER had long hair. I have coarse, thick, 4B/C-Napp hair. I think that the longest that it ever grew was maybe and inch past SL.

I am now relaxed (Phyto :love:) and currently a little past APL on my way to my goal of MBL.

Your hair looks GREAT!!! How did you gain all that thickness?
I never had long hair before LHCF. Here's where my hair was for about 15 years:

Short Hair.jpg

I would go shorter or a little longer than this, but I never retained any length. Whenever I would get to SL, it would last a little while, but break off because of bad hair practices. When my hair got a little past SL at the end of 2008 (a miracle in itself!), I'd had enough of the grow, then break cycle. I started searching the internet for help. I didn't find LHCF until January of 2009, and I'm so glad I did!
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I've never had my hair past the base of my neck and until now it hadnt been that long since 1990. I had gotten scissor happy, braids happy, weave happy and just plain bored & lazy feeling that shorter was more my thing as far as maintaining it.
I used to read haircare mags and what not. I refused to go to a salon to pay $, sit and wait, so I was sort of a natural at learning to use the clippers to cut & blend the back of my hair. My hair type is mixed (3c/4a) so it was easy to manipulate while short. I'm not sure why the longer it got I felt overwhelmed. I've been doing my twin daughters hair their whole life (they're 12) and they have type (3b/3c) and both are apl/sbl curly to bsl flatironed and thats only because they asked me to cut it (I refused to chop it shorter).

I'm so glad I found this forum to educate me in maintaining it. I stopped cutting my hair November 2008. I'm eager to see how long I can grow my hair and my daughters'!
I've never had hair longer than my shoulders.

Even as a child Toy?

I'm not sure if OP you only want to hear about woman who never had long hair even as a child but my hair is the longest it has ever been since I found LHCF due to the elimination of heat and protective styles.

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