Ladies who haven't cheated - are you ever tempted?

Are you ever tempted to cheat?

  • Yes

    Votes: 142 57.5%
  • No, never.

    Votes: 105 42.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New Member
I always thought that not cheating wasn't exactly the absense of temptation, but instead just not giving into the temptation. However, the other day my friend's boyfriend broke up with her because he was having thoughts about other women. (One of the reasons, anyway.)

This made me wonder if it's abnormal to think about cheating every once in awhile. So for those who haven't cheated - have you ever thought of it?

I have, would never act on it though.
I can only think of one time that I was tempted. But in those circumstances you need to remove yourself from that environment.

I think it might be normally to be be tempted for most people.
Hmmmm......good question. But no, I'm not tempted now, I was with my ex. I wasn't happy with my ex, so I guess that's probably why.
I think it's a thought that could always cross your mind, but I've never actually been tempted to follow thru. I think the key is to stay out of situations where you have to fight the temptation. That's when it gets hard.
I think everyone is tempted at one time or another.

Not Bible thumping but the Bible says to, "flee from temptation".

That to me means God is aware that facing temptation for most people is too difficult to fight. That's why he says "flee" from it. Staring it in the face while it's kissing on your neck and whispering sweet nothings in your ear while you stand there saying "no no no" is not the way to go.


I have never cheated and I KNOW I never would. NEVER EVER.

I would end it first if some other guys stuff was that serious to where I felt I just HAD to try it out. :nono:

Also, the problem is compounded if there are issues in the relationship. I've noticed that during our manic times...I am never ever tempted. But, sometimes when he irritates the heck out of me I fleetingly think of calling up an old flame. But the thought dissipates quickly (within seconds) because I love him to much and I love ME too much to do something like that.
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IMO temptation is apart of life.. its all about how we react to it.
I know for sure that I am not the epitome of what dh thinks is the most physically appealing woman in the world, and he is not for me either.

So when you see that good looking person in your area, that little devil might appear on your left shoulder telling u to go make convo with that person. Or the situation might play out differently,,, but it still comes down to that moment when you question what u should do about the interest that has been sparked in that person.
I always thought that not cheating wasn't exactly the absense of temptation, but instead just not giving into the temptation. However, the other day my friend's boyfriend broke up with her because he was having thoughts about other women. (One of the reasons, anyway.)

This made me wonder if it's abnormal to think about cheating every once in awhile. So for those who haven't cheated - have you ever thought of it?

I have, would never act on it though.

Sure. I've seen some fine men walk by and I've thought "hmm...I wonder what he's like". And I've been at dinner with friends of my co-workers and thought "wow, now that's an attractive man with a good head". But that's about as far as it goes.

Commitment for me isn't about NOT being attracted to other people. It's the conscious decision that what you stand to gain by cheating is a lot less than what you stand to lose in your current relationship.

I don't want to be with someone who's so blinded by me they don't see anyone else. I want someone to CONSCIOUSLY choose me and vice versa.
I think most people are tempted somewhere along the line in a long relationship. But the question is if you act on it or not.
I have never been unfaithful to anyone and I'm not starting now.
It's all about the golden rule...
No I am not tempted,

We were long distance and broke up for a while and I got to date around...I realized all the goodness I already had, plus my baby puts it down:look:
Sure. I've seen some fine men walk by and I've thought "hmm...I wonder what he's like". And I've been at dinner with friends of my co-workers and thought "wow, now that's an attractive man with a good head". But that's about as far as it goes.

Commitment for me isn't about NOT being attracted to other people. It's the conscious decision that what you stand to gain by cheating is a lot less than what you stand to lose in your current relationship.

I don't want to be with someone who's so blinded by me they don't see anyone else. I want someone to CONSCIOUSLY choose me and vice versa.

That's a good point, never thought of it this way
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I've never cheated or had the inclination to do so. Nothing is worth losing the love of the wonderful man that I have. Been together 11 years and married 8!!:spinning:
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Depends on what you mean.

Do I ever see a good looking man and wonder what he's like?

Do I "what if" about dating other people?

Do I fantasize about other men?

Or has the feeling/circumstance of actually having a relationship with someone ever happened to me so much that I had to stop being around him?

Or did I get to a point where I was 98% almost there?
I mostly mean fantasizing or wondering "what if," not so much getting 98% of the way there and then stopping.
I've wondered 'what if' several times. I just remember nothing's wrong with my current relationship and that once upon a time FH was as intriguing as that "what if" person. We always wonder about people from what we know on the surface, but there's so much we don't know and it isn't worth risking what we have, love and know. Its the 80-20 thing again.
I've been tempted but never gave in. Like said before, I just distanced myself from the person and checked myself on how good what I had was. The tough part is that I usually really like the person as a friend, and the awkwardness sets in when you see more than "friend" qualities and you know he sees the same. At the end of the day though, if you really value what you have you tame that temptation and move on. I think temptation is normal. If it's too frequent though, maybe you need to question the relationship that you're in.
I have never been tempted to cheat. I agree with the others. You can always look as long as you keep your hands to yourself. When you have a good man, its not worth the effort to jeopardize a good marriage. My husband said that a women who cheats should be prepared to accept the consequences.

I recently had to deal with 2 good friends who cheated and got caught. Their families have been totally devastated and ripped apart. So, having seen the outcome, I have no desire to put my family in that situation.

As it was stated earlier, keep yourself away from these situations.
Not really.
Which surprised me sometimes. I attribute it to two things. One, if I expected that a situation or a man might become a temptation I spoke with my man about. I think the secret of a temptation can create even more intensity and lust. Especially if there's knowledge of this temptation between you and another man.
Two, I found the man I dealt with attractive/interesting on many levels and we had a strong magnetism.

Worthy mentions, I abhor deception and I knew that I would not want to have to tell him I slept with someone else. After all the sex and lust with another man I knew it wouldn't be worth loosing the relationship I had established with my SO.
i've never cheated. i haven't been tempted either. Temptation always happen when i'm single. Lucky me.

Ditto. I'm a natural flirt. But when I am attached, there is nothing in me that wants to stray. I'm just wired that way I guess. I don't even see other men in that light when I am in a happy situation.
I've never cheated, but lately - for a lot of reasons - I'm so tempted. I'm hoping the feeling will pass though because I've always been so satisfied with my fiance. We've been together for 3 years and our wedding is June '08....
I've never been tempted to cheat. I've found others attractive during the course of my relationship, because obviously every other man doesn't become ugly once you get with someone, but I've never thought of acting on the attraction. If I really want it that bad I'll just leave the relationship anyway - wanting that much would mean I'm obviously not happy.
I have NEVER cheated on anyone.There is no need to.If I am not happy then I keep it moving.I love and respect myself enough to not give my body away like that...Hell I won't even sleep W a man that I have not been dating 4 a year...This way they respect me and we both know if we need to be together(after all that time).
As annoyed as my BF makes me at times, I'm not ever tempted to cheat on him. I've told him the day I cheat on him is the dayour relationship will end because it would mean I no longer wanted to be with him at all and wanted an excuse to go.