Ladies that were Relaxed but decided to go Natural


Well-Known Member
Please be patient this may be a bit lengthy.....

So I'm talking to my BF yesterday, she came by to visit and see my hair. She knows how much I LOVE relaxers (and she loves them as well), however, over the years we've heard a lot of similar things from our respective stylists. Which is we should lessen the number of relaxers we get through the year or just not get them anymore..hence my first stretch. Well while I'm showing off my NG, which I LOVE:love: btw, she goes into how surprised she is that I've gone 16 weeks with out my creamy crack and that maybe I should really think about going natural....So I start thinking this chick is :nuts:......LOL Instead of committing her to an institution I explain to her that I LOVE my creamy crack but on top of that, yeah I've done well for these 16 weeks, but I'm scared week to week what my NG is going to give me to work with, its hard to keep both textures happy. She goes on to point out has she's really been thinking about this since I’ve shared all I've learned on LHCF not to mention what both of our stylists have said. She points out that yeah maintaining the two textures is going to be difficult as I progress however, I'm doing great now and in a year or so I could BC and have the diversity of being a natural but straighten sometimes. She and my dh both start talking about how much they love the twist out I'd done....I had no rebuttal, LOL.....She also pointed out how well I manage my dd's hair (100% natural) so she really didn't know why I wouldn't consider going natural. Again, no rebuttal...Because I am in LOVE with my dd's of the fullest prettiest heads of hair I've seen and not just b/c I'm her mother. So now I'm really thinking.......hmmmmmmmmm

So my question(s) to your ladies about your decision to go natural is/are:

Was a stretch that ended up with you falling in love with your NG??
Do you just prefer Natural Hair?
Was it a decision of convenience?
Was a decision made because of damage?
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So my question(s) to your ladies about your decision to go natural is/are:

Was a stretch that ended up with you falling in love with your NG??
Do you just prefer Natural Hair?
Was it a decision of convenience?
Was a decision made because of damage?

I decided to transition independent of stretching my relaxer. But by coincidence, when I decided transition I was already 16 weeks post.

I wanted to see my natural hair, and don't like getting relaxers/getting my hair done. I had no visible damage.

Looking back now, though, I realize that I would have needed to transition/go natural at some point. My strands are so thin that I think eventually my relaxed hair would have needed to be natural, texturized or texlaxed.
I'm currently transitioning at about 5 weeks post.

Was a stretch that ended up with you falling in love with your NG??
My last stretch was my longest ever at 16 weeks, I was dying to relax at the time. When I finally did it, it didn't take at all. I relaxed 3 times within about 2 weeks and my hair is still very tightly coiled. I had it blow dried and it was very straight so I decided i should go ahead and transition.

Do you just prefer Natural Hair? I prefer the thickness I have as a natural. I BC'd in 2005 and relaxed again that same year. My hair was much thicker afterward.

Was it a decision of convenience? At the moment i'm cowashing a lot. I've finally broken my habit of using heat once a week. so relaxed or natural it's all the same to me.

Was a decision made because of damage? Somewhat, I had very healthy hair by a lot of standards. While in colombia I had my hair done and the rough experience broke my hair off in chunks. I wasn't happy and cut a lot off being that i plan to go natural. (pics are in my album)

And I've seen your daughter's hair in the children's forum- absolutely gorgeous!
So my question(s) to your ladies about your decision to go natural is/are:
Was a stretch that ended up with you falling in love with your NG?? it was a stretch..

Do you just prefer Natural Hair? i prefer natural hair now. i had never seen or handled my hair in its natural state before, and i really liked it. it was so pretty and it felt good.

Was it a decision of convenience? in a way, yes. prior to me messing it up, my relaxed hair was apl. there was no way i could get the crown to catch up without having to cut something. it was easier to just get rid of it all.

Was a decision made because of damage? yes. i stretched for a longer period of time than i normally did, and i didn't use any protein products the entire time. i was also experimenting with direct heat for the first time. i ended up having breakage in my crown. i don't like raggedy hair, so i had it buzzed off without a second thought.
Thank you's interesting to hear the different reasons of going natural......I've been going back and forth on relaxing this Friday the 17th. First no, then last week I said yes, but now I'm thinking no again....But I don't know if I really want to go natural I do however LOVE my NG. thanks for the responses...keep em' comin ladies!
I like to take the roundabout way when answering questions like this.

I got a full sew-in in 2007 and left it in for 3 months, no maintenance. When I took it out I had a lot of growth but my cousin broke it all off detangling it. I was devastated and wanted to go get a relaxer the next day, but even with all her bad haircare advice she advised me not to do that, but to go to the Dominican salon instead. I had never heard of such a thing, but she told me they could get my hair relaxer straight without chemicals. Long story short, they did the blowout and gave me a trim and I fell in love. After showing my mom, she said "hmm, then why would you still want to get relaxers?" and I started thinking... the unofficial start of my transition was that June (2007) when I got my last relaxer, July was when I got the weave put in, and the "official" start aka my conscious decision was when I got my first Dominican blowout in October. So I guess it WAS based on damage. I remember in January I got my hairline wet and saw the first CURL as opposed to a wave, and I was over the moon!

Now that I have BC'd (did this in June 2008, 12 months post) I love love love my hair. I sometimes think about texlaxing, but days like today let me know I have made the right decision for now. Something I would suggest if you plan on doing a long transition is to get used to not wearing your hair bone straight, that way as you get further into your transition you won't be pressed to do so much blending and use so much heat. By translation, that means you won't be pressed to straighten your TWA if and when you BC.
Was a stretch that ended up with you falling in love with your NG??
Yes it was a stretch, I decided that I would try to only do relaxers 4 times a year. Then decided to do my relaxers twice a year. I had 3 6 month stretches. Its not that I fell in love with my new growth, its just that all that stretching got me thinking it would be easier to just cut out the relaxers completely. Rather than constantly dealing with 6 months of new growth & long relaxed length hanging onto it.

Do you just prefer Natural Hair? No, I don't actually have a preference.
I prefer healthy hair. I had healthy hair when relaxed and My Natural hair is healthy so far too. I'm still learning.

I can also say that I prefer hair that is not two textures. Super thick natural roots with relaxed hair at the ends and caring for both at the same time took a lot of effort.

Was it a decision of convenience? See above

Was a decision made because of damage? Not damage to my hair but potential damage caused by a very bad salon experience.
My hair is resilient (as is most) so I was able to overcome the experience. I'll spare you the details but if you want to know more its in my journal here.

Was a stretch that ended up with you falling in love with your NG??
Do you just prefer Natural Hair?
Was it a decision of convenience?
Was a decision made because of damage?

I have been natural on and off since I was five. I'm almost 30. I have, however, spent more time natural than relaxed. Usually when I get a relaxer it results in breakage and I return to natural.

The best state my hair was ever in, excluding now, was when I was relaxed, but my silly self decided to highlight it red with Flavor-Aid and then kool-Aid. It went from being on it's way to APL to being SL.

Although I like texlaxing on me, I prefer natural hair because it is a bit thicker, and has more body. And from experience I know that if I slack on the maintenance of my natural hair it won't start to break...but if I do something off just ONE good time with my relaxed hair... I might as well be prepared to start my HHJ all over again.
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I'm relaxed right now, but I plan on going natural again when I'm 40. If I knew what to do with my natural hair and took the time to take care of it I would have not relaxed the last time. Right now I'm enjoying the relaxed hair and it's healthy and growing well. I can't imagine being 60 and putting a relaxer in my head.
I've been natural as of 3/1. It was always in my mind since joining here.

Was a stretch that ended up with you falling in love with your NG??

I hadn't seen my natural hair since I was a child. I've been relaxed sine 4-5 and my hair hates it. After a couple of weeks the curls would start coming back. I was contemplating taking it down to 2x a year.

Do you just prefer Natural Hair?
Right now I am still learning. So for I am really loving it. I do miss my BSB length though but not the texture.

Was it a decision of convenience?
Being short is it easier. I can w&g or put a wig on. I will tell you more when it grow out.

Was a decision made because of damage?
That was the last straw. I relaxed and colored my hair too close together. I had horrible breakage so I decided it was time to pick a chemical. I picked dye.

I would say if you don't think you are ready to go natural don't. This is my second attempt. This time I just knew I was tired of the creamy.
My story is very different from everyone elses.

I never thought I would give up getting perms. I loved loved loved perms. When I found my last beautician, she introduced me to Mizani. That perm was the bomb!! Then my pockets took a hit. I wasnt able to go the shop as often as I or my beautician liked. Then one day she stopped taking my calls. I was confused at first because she would return my friend's phone call, but never answer or return my calls. I guess she gave me the boot.

I figured I didnt need one because my grandmother was a beautician and I knew the basics, wash, condition, dc, moisturise, and protect when using heat. I started flatironing my hair and going to hair salons in the mall for trims. The relaxed part eventually grew out.

Was a stretch that ended up with you falling in love with your NG?? My NG was never an issue.

Do you just prefer Natural Hair? Its hard to say. I love my natural hair:grin:. I also loved body wraps when I had a relaxer:grin:.

Was it a decision of convenience? Lack of money:dollar:.

Was a decision made because of damage? I had healthy hair when I had a relaxer, I always rolled my hair and wrapped everynight. But now my hair is damaged from tooooo much heat. I didnt always practice what my grandmother taught me :wallbash: and my hair is suffering. Now I'm laying off the heat.
My decision at the time was solely because I had serious hair envy looking at the ladies who were natural but flat ironed their hair. Their hair NEVER looked oily, and blew in the wind but most of all it was SOOOO full (I was living in North Philly at the time for school). I had had a relaxer since I was 9 and had BSL hair that was LIMP (I have fine strands). My hair was long but there was no fullness to it and it DEF didn't blow in the wind like their did. So I went the natural/flat ironed straight way. I have since let the flat iron go to better maintain my natural curl BUT you couldn't tell me nothing after a fresh flat iron ;)

Was a stretch that ended up with you falling in love with your NG? YUP :)

Do you just prefer Natural Hair? For me I do but to each his own

Was it a decision of convenience? Not at all, I had to adjust EVERYTHING I thought I knew about hair care. It was all for the better.

Was a decision made because of damage? No, my hair is just really fine and I find that my hair Natural and Flat Ironed Straight was healthier and looked MUCH BETTER than my relaxed hair.
Was a stretch that ended up with you falling in love with your NG??

Do you just prefer Natural Hair?
Relaxed or Natural, I love both. I just want to rock the hair I was born with.

Was it a decision of convenience?


Was a decision made because of damage?
Was a decision made because of damage? Yes
My temples & nape area were disappearing and my hair was at a stand still (always the same length). Unfortunately that was before LHCF and I wasn't practicing healthy hair care. I transitioned before I found the forum with just a small bit of relaxed hair left.

I think if I had found the forum during my relaxer days I probably would have kept it and tried to nurture my hair. But since I was almost fully natural I just stayed with it. I don't see myself returning to relaxers even though I could take better care of it this go round.
Was a stretch that ended up with you falling in love with your NG??
Yes, well I was both in love with it and afraid of it.
Do you just prefer Natural Hair?
I can't say. I've been in protective styles since I stopped relaxing. I've had 3/4 sets of braids and now I'm in my first full install. But I can say that while I was relaxed, many a times I was in braids on in glued in weave pieces anyway. I realized, there was really no point in being relaxed in my situation.
Was it a decision of convenience?
Yes. Not having to visit the salon as often (I'm not a great DIYer); being able to wash my hair as often as I'd like; not being afraid of rain -last week my daughter and I actually went out and played in the rain, jumping in puddles etc.. it was wonderful to enjoy God's nature.
Was a decision made because of damage?
Yes. My hairline has been perm. damage (not all because of perms), and my thin hair never thrived. I remained at the same length or shorter for almost all of my relaxer days.

Good luck on your journey.
So my question(s) to your ladies about your decision to go natural is/are:

Was a stretch that ended up with you falling in love with your NG??
Do you just prefer Natural Hair?
Was it a decision of convenience?
Was a decision made because of damage?

I've transitioned about three times in the past because at the time I wanted to be natural and that was without LHCF. My hair wasn't damaged or anything when I decided to go natural in the past and it is certainly not damaged now. I just wanted a change. I love the texture of my natural hair and I miss it, especially now. Eventually though I always knew that I'd stop putting chemicals in my hair. Now that I've found LHCF, I know I can take care of my natural tresses properly and I'm ready to make that step.
Was a stretch that ended up with you falling in love with your NG??

My stretch was unintended. I just looked up one day and I was four months post and was surprised that my new growth had been so easy to manage that I had not noticed that I had gone four months without a touchup... I am not going to say that I was in love with it, but it was manageable. I did not fall in love with my new growth until I learned to care for my transitioning hair and was able to get moisture in it and retain that moisture, which turned my hair from coarse and dry to soft and moisturized.

Do you just prefer Natural Hair?

Yes - my natural hair was beautiful when I was a child, but I just had to have straight hair, not knowing anything about the upkeep and care of it, and I finally wore my mother down about me getting a relaxer when I was fourteen. It is beautiful again, but my transition was not that great as I had no idea about the care of natural hair until I started researching and eventually found Long Hair Care Forum.

Was it a decision of convenience?

No, when I noticed I had gone four months without a relaxer and how damaged and chewed up my hair was, I just decided to not put anymore relaxers on what was already very damaged.

Was a decision made because of damage?

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Was a stretch that ended up with you falling in love with your NG??
Yes, well I was both in love with it and afraid of it.
Same here love it but the longer I go the more afraid I am
Was it a decision of convenience?
Yes. Not having to visit the salon as often (I'm not a great DIYer); being able to wash my hair as often as I'd like; not being afraid of rain -last week my daughter and I actually went out and played in the rain, jumping in puddles etc.. it was wonderful to enjoy God's nature.
That sounds great.......I'm sure your dd enjoyed it!
Good luck on your journey.

Then one day she stopped taking my calls. I was confused at first because she would return my friend's phone call, but never answer or return my calls. I guess she gave me the boot.
Just b/c u can't come as often, you were better off w/o her. I can call mine no matter how long its been since I've seen her and she'll give me all the tips and advice I need. Which she's done many times since I started my stretch. Sorry you went through this...
Was it a decision of convenience? Lack of money:dollar:.
It does add up!!!!!!!!!!

Great Great Great stories and explanations!!!! I love hair porn and hair erotica (stories)LOL.Not that I'm happy for the ladies who experienced damage, but now you've found something that has your hair thriving and I'm happy for you all....I'm still thinking but I'm pretty sure I'm not going to get the relaxer on Friday but still don't think I'm going natural just still stretching...but who knows if I keep it up it may turn into a transition, because as I mentioned before I LOVE my NG. Currently I don't have any damage and I have healthy ends (at least the last time I checked) it hasn't been straight straight for a while because of the stretch but they still look good.
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Do you just prefer Natural Hair?

Yes - my natural hair was beautiful when I was a child, but I just had to have straight hair, not knowing anything about the upkeep and care of it, and I finally wore my mother down about me getting a relaxer when I was fourteen. It is beautiful again, but my transition was not that great as I had no idea about the care of natural hair until I started researching and eventually found Long Hair Care Forum.

This was me, my older sister begged and begged for a relaxer, she's everybit of 2a/ my mom gave her whatever was considered a kiddie perm back in the 80's when she was 14(she still does this once a year) low and behold here I come at 9 begging she got one I want one I was a superdense 4/ab....she told me no for 2 years at 11 I wore her down and she gave me one.......Just had to have it right, wrong...I've broken my hair off and burned it off probably 10 times, LOL.....guess thats why they call it creamy crack b/c I've kept coming back over and over again.
Was a stretch that ended up with you falling in love with your NG??
Oddly no. I called myself stretching before my last touch up. Perhaps I wasn't mentally ready because I just kept fearing the breakage and thinking the worst and gave up and got a touch up. The moment my hair was done at the salon... I looked at my limp lifeless hair and said, I'm done for real now. I haven't even thought about looking back since.

Do you just prefer Natural Hair?
I would say that I just prefer healthy/healthier hair and this is my way of going about to achieve it. If it were healthier for me to relax (in another world) I would have done just that.

Was it a decision of convenience?
No, just one of health and curiosity of what's really "under there". I knew I was ready when I wasn't afraid of any bad breakage (which I have yet to experience) and when I wasn't intimidated by the time and work it would take to transition

Was a decision made because of damage?
I guess damage would be the word... although not really. I could no longer retain the length I use to have, and couldn't get volume without lots of curls and fluffing because my hair was so thin and limp.
Was a stretch that ended up with you falling in love with your NG??


Do you just prefer Natural Hair?

Yes. I love the looks that can be achieved. I also really love the fact that I can rock an afro but if I wanted I could also get straight hair. Not possible if I had a relaxer.

Was it a decision of convenience?

Yes and no. In a sense, I felt I would be able to take care of my natural hair better than relaxed hair. However, maintaining my natural hair isn't all that easy. Of course, it's easy to wash, condish, DC etc. Furthermore, I don't need to worry about exercise ruining my hair and I have more variety than a relaxed head does. But I have to deal with a long detangling time, single strand knots, hair taking a while to do if I want more diversity etc.

Was a decision made because of damage?

Yup! My relaxed hair was a mess.

My advice to you is do what you want. Don't go natural just because other people think you should. Doing your DD's hair and wearing a cool twistout doesn't necessarily mean you would enjoy your own natural hair or prefer it to relaxed hair. If you're going to be natural and stay natural after the BC, I believe you must really want to make that change for yourself and be really enthusiastic about it from the get-go.
Please be patient this may be a bit

So my question(s) to your ladies about your decision to go natural is/are:

Was a stretch that ended up with you falling in love with your NG??
Do you just prefer Natural Hair?
Was it a decision of convenience?
Was a decision made because of damage?
This is how I eventually went natural, kinda. I had been getting microbraids done by my cousin and wasn't relaxing in between because she told me not to. Well, she kept making a big whoopteedo about how thick and long my hair was and blowing while she was braiding my hair, so I decided to find another braider. Once I found another braider(went to grade and high school together)she suggested that I go natural and that I didn't have to chop my hair off right then and there. I hadn't relaxed in 4 months by the time she started braiding my hair. I went another 5 months and couldn't take it anymore so off went the relaxed ends. I had been snipping in between that time but that wasn't gonna get it. I found this forum 3 months later and I am so glad that I did! She eventually started complaining about the length and thickness of my hair and hacking my hair off so I stopped going to her about 2 years ago. I'm stylist free.
Was a stretch that ended up with you falling in love with your NG??
Yes. When I was in college, I couldn't afford to get a relaxer. I was forced to stretch my relaxer. After a while, I started to like my NG and decided being natural was something I wanted to do.

Do you just prefer Natural Hair?
I've always like curly hair more than straight hair. There was even a time when I was relaxed that I used to put mouse in my hair after washing, so it would stay wavy. When I discovered my natural texture had some curls in it, I was on it. So, yes, I prefer natural hair.

Was it a decision of convenience?
Hmm... probably not at the time. I didn't know anything about natural hair care. I guess it was convenient because I no longer had to get relaxers.

Was a decision made because of damage?
Kinda. I did not know how to handle two different textures. Every day, my relaxed hair came out in clumps. I couldn't stand it. I was so tired of holding on to damaged relaxed hair when I had pretty, healthy natural hair underneath.
I decided to go natural because I had color and I wanted to start over healthy... plus I've never seen what my natural hair texture is. In May, it'll be 2 years.
Was a stretch that ended up with you falling in love with your NG??

Something like that. I had been thinking about it already, but I made the ultimate decision during a 6 month stretch.

Do you just prefer Natural Hair? I do now.

Was it a decision of convenience? No.

Was a decision made because of damage? No. I had very healthy MBL relaxed hair.

At the end of the day, you have to make the decision for you. Your bf and your dh can't get you through those hard transitioning days. I think you should do your stretch, see how you feel at the end, and if you want to relax, do it. If you don't, don't. You'll know when going natural is something you really want to do.:yep:

Good luck with whatever you decide!:grin:
Was a stretch that ended up with you falling in love with your NG?no i didn't stretch.
Do you just prefer Natural Hair? i didn't know i had a choice before, but now i prefer natural hair.
Was it a decision of convenience? yes it was. i just got tired of chasing the creamy crack down. relaxed hair just seemed like more maintenance to me.
Was a decision made because of damage? no. i just wanted to be free from having to depend on a chemical to make my hair look good.
Was a stretch that ended up with you falling in love with your NG??
No not really. I was natural for most of my life. Then I got to uni and relaxed. i was relaxed for 5 years before I transitioned. I am now 1 month fully natural but been relaxer free since Feb 08.

Do you just prefer Natural Hair?
On my head, yes. I have always like my natural hair and now I have even more info on caring for it.

Was it a decision of convenience?
No. i was just done dealing with scissor happy stylist that would burn my scalp or be deceived by my dense hair and leave th relaxer on too long.

Was a decision made because of damage?
Yeah. My last relaxer - after 6 months stretch (have always been good at stretching) - cut all my growth off and more. That was the last straw fo rme.
Was a stretch that ended up with you falling in love with your NG??
-No not really. It however pique my curiosity. I had braids in for months once, and remember feeling my new growth and wondering what it would be like to go natural. But it was a couple of years later before I was really seriously considering it.

Do you just prefer Natural Hair?
-Well, that I've had the experience of being on both sides of the fence, I can say that for now, I prefer my natural hair to my relaxed hair. Why? Because I can wear it natural or straight, longer or shorter. And I can wash it as much as I wish.

Was it a decision of convenience?
-Yes, partly. I wore my relaxed hair in a bun ALOT and I thought that if I went natural, it would be very convenient if I could just wash and bun it, and be done with. So once I got to a certain length as a natural, the "natural bun" became my best friend, lol....

Was a decision made because of damage?
-Yes, partly. I thought my hair would automatically be healthier if I went natural, which is actually not necessarily true because it's all in how you take care of your hair regardless of whether you're natural or not.

My ends were broken off pretty bad when I had a relaxer. Not to blame it all on the relaxer, though. Since I have been natural I have learned things about haircare in general that apply to both naturals and relaxed heads. I believer that if I were to relax today, my relaxed hair now would be healthier and longer than my relaxed hair was "pre hair boards".
Was a stretch that ended up with you falling in love with your NG??
No transitioning for me. I went ahead and BCed on impulse at 10wks post. I had been toying with the idea for a while and a week after visiting a stylist, I BCed
Do you just prefer Natural Hair?
I prefer the thickness/fullness/health and the versatility.The single starnd knots drive me nuts though.
I can't say I refer relaxed or natural, I believe they can both be good, but natural is what I have right now and I am loving it, I have learned to enjoy every style that I do and I love the looks that people give me every time I tr a different style.:yep:
Was it a decision of convenience?
I was just curious to see what my natural hair would do or would be like. When I was younger I had beautiful natural hair and it did fairly well considering I had no clue what I was doing.
I knew I would have to put in more time with my natural hair because I was only starting to get to know how to work with it.
Was a decision made because of damage?
To a certain extent. I was so sick of cutting my hair due to thinness in the hope that it would grow back thicker. The back of my head was a mess
and now I realize that area is a completely different texture compare to the rest of my hair.
So my question(s) to your ladies about your decision to go natural is/are:

Was a stretch that ended up with you falling in love with your NG??
Not at all, I stretched because I didn't want a TWA when I went all natural.
Do you just prefer Natural Hair?
My hair was fierce when it was relaxed and it's even more so now. I was so tired of my hair being plastered to my head, pin straight. Even though it was always thick, I just wanted more texture and wanted to know what my natural hair looked like (I had no clue).
Was it a decision of convenience?
Yes, I didn't want to spend the money to go to the salon frequently and thanks to LHCF people were assuming I was going anyway. I had gotten very good at camoflauging damaged ends.
Was a decision made because of damage?
Yes and no. I wasn't interested in caring for the ends when I knew I was gonna chop them off anyway. I went ayurvedic, started moisturizing twice a day, lived in satin bonnet while at home, and wore my hair up in claw clip when going out. (In other words I started caring for my whole head as if it were already completely natural.)

The decision to go natural was a conscious one because I wanted to see my hair in its natural state. Chopped the relaxed ends 2/28/09 and my natural hair far exceeded my expectations. I can't see ever relaxing again.

I heart my hair! :grin: