Ladies that were Relaxed but decided to go Natural

Was a stretch that ended up with you falling in love with your NG?? I first started relaxing less often. Then I went 8 months with no relaxer and decided to just get a short cut.
Do you just prefer Natural Hair? I like my natural hair. I miss my length though. Somedays I would like to just throw it in a ponytail but the back is not long enough.
Was it a decision of convenience? I guess. It made more sense to go natural rather than relax after that much time. The two textures were not working for me either.
Was a decision made because of damage? No.
Just go with the flow...that's kinda how I transitioned. I graduated from college, moved back home away from my stylist for the past few years and had a scary relaxer experience. I decided to hold off on my retouch until I found someone I would feel comfortable with putting a chemical in my hair (or planned a trip back to NC, lol).

Well a year went by, and I was talking to my friend about how I really needed to find someone for a retouch. She says "Why?" I was like "Well, it's been a whole year and I haven't had one, I really need one!" Again she says "Why???.....Look, you've gone this long with out one, right? Why do you need it???". It was then it clicked for me...I sure did just go 12 months without a relaxer...why stop there? From that moment on I never thought about getting another relaxer and to continue to grow out my natural hair. I too started to fall in love with my natural texture and wanted to sport it more than anything, it was "different" and unique for ME. I do prefer my natural hairs versatility. If I want to wear it straight, I have my stylists that I can go to who will safely straighten it where it even looks BETTER than it did with chemicals.

It wasn't really a huge debate for me...I try to convince myself of anything before the feeling to go with it came naturally. When the moment felt right to go in the direction, I just went with it, so it was an easy decision. That's why I say go with the flow...this won't be your only time in life to make the decision ;)
Was a stretch that ended up with you falling in love with your NG??
I was initially just trying to stretch and it did turn into me transitioning.
Do you just prefer Natural Hair?
I prefer healthy hair. Natural hair just has more versatility.
Was it a decision of convenience?Absolutely not. There is nothing convenient about going natural. It's hard when you're used to having relaxed hair.
Was a decision made because of damage? I wanted a fresh start.
:clapping:Kudos to your both your stylist worrying about the care of your hair. You don't to many like that anymore.

Now on to the question at hand, I personally started to transition because due to relaxing for so many years my hair began to get thinner and thinner and I wanted the body back that I use to have when I was a kid. I could imagine the length my hair would be now and the thickness I would have. Hey, it was fun while it lasted but now I am over it.

I also noticed since transitioning for a little short of 5 months my thickness is coming back. I did a roller set yesterday and the difference is amazing.:grin: