Ladies In A Relationship, How Long Did You Wait To Buss It Open For Your Man?


Well-Known Member
Based on the recent threads, I figured that I can be a little crass too, but only in the thread title. :lol:

But the root of the question isn't crass at all. It's quite simple. How long did you wait to have sex?

I'm in a period of deciding what is considered the right time. Is it until I'm married? In a relationship? Is it something that me and him discuss? (Whoever the him is because I'm single and sexless) So I'm asking other people.

How long did the two of you wait? Was it a length of time that you decided or did the two of you decide it together?
If you have to ask, you arent ready. I buss it open :lachen: whenever im good and ready. If i want itby month two, i bring it up. But you also need to accept any and all complications that could arise from that. I dont see any benefit to making myself wait when i have access to a perfectly fine crayon already. But thats just me
waiting to hear the
"on my wedding night"
"2 years after dating"


where the freaks???? :angeldevil:

ok sorry not trying to alienate anyone? i buss it open whenever i damn want to
When I want. Last SO, 3 months, was together over 13 years. Before him, 3rd date, was together 4 years. A few one night stands that I only wanted sex from. One HS/college sweetheart, 4 years before we got it in.

Working on one now. It's been 2 months. But I messed up. We watched an old Eddie Murphy comedy show and in part of it he did a skit about white men having no a*s. It was funny as sh*t and I was belly laughing. Well, he's white with little a*s. Now I think he's self conscience. I'll have him eventually though.
I'm in a period of deciding what is considered the right time. Is it until I'm married? In a relationship? Is it something that me and him discuss? (Whoever the him is because I'm single and sexless) So I'm asking other people.

How long did the two of you wait? Was it a length of time that you decided or did the two of you decide it together?

You won't know when the right time is until you are actually in the relationship. Don't waste your time pondering these questions, because there is no one answer or no one right answer. Too many variables. When you are in it, you will know.
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Dh and i were just talking about this. He reminded me we got down on the first night we met.....and also the second night. I had completely forgotten! I can't even lie....older me judged the **** out of younger me! That was 12 years ago and i was 21 and if recall correctly I had an IDGAF attitude about pretty much everything.
When I want. Last SO, 3 months, was together over 13 years. Before him, 3rd date, was together 4 years. A few one night stands that I only wanted sex from. One HS/college sweetheart, 4 years before we got it in.

Working on one now. It's been 2 months. But I messed up. We watched an old Eddie Murphy comedy show and in part of it he did a skit about white men having no a*s. It was funny as sh*t and I was belly laughing. Well, he's white with little a*s. Now I think he's self conscience. I'll have him eventually though.

:lachen: That gave me a good belly laugh. Hope he gets over it soon.
Well... Let's see. We knew each other for 4 months and did a lot of talking and flirting.

I avoided being alone with him because I knew what would happen - the attraction was insane.

Just like I thought, the moment we were alone together it turned into a Zane novel. I'm lightweight shocked at our behavior.

Life is funny. I've waited several months after being exclusive to have sex, followed all the rules and regretted wasting my time on a POS.

I ignore every rule with my current SO and end up with the most loving man I've met in my life. Crazy.
It's varied for me, with my first it was like 2 weeks after we started dating but we had flirted for over a year and were together close to 7 years.

With my next boo I waited 2-3 months and we were together a little less than a year. I'm currently on a 9 month peen drought and I just started talking to a sexy arse mo-fo so I'm not sure how long I'll hold out this time.