How long into your CURRENT relationship did you.....

I'm not in a relationship at all right now, but I just observe a current theme from this thread that most of the romantic relationships didn't solidify and blossom into a marriage until everyone colored? So the girl who is waiting for marriage is most likely doomed...well at least my experience the dude's go SCRAM when they find out! LOL So if you really like the dude do you think you got to give him some as insurance, while knowing it's kind of a hit or miss thing. You do that with a couple of guys until you find one that will stay? :ohwell: But if you don't do it, then maybe you may miss out on the love your life? This is another thread all together :grin:

For me, I knew he wanted to married me. That's always been important to me before sleeping with a guy. He had to be that into me even if I wasn't. I def don't think women who hold out are doomed.