Ladies....I Think I've Found Love....


Well-Known Member
So....its this guy and i've known him since 6th grade all the way through high school...we were in the band together..he the Tuba and i the Clarinet:lachen:.....

But a few months ago after almost 5 years of not seeing each other we bumped into each other. We was always really good he was my homeboy...even though he always kinda flirted with me and he gave me my first kiss.....but i just left it as that and thought nothing more of it.

But he tells me a few months ago that he always really liked me...and he wanted to go out with me back in high school but he didnt know how to come out and say it...."awwwww...:infatuated:"

So at first i'm like i don't think its a good idea and there was so many reasons i came up i had just broken up with my so-called "besties".... but he just doesn't care he wants to be with me...and now i really want him too....i realized i love him more than a friend its to the level that i feel like we're already married.

I just LOVE being around him and everything just seems to slow down and i can calm down and we can talk about any or everything. He's always kept things real with me and i vice versa...i just really feel he's back in my life for a reason bc we learn so much from each other.

He says he's done looking...he wants ME...and he says he wants to make me his wife one day. I turn down alot of guys ya'll...but i just feel like this is a really good thing i got going on.

Just thought i'd share this bc i always felt like i would NEVER find somebody...and here's this guy not perfect...but he just brings out so much out of me and i just love him so much. I've always had love for him....but now its on another level. And we haven't even colored:blush: yet bc i don't believe in sex before marriage so i'm saving it for he says:grin:...he cracks me up!!!
Wow. This sounds like a cool beginning...but it seems like you should take it slow. There's alot of excitement about reconnecting. I think it's good to see if these feelings last and how they grow (hopefully) over time, and to also discover all you can about him (basically seeing behind the curtain to see if he really IS what you think he is. It's been a long time since you've been around each other). I will say congrats on finding love SmilingElephant.
Sounds promising, but I agree with luckiestdestiny; don't rush anything, (and keep us posted).
I say go for it and I hope it works out!!

One thing to keep in mind though, Sometimes guys are better friends than boyfriends. Just because he's a great friend doesn't mean he will be a great boyfriend, but it's worth a shot!
I not gonna rush...but honestly I can't even put in the friend category bc we just end up back to being a couple anyway...we jus love each other like that...its crazy:laugh:
Aww... You sound so happy. I love stories where lost loves are found again. Wait till after the honeymoon phase before you decide on marriage though. Hope it works out for you.