Ladies How Would You Handle This Situation Between Your Man And Your Daughter?


Well-Known Member
Is he right for leaving before stuff goes down?
Is he wrong for viewing her that way?
Are you comfy with your daughter dressing like this in your house ?
Will you take him back after she moves out or is the relationship over immediately?
Will you ask your daughter to cover up and ask him to stay?

How old is the man.......21?

He is right to leave because I can see problems on the horizon

She is 23 and she has already lived on her own so I would tell her that a prerequisite to living in the home would be a change of dress. She can dress however she wants in her own home. This is not just to discourage his temptations but to avoid any other potential issues
She's a grown woman, so I can see how the boyfriend might be tempted when she's in that get up, if that's what she wears around the house. It depends how long the living arrangement is for, cause that relationship may not last regardless. I'm interested in what men had to say on this fa real.
From his perspective,I can see where he's coming from. he is right to acknowledge his feelings. From the mother's perspective she needs to appreciate his honesty. But that relationship will never work in the future. Even if the daughter moves out.
I would consider it a motherhood fail to raise a thirst trap but I digress.

I would appreciate the honesty and he could come back after she got on her feet and moved out.

There is an entire genre of porn based on dudes fantasizing about their grown step daughters/girlfriends daughters/sisters. It exists because there are plenty of men who think about crossing that line. A man who speaks up saying that he will remove himself because he doesnt want to be 'that dude' speaks to him not being a savage to me.

Men can control who and what they put their dyks in. They have less control over what makes their dyks hard so a young woman running around the house in Instagram couture might cause some inner conflict.
As much as she's his girlfriend's daughter, she is not biologically related to him. She's just another attractive adult woman living in the household who dresses provocatively . He is right for removing himself from the situation. There's a difference between seeing an attractive woman in passing versus running into her all day in your home. If she dresses like this outside, what is she wearing inside the home? I doubt she sleeps in flannel pajamas. As a mother, man or no man, my 23 yr old can dress like this in her own home and not in mine. I commend him and would continue to date him till she moves out.
This is the same way wise women say you cannot have your sister or female cousin move into your house permanently no matter how much you trust them. A moment of weakness can occur and your husband can slip up easily. Happens all the time. The best thing is not to create the situation in the first place.
Hmm can't fault the man for having primal urges and I slightly applaud him for speaking up and not just sitting there being attracted to her daughter and not saying anything until the daughter felt uncomfortable

Now is it right obviously not but men were created to he attracted to women it's what they do with that attraction

But this wouldn't have happened in my home antyway because I was raised that unless your man is around or you trying to catch a man you dress with some modesty(this goes for men too no walking around the house shirtless after a certain age)
Like no no one is out here trying to seduce their sibling but biologically speaking our brains don't care about kin. All they know is procreation.
Tempted to do what? Rape her? Unless she's offering something, what else is there? He can go and stay gone.
Tempted to talk to her in a way that's inappropriate. Even if the daughter says no, it doesn't change the fact that he is lusting after her. If he feels that he cannot control himself, then he best remove himself from the situation.
Tempted to talk to her in a way that's inappropriate. Even if the daughter says no, it doesn't change the fact that he is lusting after her. If he feels that he cannot control himself, then he best remove himself from the situation.

Um... That's what I said. He should remove himself from the situation... Evermore. Whether he's saying he's tempted to rape her, molest her in her sleep, or approach her for sex--who knows. But ultimately he's saying he lacks self control and he has to turn his feeling about what he sees into action. Admitting that doesn't make him a stand up guy in my opinion, and I wouldn't want him in my life.
I couldn't deal with the fact that my SO was attracted to my daughter at all. Just because they aren't in the same house doesn't mean the attraction is gonna go away whenever they do see each other, so he would have to go.

I would also talk to my daughter about the importance of not strangling her lady parts cuz them shorts look painful af.
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