Ladies How Would You Handle This Situation Between Your Man And Your Daughter?

One guy said the woman should quit the guy because his post alludes to what would happen if he's around the daughter. To him, the guy has shown that he can't control himself. Him being tempted is a lack of self-control.
I'm not really buying his argument but sharing for perspective....
Tempted to do what? Rape her? Unless she's offering something, what else is there? He can go and stay gone.

I know right.

Why do women get uncomfortable when men have or express physical desire or lust for another woman?

Because women are delusional and are taught to believe that they're special butterflies that can't be replaced in a moment's notice. And with this situation in particular, being replaced by the very woman that you gave birth to can't be good for the psyche.

I never realized how straight I was until looking at the pictures of the daughter. I'm looking at the pictures like okay and some guy is looking at the same pics and wouldn't mind ruining his relationship for her or spending some time in prison.
My question is not specifically about this post but does fit the topic.
However, the way I read this post, I don't see how a man wouldn't look a a pic like this and well...have thoughts. UNLESS, you're not into that type of body I guess. The daughter is not his child, she's just another piece of a*S to him and if the mother doesn't want any man to see her daughter that way...well....good luck cuz that girl got BODAY. Like, I ain't mad!
It's a tough situation....
But the child is actually a grown adult woman and not his bio child, so it's not completely ludicrous that he would find her attractive.
I'm not saying it is ludicrous, but it certainly is disturbing for the mother no matter how we try and put it. Rationale wouldnt come into it when thinking of your man and your baby girl.

And I am not naive enough to think that this doesn't happen all the time, but KNOWING about it is a whole new thing. You will never be able to let that go and move forward as a couple.
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Its funny because the opposite way is well talked about. A lot of guys will get into a relationships with a nice girl then meet the mother that looks like Halle and be like "well damn" lol. Its the same the other way a lot of times even if its taboo to talk about it. I do think some men make more effort than others to try and shut it off though, or reduce the focus.

Its not nice to think about though obviously. I'd let him stay gone because I don't want to think about him jacking off to my daughter o_O Also it's not safe for her ever if he feels he cannot control himself in confined spaces with her. Stepfathers 8 times more likely to make a sexual move on your child.
Fellas... your 23 year old son moves back home with you and your girlfriend. Your girl says that being around your son and his gray shorts is too much pressure on her and is very tempting. She then says that she needs to move out and will move back once he leaves. Is she wrong? (especially if the outline puts dad to shame)

He's doomed either way. Even if he didn't say anything I would wonder if he had some thoughts about her. While I wouldn't put out my kid it would be weird if she walked around dressed that way (And frankly she wouldn't dress like that around me because I'm uncomfortable with her attire as everyday wear) ( I don't wear THOT wear around my parents. I'd wake up surrounded by a prayer circle)

And if you acknowledge you are lusting after her that would also make it weird.
He's doomed either way. Even if he didn't say anything I would wonder if he had some thoughts about her. While I wouldn't put out my kid it would be weird if she walked around dressed that way (And frankly she wouldn't dress like that around me because I'm uncomfortable with her attire as everyday wear) ( I don't wear THOT wear around my parents. I'd wake up surrounded by a prayer circle)

And if you acknowledge you are lusting after her that would also make it weird.


Thank you for what? Lol If a woman came to her man, and admitted that she was lusting after his son to the point that she was so hot and bothered she had to leave, I promise you she'd be demoted to hoe status in his mind. She'd either be told to get to stepping or be told to gone ahead and get her some. I don't know why y'all think men have all the right answers. :rolleyes:

I think most parents would have already told their daughter to put some clothes on or their son to put on some draws from jump. The problem is your SO admitting that their desire for your child has gotten so uncontrollable that they need to leave. There is no coming back from that for me.
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Thank you for what? Lol If a woman came to her man, and admitted that she was lusting after his son to the point that she was so hot and bothered she had to leave, I promise you she'd be demoted to hoe status in his mind. She'd either be told to get to stepping or be told to gone ahead and get her some. I don't know why y'all think men have all the right answers. :rolleyes:

I think most parents would have already told their daughter to put some clothes on or their son to put on some draws from jump. The problem is your SO admitting that their desire for you child has gotten so uncontrollable that they need to leave. There is no coming back from that for me.

UMMM, Maybe I'm nuts or maybe I did not come across effectively with my simple "thank you" but your post is EXACTLY what I was thinking when I said it. I guess I should have elaborated. I thought Crackers Phinn was saying the same thing when she posted that. I am NEVER in agreement with **** like this. If women do what men do we'd be hanged.

Like I said in my other post, I wont fault him for his attraction, but I'm leaving his arse STAT. I'm not tolerating that mess and I dont expect men to either. First thing I thought was a man would not only dump her but disrespect the **** out of her.
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From his perspective,I can see where he's coming from. he is right to acknowledge his feelings. From the mother's perspective she needs to appreciate his honesty. But that relationship will never work in the future. Even if the daughter moves out.
Right! They should go their separate ways. Nobody is to blame here as long as lines haven't been crossed. I would respect him for his honesty, but I couldn't be with a man that openly admitted to being attracted to my child. Even though she is an adult, she is still my baby. And I would go into protective mode.
I would consider it a motherhood fail to raise a thirst trap but I digress.

I would appreciate the honesty and he could come back after she got on her feet and moved out.

There is an entire genre of porn based on dudes fantasizing about their grown step daughters/girlfriends daughters/sisters. It exists because there are plenty of men who think about crossing that line. A man who speaks up saying that he will remove himself because he doesnt want to be 'that dude' speaks to him not being a savage to me.

Men can control who and what they put their dyks in. They have less control over what makes their dyks hard so a young woman running around the house in Instagram couture might cause some inner conflict.
Her moving out wouldn't change the fact that he wanted to have sex with your daughter. What's gonna happen during holidays, birthdays, grandchildren visits, family vacations? I'm telling you it will change the entire dynamic. Don't put too much weight on the daughter's clothes. You can see that booty two miles away!
So the million dollar question, how should the mom proceed with her love life with future men and her daughter who dresses like that in her home?
The daughter living in the house doesn't matter. It's all on the man. That man needs to decide in his brain if his relationship is worth ruining. But I have seen this play out and majority of the time the mother choose the man, then it changes the family relationship. He couldn't be a part of her family life, and she will always have to compromise . He can't come to family functions, the daughter can't come over when he is there, etc.. you would never truly trust him and you just might become resentful of her.
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I think that's a bit unrealistic but ok. I can't really relate cause my parents are married to each other, but If my mom were single and I lived with her, I imagine that I wouldn't be walking around like that with her man around. I just wouldn't.
Do you really think those clothes have that much power? If she put on a loose jogging suit, do you think he wouldn't get aroused? And married ain't got nothing to do with it! Husbands do crap like that as well! They will pull it with sisters, cousins, nieces, etc...
Right! They should go their separate ways. Nobody is to blame here as long as lines haven't been crossed. I would respect him for his honesty, but I couldn't be with a man that openly admitted to being attracted to my child. Even though she is an adult, she is still my baby. And I would go into protective mode.

But protecting her from what? Dack?! Um, she's clearly courting it.

This is not a 15 yr old girl unaware of her burgeoning power. This is a grown ass woman with hella body who (apparently) can't figure out how to dress without all her stuff spilling out. I think some of the replies to this thread are a bit much. If you have a steak, all juicy and delicious-looking, sitting on the table, people's mouths are gon start to water. That's just biology. If the steak was in the freezer, wouldn't nobody even be thinking about it. Homegirl is a steak on the table. It's disrespectful to her mother, actually.

My mother's 'friend' used to visit the house regular, he didn't stay with us, but I'd often still be in my sleep clothes. Didn't nobody have to tell me to cover up. That's common decency and respect. I'd do the same if I had a female roommate and her man came over.

So, basically, yall saying that, as long as homegirl is staying there (perhaps indefinitely), mama shouldn't have no man? That's crazy and will lead to a break down of the mother-daughter relationship.
But protecting her from what? Dack?! Um, she's clearly courting it.

This is not a 15 yr old girl unaware of her burgeoning power. This is a grown ass woman with hella body who (apparently) can't figure out how to dress without all her stuff spilling out. I think some of the replies to this thread are a bit much. If you have a steak, all juicy and delicious-looking, sitting on the table, people's mouths are gon start to water. That's just biology. If the steak was in the freezer, wouldn't nobody even be thinking about it. Homegirl is a steak on the table. It's disrespectful to her mother, actually.

My mother's 'friend' used to visit the house regular, he didn't stay with us, but I'd often still be in my sleep clothes. Didn't nobody have to tell me to cover up. That's common decency and respect. I'd do the same if I had a female roommate and her man came over.

So, basically, yall saying that, as long as homegirl is staying there (perhaps indefinitely), mama shouldn't have no man? That's crazy and will lead to a break down of the mother-daughter relationship.

This place is just too pc sometimes. You may even start to wonder if you're tripping.
But protecting her from what? Dack?! Um, she's clearly courting it.

This is not a 15 yr old girl unaware of her burgeoning power. This is a grown ass woman with hella body who (apparently) can't figure out how to dress without all her stuff spilling out. I think some of the replies to this thread are a bit much. If you have a steak, all juicy and delicious-looking, sitting on the table, people's mouths are gon start to water. That's just biology. If the steak was in the freezer, wouldn't nobody even be thinking about it. Homegirl is a steak on the table. It's disrespectful to her mother, actually.

My mother's 'friend' used to visit the house regular, he didn't stay with us, but I'd often still be in my sleep clothes. Didn't nobody have to tell me to cover up. That's common decency and respect. I'd do the same if I had a female roommate and her man came over.

So, basically, yall saying that, as long as homegirl is staying there (perhaps indefinitely), mama shouldn't have no man? That's crazy and will lead to a break down of the mother-daughter relationship.
Nobody said that the mom shouldn't have a man! Where are you getting that from? It's the man's fault and him not having self control. The daughter is totally off limits! This is your woman's child! This could be your stepdaughter!
Do you really think those clothes have that much power? If she put on a loose jogging suit, do you think he wouldn't get aroused? And married ain't got nothing to do with it! Husbands do crap like that as well! They will pull it with sisters, cousins, nieces, etc...

I said that I can't relate because my parents are married to each other, the man my mom married is my bio dad, and before you lose your mind and take it there, my dad, has never hit on me.
This place is just too pc sometimes. You may even start to wonder if you're tripping.
Where the man went wrong was not controlling himself and he actually came out and said it! People look and lust all of the time! But we all have the ability to resist temptation! That's what separates us from the animals! He let you know that he wanna have sex with your daughter, so now you are gonna be cool with staying with him? And regardless of if a child is a child or an adult, that's still your kid. And if I got a man that's suppose to look out for me and mine and he let me know he doesn't consider my daughter family, then we got a problem.
I said that I can't relate because my parents are married to each other, the man my mom married is my bio dad, and before you lose your mind and take it there, my dad, has never hit on me.
I didn't say your dad hit on you. You went there, I said it doesn't matter and everybody isn't immune to this issue, just because your parents are married. If you haven't experienced that, cool. You got personal, not me.
And if I got a man that's suppose to look out for me and mine and he let me know he doesn't consider my daughter family, then we got a problem.
It is completely unreasonable to expect a man to feel familial toward a grown woman he don't know from no where and who keeps waving ass in his face. Like, come on, now. Dis tew much.

The reason the nuclear family was successful for so long was because it took these factors into account.