Ladies Group Huddle Here: I Am Stumped :-| Looooong


Well-Known Member
Here is a situation I am finding it frustrating. :drunk:


S.O. is a loving and devoted dad with 47% visitation rights (would love more; however, ole girl ain't going for that). Apparently [she got busted living alternate life - S & M; she wanted to "do what she wants" and he just stand by idly)
as she stated at the psychologist's office during the dying stages of the marriage - he couldn't handle that type of arrangement with his wife, someone who was supposed to love him. Wellll, how many men do you know want their wife (let alone woman) going off to beat, get beaten, and havin' a dominatrix??? This lead to the demise of the marriage. :blush:

In comes LL!

I told him when folk ask him questions about me to simply respond, "Ask Lovin' Locks". Well, apparently baby girl was asking him a series of questions about me and he responded properly and she said,
"Mommy is not going to be happy with that answer". EXCUSE MEEEEEEEEEE??? I mean, I knew ole girl was going to be all up in, but dayum, I ain't gonna lie I was a little taken aback by the blatant honesty. Oh, but they do say, "Out of the mouths of babes"; don't they?

We have been discussing marriage and my relocating to Florida to join him as his wife. I am very concerned about this daughter/ex-wife thing. They are totally raising this 11 year-old child unlike the manner in which I raised mine (all grown and gone, mind you). When I as there visiting a couple of weeks ago, the little girl burst into the bedroom DOOR CLOSED several times. He starts yelling at her about it. I was just standing there, but it's the principle. She was used to sleeping with them or on the floor by their bed which is fine for a nuclear family I suppose (hmm, maybe that's why marriage didn't work out, hell, you can't get no nookie with the youngun, in the bed with ya and I told him that yesterday too, geez). But "Oh heck no", she replied, to that happening in our bed. He always comments how it will be a change for the little girl, and how she "likes" me and has been wanting him to remarry (LL taking this with a grain of salt).

He states his daughter has told him that her mother drives down his street unnecessarily and that she has seen her mom looking into the windows at his house. :blush: Apparently the ex:

  • does not overstand why they can not be "friends"; the break-up was horrific for him, trust me
  • does not respect boundaries
  • asks probing questions which are none of her business about him and his life (of course some are in the name of "we have a child together"). now I KNOW he has total control over that
  • expects him to be at her beck and call, i.e., pick child up on days which are not part of the agreement at her convenience because when he offered to have the little girl come over his house versus going to after school care ole girl didn't go for that :perplexed
  • consistently asks him inappropriate (in my opinion) things pertaining to me; i.e., where does LL work, what kind of car does she drive, can't you get $ from LL, etc. :nono:
I am wondering many things, for instance, the concept of "One person's trash is another's treasure" is coming to mind in all this. :rolleyes:

The Meeting:

While I was there, one night the ex came to pick up the little girl, I could hear the conversation from the bedroom where I was. I was kinda waiting to be summoned to meet her. When it didn't happen I figured not a prob. I ain't going nowhere. Later I heard she commented to him something about him having me hidden. Next time she came I was sitting in dining room entering data onto my laptop. Little girl invites the woman in to see that I had cleaned the house and she comes in ooohing and aaahing about how clean the house is.

When she makes her way over to me, I extend my hand to shake hers and say, "Good evening Mrs. ____________; I am Mrs. ________". So she starts grinning and steppin' and fetchin' (or whatever you call it) and saying, "Oh no, not anymore!" about being Mrs. __________ (she refused/refuses to give up his last name - which I explained to him is her right, unfortunately) after giving me a surprised look at the way I introduced myself by my last name (me thinking, "Hey, we are not girls, this is business, lady"). Funny thing, by that time I have been all through the house, nose in all kinds of stuff and saw for myself multiple envelopes where she does indeed use his last name. Whatever (regarding her acting like she don't).

Now, I have noticed how some women feign staying connected "on accounta the kids". I've got enough sense to know I need to tread lightly where this child comes into play, but you know what . . . I ain't gonna have girlfriend running my house, all up in my house (oh and yeah, I've put this on the line to him). He's down for it, but to me, it's almost like he skurred of her (not literally), but he allows some behaviors from her that ain't cool if he is going to pursue another relationship. One being her coming all up in the house. I explained to him when I get there she will not/is not to be coming in my house. There is no reason for her to. When she picks up/drops off lil girl there is no reason for her to leave the auto. The girl ain't a baby, doesn't need to be carried into the house. She does not need to be checking out our house. She needs to handle her business over on Munjack where she lives.

I don't think it really makes a difference but she's Black and SO is Italian. I told him yesterday, "Dude, you getting ready to see some serious sister fireworks IF what you say about her not respecting boundaries is true". And, I have shared with him that when/if something goes down between me and her; he is to absolutely have my back and if he has anything to say, do it privately between me and him. My take on it is I have shared with him my feelings about how some of this is being handled and if he has any inkling there will be some "stuff" he'd better handle it before I get there. I am oh so serious about any possibility of miss thang attempting to be all up in mine. "Oh no!, she replied. You didn't want him, so go get beat, beat other men and women like you all into, and be dominated by ya dominatrix and keep it movin'.

The for real messed up thing is I know I must have some sort of relationship with this little girl, but I don't trust her. She was all up in the bedroom and I was concerned about my purse thinking she'd be all up in it trying to find out 411 to tell her mamma. We were at the DMV for me to get FL license and lil girl was all up in mine looking at my papers and such so I tactfully said something to get her to back off [good thing he picked up on it and handled it]. I don't know that I would trust her when I get there, my office area will have my personal papers and such. I guess this is what folk mean by getting old and being settled. You see, there is no one that comes up in my apartment now that I have to be concerned about my personal papers and things. Geez.

I love him and do have high hopes that these external forces will not be our undoing. I keep thinking long as I let folk know their boundaries [if they choose to be ignorant and act like they don't know- it'll be okay). As far as lil girl (who obviously has to be over my, okay "our" house) guess I can simply employ locks: lock the bedroom door, lock the office door, lock my desk/file drawers]. (rolling my eyes reall hard here)
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Sorry I am too old for all that. I don't have the patience..... too much drama for me. Sassy daughter and problem ex-wife :nono: aint that much love in the world. But hey do you.

I would NOT live in a home where I had to lock my things like that:nono: I have a 20 yr old and I have never had a problem with him going through my things because he was raised with the proper boundaries set and still abides by them. I would not tolerate that mess from another child....
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This drama is perpetuated b/c the SO allows it. You guys need to have a serious talk, INCLUDING THE DAUGHTER, and how she needs to respect you. He's her father and although the girl may see you as "the enemy" (taking the place of what is rightfully supposed to be her mother's), you will eventually have to have some type of relationship with her if this continues. You may need to check her yourself, but be prepared to deal with crazy woman. Sorry this is happening to you. I know it sucks.
This is why I don't date men with kids... too many horror stories like yours.

Some good points have already been made. You have to decide if he is worth it to you cause the little girl and her momma ain't going nowhere and I bet there is likely to be more drama in the future.

Sorry, and good luck.
If it's like this NOW, it's not hardly gonna change. I believe in having peace in my house and it doesn't sound like you will have that at all. You didn't highlight any positives in this situation except that you love him. It's up to you if it's worth the fight. I'm not old but I'm too old for drama.

The daughter will of course always favor her mother and she is nearing that preteen "funky" stage. Good luck.
I agree with Phynestone...altough the ex seems to be a trip, it is up to the SO to set the rules/bounderies and from your post, it seems like you already know that. People will do what you allow them to do. Can you live with it?
yeah I wouldnt/couldnt be with a man I had to 'school' that much in preparation for 'Me' being in his life

a little nudge about a thing or two maybe

but nah he would have kinda know what is needed and expected or I would not feel right having to go in and do all that work, some things he should be just 'getting' or clicking for him, that life changes need to be made , and not by force or work on your part

he should be paving the way for you to be comfortable in the transition to your lives together

I mean I would expect that
Sorry I am too old for all that. I don't have the patience..... too much drama for me. Sassy daughter and problem ex-wife :nono: aint that much love in the world. But hey do you.

I would NOT live in a home where I had to lock my things like that:nono: I have a 20 yr old and I have never had a problem with him going through my things because he was raised with the proper boundaries set and still abides by them. I would not tolerate that mess from another child....

Ummmm, okaay. Umm, thank you for writing :perplexed
This drama is perpetuated b/c the SO allows it. You guys need to have a serious talk, INCLUDING THE DAUGHTER, and how she needs to respect you. He's her father and although the girl may see you as "the enemy" (taking the place of what is rightfully supposed to be her mother's), you will eventually have to have some type of relationship with her if this continues. You may need to check her yourself, but be prepared to deal with crazy woman. Sorry this is happening to you. I know it sucks.

Hi J:

Girl, I haven't said, "I do!" yet :spinning:. I haven't relocated to FL yet either (was simply there for a visit two weeks ago and that's when I met the lil angel). Oh, crazy woman is gonna be fun (for a minute). I'm more concerned about the lil angel 'cause SHE would be all up in my house half living there, if you feel me.

Thanks for writing, girl.

The daughter will of course always favor her mother and she is nearing that preteen "funky" stage. Good luck.

You know, TayM, interesting thing here . . . . I have four girls, youngest is 24; ALL out on their own, in various states living life like it's golden. I ain't raising nobody else's child so not a problem that she'll always "favor her mamma"; heck that's as it should be. Get this, when I was there, I was about allowing them space, right. Shoot, honey I went in the bedroom and was doing me. THEY kept trying to draw me out to hang with them. I played it off by saying I was allowing them time to be together. Guess I shouldn't say played it off, because I had a stepmother who once told me, "Get off him [my daddy]; I ain't seen him all day!!!!!" :blush: I will NEVER, EVER forget that. I vowed that day if I EVA . . . I would do nothing to come between a man and his child. So, I went and busyed myself.

Later he and I talked about it and he was saying, _____________ wanted to know why you wouldn't come out with us????? I told him why.

Also, during one of our talks I told him that I expected him to discipline her; I sure ain't. I also shared with him that I ain't raising nobody else's child. But, I won't let her out-and-out disrespect me either. For what it's worth, she is the way she is because of how they have raised her. In other words, just like my students, I figure she'll treat folk the way they train her to treat them (we'll see). So, I figure I've got to walk in there (just like I do the classroom) and let her know MY boundaries. I overstand what she can do at Mamma's or even at Daddy's BEFORE he started sharing a house; so she's going to have to know LL's rules (which are basically about self and other respect; nothing too dificult) when she is in my house. Period, dot.

I told him they are doing her a disservice not bringing her up in the discipline and mental-regulating of a person destined to live in this world.
One of the things I say all of the time is - you can't change people, just your reaction to them. This is in relations to dealing with adults.

You and your SO need to sit down and he should make it clear that he has your back. Once he has made that commitment and you are very certain of it then the rest can and will fall into place in time.

This situation begs for your SO to make it clear as to what conduct he will and will not tolerate from his daughter and his ex.

For his little one, he can make certain demands and expect that they be followed. You may not like it but there will be slip ups before she gets it right. You will also need to understand that most of it has nothing to do with you but everything to do with her mother's influence. Most of it should be addressed, some of it, you will have to let go. - trust.

If ole girl wants to feign civility b/c of the child, let her. You know her game so play it giving her know advantages and no ammunition. Refusing to at least try only makes you look petty.

This woman can only bring as much drama as you let her. When she does her drive bys. In as a matter of fact tone as you can muster, "Hey, saw you down the street yesterday, was going to say hey, but you were moving too fast." But bear in mind every incident does not need to be addressed. B/C then she knows she is intruding into your lives.

My step kids were teens when they moved in with us, we didn't have any problems for quite some time. Because he set out the do's and don'ts. His ex didn't screw with me either because I was always the cooler, calmer head when we dealt.

Can't lie and say we NEVER had problems but they were few and far between.

yeah I wouldnt/couldnt be with a man I had to 'school' that much in preparation for 'Me' being in his life

a little nudge about a thing or two maybe

but nah he would have kinda know what is needed and expected or I would not feel right having to go in and do all that work, some things he should be just 'getting' or clicking for him, that life changes need to be made , and not by force or work on your part

he should be paving the way for you to be comfortable in the transition to your lives together

I mean I would expect that

Hi Irri . . .

Yes, that is where we are at. He's got the shovel out and is paving his butt off. Thank goodness he recognizes muy changes MUST be made. He has acknowledged it and that is to his credit.

Hi Irri . . .

Yes, that is where we are at. He's got the shovel out and is paving his butt off. Thank goodness he recognizes muy changes MUST be made. He has acknowledged it and that is to his credit.
Well then although this wont be without 'glitches' as long as he is in that place then everything can/should be able to be worked out

you already got grown children and teach school

I really now knowing that aint so worried about chu! :lachen:
the little girl and her momma ain't going nowhere and I bet there is likely to be more drama in the future.

Really!!!!!! Ya think D.A.???? I know Mini-Her ain't going nowhere; but DA MAMMA?? On the REAL? See, this I do not know. Me and my mamma don't roll like that.

When my daughter reached like 5-6 years of age I stepped back from her relationship with her daddy. If he was going to pick her up that was between them two. My mamma . . . she was cool and respectful and would stop in and speak to my stepmother.

It is simply strange IMO to be thinking "the momma ain't going NOWHERE". I can not imagine if she had a husband him allowing his wife to be all up in her ex????? That is too foreign to me.
Dang, :nono:

I'm way too seasoned :look::lachen:to put with that drama...

Recently, I watched an episode of 48 Hours Mystery or maybe it was Snapped...:spinning: with a similar scenario...

Anyhoo, the e-factor stalked the new woman and her ex relentlessly, eventually killing them ...

She never got on with her life. :nono:
Really!!!!!! Ya think D.A.???? I know Mini-Her ain't going nowhere; but DA MAMMA?? On the REAL? See, this I do not know. Me and my mamma don't roll like that.

When my daughter reached like 5-6 years of age I stepped back from her relationship with her daddy. If he was going to pick her up that was between them two. My mamma . . . she was cool and respectful and would stop in and speak to my stepmother.

It is simply strange IMO to be thinking "the momma ain't going NOWHERE". I can not imagine if she had a husband him allowing his wife to be all up in her ex????? That is too foreign to me.

I feel you. Its just from what you have said about this woman, I don't trust her. It seems as if she feels she has one up on you somehow since she was married to him and they have the child together. As far a her presence in your life, I am just thinking about holidays, school activities, etc Not sure what your arrangements are as far as that goes, but I am just saying that you will have to deal with her on some level (which is what I meant by she ain't going nowhere) I agree with some of the other ladies though that talking with your S.O. would help to limit that. I really don't blame you for not wanting her in your personal space. I hope you find a way to make it work for you.
She never got on with her life. :nono:

Ya know "J"; I just thought to mention, she doesn't want him back. SHE dv HIM! He's the one who tried to mend the marriage by considering to allow himself to be beat :wallbash: but said he just couldn't get off into that lifestyle. She said she wanted to do what SHE wanted to do; didn't want to be married to him any more. :nono: In a manner of speaking she got WELL on with her life (the S M side of things). I guess now when she wants to go on "Play Dates" [I hear tell that's what they call it] she no longer has to sneak. Ooooh, bullie for her.
I am just thinking about holidays, school activities, etc Not sure what your arrangements are as far as that goes, but I am just saying that you will have to deal with her on some level (which is what I meant by she ain't going nowhere) I agree with some of the other ladies though that talking with your S.O. would help to limit that. I really don't blame you for not wanting her in your personal space. I hope you find a way to make it work for you.

Hi D.A.,

Phew, thank goodness . . . I do not do (celebrate) secular holidays. So, for the most part, the way I see it, I should only have to see her face:

1) When the 11 y/o graduates high school/college and then I surely don't have to sit wid her;

2) When the 11 y/o gets married

3) At her daddy's funeral IF I should outlive him
Update yaw'll

Sweetie had to tell daughter (subsequently the ex) that he is sojourning here for a time. The daughter, no drama about it. The ex . . . weeellll, she starts questioning him about why he didn't confide in HER?????? Er a, am I missing something???

Fast forwarding this story she calls him back l8r in the day and inquires of "the address where he will be staying". Now yaw'll know dats MY place, right???? She says she wants it "In case she wants to send him something!"

So, he calls me yesterday all stressed out, migraine poor thing wondering what she is up to. He believes she has contacted her lawyer or something. From what he has shared with me about her I have no doubt that she may have. I asked if his divorce decree states something to the effect of him not being allowed to leave the state????? :nono: I think I was getting a tad facetious so I had to figuratively step back. I know he is very concerned about being able to see his daughter and all. But many people have jobs in different states and such. He shouldn't be held prisoner at her whim in FL. Geez.

He wrote a letter basically stating that he is not abandoning his daughter, wants daily contact with her while he is away, etc. He figures if she shows the letter to anyone he has stated his position.

The way I see it, his daughter has his cell phone and 24/7 access to him via that medium. The ex has his post office box; if she wanna send him something (yeah right); mail it there. He'll get it when he returns home. There is no need for that woman to have my personal address :nono:. Oh, btw, he is sojourning here to help me get packed and moved to our new home in FL. :yep:
Sorry I am too old for all that. I don't have the patience..... too much drama for me. Sassy daughter and problem ex-wife :nono: aint that much love in the world. But hey do you.

I would NOT live in a home where I had to lock my things like that:nono: I have a 20 yr old and I have never had a problem with him going through my things because he was raised with the proper boundaries set and still abides by them. I would not tolerate that mess from another child....

Good post! :yep:
This is why I don't date men with kids... too many horror stories like yours.

Some good points have already been made. You have to decide if he is worth it to you cause the little girl and her momma ain't going nowhere and I bet there is likely to be more drama in the future.

Sorry, and good luck.

Another good post! :yep: Too many fish in the sea!
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I feel you. Its just from what you have said about this woman, I don't trust her. It seems as if she feels she has one up on you somehow since she was married to him and they have the child together. As far a her presence in your life, I am just thinking about holidays, school activities, etc Not sure what your arrangements are as far as that goes, but I am just saying that you will have to deal with her on some level (which is what I meant by she ain't going nowhere) I agree with some of the other ladies though that talking with your S.O. would help to limit that. I really don't blame you for not wanting her in your personal space. I hope you find a way to make it work for you.

She does, IMO. :yep: