Ladies, find the love of your life with EFT!


Well-Known Member
This recording sounds really interesting! Here is more info and the link below:
Finding the Love You Want - using EFT & The Law of Attraction
Date / Length: 2/11/2009 5:00 PM - 1 hr

EFT Expert Stefan Gonick will be joining us with a special show just in time for Valentine's Day. He has the Cure for Being Single...When Nothing Else Has Worked - What is keeping you from the love of your life? Most people aren't aware of their own blocks to finding love. The challenge of finding your special someone has less to do with meeting lots of people and much more to do with clearing the internal obstacles that are holding you back from successful love experiences. Discover your internal obstacles to letting love happen Remove those obstacles quickly with EFT Enlist a powerful force of the universe to attract your beloved into your life (the Law of Attraction. Woohoo! Now is the time! Don't miss this show! LIVE SHOW: PLEASE CALL IN!

We should do a challenge using these techniques...

Here is the mp3

Ladies, the rules to the challenge are as follows:

1. Download the mp3 from the above link and listen to it.
2. Make a plan; the author is pretty clear and has his own website. He give clear instructions on how to do the tapping.
3. Do some tapping every day for the next 30 days. Tap in accordance with the instructions on the mp3.
4. Update this thread with any changes.

Does this make sense? I will answer any questions.......

In addition to the mp3 he offers a FREE miniclass if you go to his site put in your first name and email address.


Updated: If folks have questions during the day the best way to reach me is on my twitter

Being on the internet at work is not easy right now :-x
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I'm reading "Blink" right now and Gladwell uses this guy as an example in the first chapter. Hmmm...I'm a little over the science of how he figures out couples but I will give the mp3 a listen.
I listened to about 30 minutes of the download yesterday.

Could someone please explain this technique?
It is just tapping on a bunch of points.

Check for examples.

I posted the tapping points at the head of this thread.