Komaza Care HAIR ANALYSIS Service - Rave!

Had my analysis today. It was very emotional, I cried a few times. I'm not ready to talk about it, but will share soon!
Had my analysis today. It was very emotional, I cried a few times. I'm not ready to talk about it, but will share soon!
:bighug: Sorry to hear that lady! Share when your ready . . .

I also had my consultation today with Jenn today and I'm thankful. My hair is much healthier than I thought it was and there is no need to trim. She told me that I have normal porosity but my hair is VERY fragile and I need to use a mild protein treatment twice monthly followed by a deep conditioner and a water based leave-in conditioner. I have lots of bends in my hair which indicate weak points that are prone to breakage. The protein treatments will help to strengthen those areas but there is no need to cut. She said the only way I would need to cut is if the ends are frayed and open. My ends are o' so slightly frayed but not ready for a trim at this time. She said it looked like I had recently trimmed, but it had been a month since my last trim when I sent in the hair sample. She said she suspects that using coconut oil to seal is what has preserved my ends so nicely. My hair follicles are nice and healthy as well. The follicle is larger than the shaft, as it should be. The only concerns that she had was the bubbles in my hair. If you look at the areas above the bends, you will see that they are slightly larger than the other side of the hair. She said that is due to my hair not being completely dry before flat ironing. She can tell that the temperature of the flat iron is appropriate, otherwise I would see wholes or tears in the hair. The bubble are a result of water still being in the hair and when the flat iron touches it, the water boils and expand the hair.

There was also a really cool picture of a fairy knot that she said I should cut those as soon as I see them to prevent more knots and breakage.

She didn't see the short areas of breakage that I had described and suggested that I sort the hairs in the crown next time so that she can take a better look. I won't worry about it for now, I'll just keep doing what I've been doing.

As has been stated, the customer service was excellent. Jenn answered all of my questions and didn't seem to mind that I had to put her on hold 50-11 times (I was supposed to be working).

I'm glad to finally know and not have to make up things in my head. LOL! Now I can stop worrying. I also have a more concrete regimen to follow.

[FONT=&quot][/FONT] . . . tried to upload the pics, but can't get them to load.
Had my analysis today. It was very emotional, I cried a few times. I'm not ready to talk about it, but will share soon!

@virtuenow, I feel the exact same way :cry:

The ONLY thing I will say is that my hair is NOT coarse like I thought. It is 3c/4a and fine/medium texture. So it is possible that I've been using heavy products when I didn't need to...
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Jenn got back to me very quickly and confirmed that I will be having my follow up on the 30th. I'm excited to share what you all what she has to say cause Lord knows I have a list of 10+ more questions, smh.
:bighug: Sorry to hear that lady! Share when your ready . . .

I also had my consultation today with Jenn today and I'm thankful. My hair is much healthier than I thought it was and there is no need to trim. She told me that I have normal porosity but my hair is VERY fragile and I need to use a mild protein treatment twice monthly followed by a deep conditioner and a water based leave-in conditioner. I have lots of bends in my hair which indicate weak points that are prone to breakage. The protein treatments will help to strengthen those areas but there is no need to cut. She said the only way I would need to cut is if the ends are frayed and open. My ends are o' so slightly frayed but not ready for a trim at this time. She said it looked like I had recently trimmed, but it had been a month since my last trim when I sent in the hair sample. She said she suspects that using coconut oil to seal is what has preserved my ends so nicely. My hair follicles are nice and healthy as well. The follicle is larger than the shaft, as it should be. The only concerns that she had was the bubbles in my hair. If you look at the areas above the bends, you will see that they are slightly larger than the other side of the hair. She said that is due to my hair not being completely dry before flat ironing. She can tell that the temperature of the flat iron is appropriate, otherwise I would see wholes or tears in the hair. The bubble are a result of water still being in the hair and when the flat iron touches it, the water boils and expand the hair.

There was also a really cool picture of a fairy knot that she said I should cut those as soon as I see them to prevent more knots and breakage.

She didn't see the short areas of breakage that I had described and suggested that I sort the hairs in the crown next time so that she can take a better look. I won't worry about it for now, I'll just keep doing what I've been doing.

As has been stated, the customer service was excellent. Jenn answered all of my questions and didn't seem to mind that I had to put her on hold 50-11 times (I was supposed to be working).

I'm glad to finally know and not have to make up things in my head. LOL! Now I can stop worrying. I also have a more concrete regimen to follow.

. . . tried to upload the pics, but can't get them to load.

You had a great analysis. Congratulations nappygirl. This will help to calm some others who worry. The recommendation isn't always to trim :yep:

That is interesting about the bubbles. I think its cool that they can tell by what the hair looks like what is being done to it.
Mine is tomorrow. Oh Lord. :nervous2::drunk2:

I thought I would get the x-rays today so I can have an idea where it will be going, but I will just be patient until 5 EST tomorrow.
I had my consultation yesterday with Rene. Based on the slides, I suspected the news would not be good and it wasn't. She recommended cutting 3-4". My hair is thin and very fragile.

We discussed the possibilities of going natural vs staying relaxed. She asked me what type of hair tools I use because she could see some damage that was consistent with a comb or brush. Actually, I use seamless combs and no brushes; but further into the conversation I revealed I was getting sew-ins. That was the culprit! The thread and needle was compromising my delicate strands. No more sew-ins for me.

I mentioned I was going to get braids and she cautioned against that as well. She recommended only human hair for braiding. Now, I have to decide what to do with my hair while on my 11 day vacation.

I am seriously considering BC'ing. I keep trying to imagine how I would look with a brush cut. I'm not sure what to do. Cutting 3-4" would put me at SL. I just want healthy hair, so I could really care less about length. Then again, I feel like I wasted almost 6 years in growing out my hair. Ughhhhh!

Anyways, Rene was really nice. She didn't want me to feel discouraged by the slides. I expressed that my growth rate is slowing down at my age, but she assured me that I can anticipate at least 15 more years of good growth.
@virtuenow Keep your head up... This too shall pass. Did my analysis yesterday w/ Jenn. Unfortunately, my analysis may not have provided a true hair status since I did not submit a sufficient hair sample for her to see my main concern which were my fried ends.

Hair Condition: Jenn said I had normal to low porosity fine hair (I always thought it was medium thickness). She said I had soft hair w/ a very defined curl pattern. (Thanx CG) :yep: From my sample she only saw 2 indications of heat damage which was a hair bubble (caused by using heat when hair isn't completely dry) and a damage shaft also caused by heat. The ends in my sample all looked freshly cut w/ no damage. Huh?! I told her that I haven't cut my hair since early June and I feel that my ends are heat damaged from the BKT. But she didn't see that so on my 3 month followup I'm gonna give them more hair in my sample to analyze. My hair follicle was fatter than my shaft thus no evidence of hair loss. Everything else looked pretty good.

Regimen/Products: She stressed that I should wash my hair at least once a week w/ low poo. She described CW as washing your face w/ lotion. I told her that poo, even low poo, dries and frizzes my hair. Her concern was ensuring that my scalp was cleansed properly. So she recommended instead of CWing after my coconut oil pre poo to use a low poo mainly on my scalp which would minimize any adverse effects. I'm gonna try her suggestion but if I see frizzing I'm gonna switch to a cleansing conditioner. She said that my weekly DC w/ quinoa protein is working out and to continue this part of my regimen. Like many of you, she said not to use more than 2 leave-in products at a time - moisturizer and sealant. Since I have fine normal to low porosity hair to use a lighter leave in.

Heat Advisory: I told Jenn eventually I want to use heat but sparingly. She recommended low heat considering I had fine hair and to use a heat protectant w/ silicone. 250-280 degrees would be enough to straighten w/ minimal damage. My Izunami is gonna be glued to 250.

Action Plan: This weekend I gonna cut what I feel are remnants of heat damage from my BKT. I'll try her recommendations on leave-ins and weekly low poo washes. Hopefully in 3 mo I'll have better results.
virtuenow and Arian......also sending you both great big virtual hugs and thinking good thoughts for you. If and when you are ready to share we are here to support you! This too shall pass! :-*
Cruzankink and amwcah.....congratulations on gaining so much insight about your hair! Sounds like you had a great experience ...the three months will fly by before you know it it'll be time to send in your follow up :)

Ogoma.....looking forward to your update :)
amwcah don't think of it as 6 wasted years, think of it as a journey that placed you exactly where you needed to be, right here, right now. Moving forward you are more empowered to take our hair to the health and length that you choose and all the experience you've had during these past 6 years now puts all this information you've learned into perspective and gives you that much more of an edge.

Cruzankink- Lol @ the "CW as washing your face w/ lotion", I was also told that. Thank you for sharing your experience, since I rarely use a flat iron I wouldn't have ever thought to ask about the temperature of the flat iron, I found the information really useful, even though I have regular sized strand, I too will be keeping my flat iron at 250:yep:.
[USER=19270 said:
amwcah[/USER];16689803]I had my consultation yesterday with Rene. Based on the slides, I suspected the news would not be good and it wasn't. She recommended cutting 3-4". My hair is thin and very fragile.

We discussed the possibilities of going natural vs staying relaxed. She asked me what type of hair tools I use because she could see some damage that was consistent with a comb or brush. Actually, I use seamless combs and no brushes; but further into the conversation I revealed I was getting sew-ins. That was the culprit! The thread and needle was compromising my delicate strands. No more sew-ins for me.

I mentioned I was going to get braids and she cautioned against that as well. She recommended only human hair for braiding. Now, I have to decide what to do with my hair while on my 11 day vacation.

I am seriously considering BC'ing. I keep trying to imagine how I would look with a brush cut. I'm not sure what to do. Cutting 3-4" would put me at SL. I just want healthy hair, so I could really care less about length. Then again, I feel like I wasted almost 6 years in growing out my hair. Ughhhhh!

Anyways, Rene was really nice. She didn't want me to feel discouraged by the slides. I expressed that my growth rate is slowing down at my age, but she assured me that I can anticipate at least 15 more years of good growth.

Take some time and rebalance before you make any decisions. It can take a week for it to sink in and to get over the shock. But after that you will really know what to do.

I think BC is drastic if you only need to cut off 3 to 4". I think cutting back to SL gets you back to where you are in less than a year. BCing you will be talking years to get back to where you are. I am living with a big chop right now because I had to. But if I didn't have to I wouldn't go through all of this again :nono: It's manageable, but its a lot of work. So really think about it before making such a move. Hopefully that thought will pass.

And I'm glad she addressed that hair slowing down with aging. Glad you know you can enjoy your hair for many more years.

I think once you trim the few inches off and starting working your new regimen you will feel much better.

If your vacation is close then consider trimming your hair when you get back. If you feel comfortable with wigs you can braid your own hair and wig it. Or you may be able to do a phony pony or something like that.

We are here to help if we can. We know its tough.
Ironically, I shampooed* my hair for the first time in 9 months. I have been using the Terressentials mudwash so that may balance things out a bit for me. Curious to see if she says anything about it. Anxiously waiting. Fingers firmly crossed.

* shampoo: hair feels drier than normal, but quite light. I may not do it again until the end of the year, but it felt good to feel the suds :lol:.
Ladies-Thank you for sharing all your experiences, whether good or bad! It really reminds me that learning can originate from a positive or negative experience...virtuenow, Arian, amwcah- :bighug: :grouphug:

Thanks for the tip about heat Cruzankink! I have added that question to my list of things to ask about during my consultation. Every single consultation in this thread has given me some personal insight into hair care, it is truly amazing!

I ordered my analysis ~8 days ago and received my package in the mail this Monday :yay: Yet, I haven't filled out the questionnaire or anything because I think I am scared to really know anything :nono: I am being completely ridiculous SMH I think it was compounded by the fact I had a rough detangling session that night, full of huge knots and tangles, and I ripped several of them out in frustration :shocked: I just know that is going to show up in my hair analysis :giggle:

But honestly, I am so frustrated with my hair right now! But this thread has been a God send :yep: I am ready to get some answers! I have pretty much worn a puff for over 2 months because my hair has not behaved, has been so dry, and full of knots. I kept the vicious cycle going because as soon as it didn't behave, I left it alone more and it kept getting more and more tangled. Anyway, thank you all for being my hair trailblazers, I am going to send mine off tomorrow :yep:
@Hisbeloved & @faithVA: did she say anything about using baking soda on low porosity hair?

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No she didn't. I was supposed to ask her but I was more caught up into getting my hair cut and was distracted.

Rene said she was low porosity as well. She said it was difficult to find products that worked. She was going to recommend something for me but I will need to remind her.

I plan on trying the baking soda or the castille soap on Sunday. But I am thinking the reason why the Mudwash works so well on my hair is because it is more alkaline.
Just got my pics. I think I need to trim and one is very red, but I don't know what that means. Thirty mins to go!
I had my analysis today with Jenn, she told me that i have some heat damage as she could see bubble in my hair. I also learn that i have normal to high porosity and my strands are of medium density,

correction plan: I was told to use low heat when i want to straighten my hair and i also need to use a heat protectant.
I need to use a water base moisturizer before i add Shea butter to my hair, she said Shea butter is a sealant and will not moisturize my hair enough and a mild protein every weeks.
she said i could benefit form aloe rinse,
she will follow up with me in three weeks to see how the new regimen is working out for me.
[USER=118841 said:
Xaragua[/USER];16693421]I had my analysis today with Jenn, she told me that i have some heat damage as she could see bubble in my hair. I also learn that i have normal to high porosity and my strands are of medium density,

correction plan: I was told to use low heat when i want to straighten my hair and i also need to use a heat protectant.
I need to use a water base moisturizer before i add Shea butter to my hair, she said Shea butter is a sealant and will not moisturize my hair enough and a mild protein every weeks.
she said i could benefit form aloe rinse,
she will follow up with me in three weeks to see how the new regimen is working out for me.

What is the aloe rinse for?
coyacoy and others, could you do an updated review of Komaza products here, preteeplease? Thanks.

I've been using their Matani leave in condish on vaction. I really like it so far. I like the ingredients, doesn't make my hair feel heavy like I have coats of build up on it, and it also provides strength to my hair. Keeper for me at the moment. I use it dry hair also. No reversion. That's a huge plus!!
Just finished my phone call with Jen. She is absolutely lovely. I feel like someone that has just discovered she was adopted. Everything I thought I know about my hair is wrong! I spent more time trying to convince her that she was wrong on my hair properties than asking real questions :nono:. I am such a fool.

I took notes on each slide and I'll typr it out when I get home.
Just finished my phone call with Jen. She is absolutely lovely. I feel like someone that has just discovered she was adopted. Everything I thought I know about my hair is wrong! I spent more time trying to convince her that she was wrong on my hair properties than asking real questions :nono:. I am such a fool.

I took notes on each slide and I'll typr it out when I get home.

That's funny. I hope you think its funny :look:

Can't wait to see what the real hair story is.
faithVA said:
That's funny. I hope you think its funny :look:

Can't wait to see what the real hair story is.

It is funny. I start laughing towards the end as I failed to convince her. She did offer some explanations, but I think it was to pacify me :lol:.