Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effective

Retaining Length AND Healthier hair which is best?

  • Wash Daily

    Votes: 236 37.9%
  • Wash Every 2 weeks (or less frequently)

    Votes: 211 33.9%
  • I havent the slightest

    Votes: 176 28.3%

  • Total voters
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

I wash every three days... and I only use shampoo if i used a lot of product... I really CO wash twice a week.
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

Between those two choices I'd have to choose daily. My wash with shampoo twice a week and cowash all of the other days. Even going one week causes my scalp to do crazy, so two weeks is definitely a no go.
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

If I had to choose, I'd say daily. My hair will not go for 2 weeks without a wash. Based on past experience, my hair thrived with frequent co-washing. So I would wash and DC once a week and cowash the other days.
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

I gotta say, I feel that the benefits of washing daily are important to the health of my scalp. However to retain length I only detangle once a week or one every 2 weeks. I have been experimenting with this since I came into this thread some time ago.

Because I have seen the effect of low/no manipulation and washing daily.... I have decided to combine the two and see what it does for me..... Water is key for my scalp. It is the one thing that I noticed turned my hair around last year.... Also over winter washing daily, and wearing my hair in box braids for a long period of time.... I saw a lot of length retained..... So.....

yeah... i will check back in later with I am growing out the back of my hair from a BC.
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

If I'm wearing my hair straight then I say every 2 weeks, but if I'm wearing it naturally kinky/curly then I need to wash it every 2 days. My hair dries our very quickly and when you compound that with product it's just a bit too much.
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

Seems to me the longer haired ladies don't wash as often, well at least the ones whose fotkis I stalk...

I wash a minimum of once a week, but I try every 3-4 days
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

I find washing every twice a week is more effective than washing less. Besides the fact that I believe in having a clean and healthy scalp, washing is also the time I give my scalp a good massage both when shampooing and when doing the ACV rinse at the end. The increased blood circulation to my scalp from massages I think does my hair a world of good.
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

I find washing every twice a week is more effective than washing less. Besides the fact that I believe in having a clean and healthy scalp, washing is also the time I give my scalp a good massage both when shampooing and when doing the ACV rinse at the end. The increased blood circulation to my scalp from massages I think does my hair a world of good.


My hair is much better now that I wash more frequently. My scalp is happy and my hair is stronger overall.
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

I wash my hair once a week! I cannot do it every day.
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

I say daily, as long as the shampoo is not crazy stripping b/c if I go more than 3 days without washing, my hair is dry, dull, brittle and a mess which would probably lead to some damage. My scalp would be so nasty and itchy if I waited 2 weeks or a little less.
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

I never voted but I did leave a comment about washing my hair 2-3 times a week but I am changing that to once a week for a while for less manipulation. I might even stretch it out to once every 2 weeks by wearing my hair cornrowed for that time then wash and DC.
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec


I've done it before without any problems.

Plus, I can't go more than 4 days without washing my hair (it starts to smell).
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

I would pick every 2 weeks. At least for my hair. I try to wash once per week. I was washing 2x a week at one point (shampoo on Sunday, cowash only on Wednesday), and my hair was tangled and crispy and breaking. :perplexed So I imagine washing every day would be way too much for my hair.
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

It's funny this thread should be bumped because I was just thinking about whether I should go back to washing more frequently, like 2 or 3x a week. For the last four months I washed every 2 weeks (now that I am a student with a lot less time at my disposal) but I like it when my scalp and hair feel clean all the time. I like the constant smell of shampoo or conditioner in my hair and I got good growth from frequent washing as well.
But I also seemed to get good growth when I was washing every two weeks. I only combed 1x every two weeks and wet bunned the rest of the time so I was doing extremely low manipulation. I just kept doing checks to make sure my hair wasn't dreading up and it never did. I just don't like the build-up that comes with 2 weeks of not washing.
I get good growth either way but my hair seems way thicker now after following the 2 week wash regimen. So...not sure what I'll end up doing...I guess both work for me.
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Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

I try to wash twice weekly and roller set. my hair begins to stink by day 4/5 and becomes dry, so for me its a necessity.
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

Co-wash daily when out, weekly shampoo.
I shampoo once every two weeks when in twists.
I am starting to think that as it gets longer, I won't wash as much. I can't wait for that to happen.
I deep condition (well, now) at least once a week without question. I have it in my hair right now. If this treatment works, I will leave the recipe on the forum.
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

I voted daily, you don't have to poo daily but at least get some water on it. Just like I get my body wet everyday I don't want my hair and scalp to miss out. I find that the more I wash my hair manipulation is no longer a problem because my hair doesn't tangle nearly half as bad as it did when I was washing once a week with the wrong products. Right products+frequency=great results.

I also think people don't experience product claims and end up jumping from one product to another because they don't use the product enough. If I only washed my hair with Joico 1x/wk(4x/month) I probably wouldn't get top notch results or experience what this poo and con is really suppose to do for my hair.
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

The problem with washing daily is that your cuticles remain wet even though the hair dries from root to ends for 24 hours. However, if I had to choose every two weeks I would do it. I prior to getting into hair care in Oct 2008 have gone unbelievably for close to 8 weeks w/o washing and growing my hair to APL(However, with the 2 wk washing my hair was dry and had to cut down the hair 2007 and now, I am at full SL). However, my hair is not breaking as much now that I wash at least 2-3x a week with DC every time. I think it is also how wash--do you do a DC. We all know that DC is key to healthy hair and long-measure to prevent damage.
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Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

In the beginning of my journey, I washed at least 2-3 times a week, if not more. I had to chill out on doing that because the longer my hair got, the harder it became to manage, whether it be washing or just styling. But for the last 6-7 months my method has been washing every 2 weeks cleaning my scalp with witch hazel and a qtip in between time. Works for me......:yep:
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

I have notoriously fine hair, so I prefer to wash every 3 or 4 days, keeping the manipulation to a minimum. In fact, I find that I lose more hair if I rollerset too often. Therefore, I like to do braid outs or just allow to air dry and wear in buns. Due to the cold, dry weather that we are having right now, I have vowed to do protective styles throughout my stretch except for the several inaugural balls that I will be attending in honor of President Obama! :woohoo::woohoo:
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

Well, for me washing once a week is most effective.
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

Once a week is most effective for me retaining healthy long thicker hair.
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

I chose every 2 weeks. It just seems that daily would just be too much as your hair grew longer. So if you don't have to wash it daily when your hair is long stands to reason you wouldn't have to do it daily when it's short.
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

For me personally my hair does not like being wet all the time. It gets mushy and starts shedding and breaking like crazy (not good) so if I had to choose between those two and there was no other choice I would have to go with every 2 weeks if I wanted to keep any hair on my head, but my preference is every 4-7 days.
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

I chose I haven't the slightest. Part of me wants to say that you should wash frequently, like at least once a week, but I do know of quite a few women who go a long time between washing either because they don't want to strip their hair of it's natural oils all the time or because they like to maintain straight styles for longer who have long hair, so I say it just depends. Wash it when it needs to be cleaned :yep:.
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

I wish at the top of our profiles we could also note the kind of hair we have--thick, fine, etc. All these things make a difference when it comes to choosing what works.

I have fine hair that's on the fragile side, sheds like crazy and tends toward dryness--but I have to be careful with oils and heavy products too. About once per week works for my hair.
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

I saw my son today and asked him what is he doing to his hair (which is natural & now short; formerly he kept bald). His hair, like mine, is 4b. It not only looked soft; it was soft! He said he conditioner-wash daily -- no shampoo. I forgot to ask him which conditioner he use. Knowing my son, I'm sure it's something cheap.

For the last few years, he's had bald spots and nothing seemed to work; not even prescribed meds and ointments. His hair has grown back except in two spots which is sprouting fuzz. He has no knowledge of LCHF. I'm sure his girlfriend doesn't either.

After witnessing how my son's hair has benefited from daily washes (con-washes), daily gets my vote.
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

I'm going with every 3 to 4 days. That way your hair stays conditioned all week. Moisturize about every 2 days...

2 weeks would be nice but my hair won't look good after a week goes by.

My Mom can go 2 weeks or more quite easily but she moisturizes alot and wears her hair in tight rollerset curls.
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

If I had to do one or the other I'd chose every two weeks, but I chose to wash 3 to 4 times a week, but I couldn't do it everyday just because it was an ultimatum