Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effective

Retaining Length AND Healthier hair which is best?

  • Wash Daily

    Votes: 236 37.9%
  • Wash Every 2 weeks (or less frequently)

    Votes: 211 33.9%
  • I havent the slightest

    Votes: 176 28.3%

  • Total voters
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

Great question! I wash twice a week on average. My hair loves the moisture but dislikes too much manipulation. So I've found a happy medium.
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

for my hair daily, washing would be hair would matt up and tangle really bad if i waited that long...the end result breakage.
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

winter months once a week and during the summer months two to three times a week
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

once in two weeks ? I am washing twice a day :look: and I love, love how it feels. I am looking forward to see the result of it, never done it before just for a week now:drunk:
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Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

I would lose way too much hair trying to detangle everyday. :nono: None the less waiting fro my hair to dry... Nah I go between every 1 to 2 weeks. :yep: Hasnt failed me yet.
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

for my hair daily, washing would be hair would matt up and tangle really bad if i waited that long...the end result breakage.

Me too. I've tried the long stretches without washing and that does not work for me. Tangles, matts....BREAKAGE.

Before I took proper care of my hair, I'd wait very long periods of time before washing it. My hair never grew past bsl. Now, there were other factors at play there, too. So I cannot say it was only that. But I do know that so-called "low manipulation" regimens (meaning no detangling or washing for weeks) are disastrous for my hair.

My hair thrives on a CLEAN scalp (washing/cowashing at least twice a week) and regular gentle detangling. Going two weeks is a BIG no-no.

Moral of the story is: Find what works for you. There is no right or wrong that applies to everyone when it comes to hair care. I try not to go longer than every third/fourth day.

I cowashed daily for over two years and my hair grew down to my waist. Currently I wash two to three times a week.
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

I think most of the ladies with longer hair take longer breaks between washes just because it's so much WORK. Unless you WnG everyday or just throw it up in a bun, it's a hassle.

I co-wash every day to every other day because I exercise. My hair literally wet with sweat when I'm done, and I'm just not comfortable leaving that on my head. However, I compromise by wearing protective styles, and only finger combing my hair in the shower. I detangle with a shower comb maybe once a week. My hair has been softer since I began this, but I think you have to be very careful with the manipulation - esp if you have more than one texture.

The longest I've gone w/o washing since I began exercising more regularly is 3 days, and that's to preserve a curlformer set.

ITA with everything. Working out in the morning makes it a much easier decision to cowash everyday( I shampoo about once every two weeks). However I don't do much manipulation and I immediately mositurize, pull it back in a bun and go. If I had to dry it or it was straight I would definitely wait longer between washes. I just love the feeling of a clean scalp
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

I have washed once every 3 weeks for about 1 year and my hair has thrived, my hair cannot take any more manipulation than that. Everyone is different....
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

Since my hair is super short right now(bald fade), I am going to say washing daily. When I went natural the first time around I tried the washing(cw) daily and it did not work for me only tangles/split ends although this could have been from the products/techniques I was using. I am enjoying cw my hair everyday now though so hopefully my hair will thrive from this.
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

Now when you say washing, do you mean washing (w/ shampoo) or co-washing?

Because I think if your co-washing, then daily is fine.

But washing with shampoo, for our hair, I would probably say once a week. regardless of what those "daily shampoo & conditioners" says.

Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

I can't wash my hair more than once a week; daily rinsing/co-washing wreaks havoc on my strands resulting in a dried out, tangled, split-end filled mess.....washing every two weeks is ideal for my hair.
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

this is a tricky question. My answer is in two parts

to grow hair to the desired length, i encourage people to wet hair everyday, and detangle in the shower... especially in the summer, like a plant water=growth

after one reaches their desired length, they can wash less, and retain the length through minimal manipulation

dont get me wrong hair grows with washing once a month also, my mom did it when i was natural, it just took longer to grow, where as nloow I'm relaxed and condition wash daily my hair takes off growing, you feel me?
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

Now when you say washing, do you mean washing (w/ shampoo) or co-washing?

Because I think if your co-washing, then daily is fine.

But washing with shampoo, for our hair, I would probably say once a week. regardless of what those "daily shampoo & conditioners" says.


ita, when I cowash my hair feels fab, even at 13 weeks post. but then sometimes I have to just clean my scalp, and that only has to happen like once a week, twice max.
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

If I had NO other alternative, then I would choose washing daily over washing every 2 weeks. I need to add that I only co-wash so it would not be much of a problem. I also wash in braids so I don't have a big manipulation issue.

Given a choice.... What I currently do is co-wash 3X per week.
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

Right now because it is really hot here in Saudi Arabia, I am co-washing about 3X per week. I see that some other ladies have had good growth with frequent washing so Im trying this method. In the past, I have had good growth by co-washing between 1 and 2X a week. Usually, when I'm around 10-13 weeks post I kinda leave my hair alone because I'm afraid of breakage during that time due to the new growth, so I wash less often. I will moniter my progress now with my frequent washing regime.
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

When I am washing daily, I end up with a lot of breakage and can't retain length. So low manipulation is the key for me, which means I wash my hair only once a week. But I am quite sure washing frequently is very beneficial for hair growth, not only to get the scalp but also to retain humidity on the hair. It's true that our hair is like plants and needs water to grow. I experienced that a while back ago. When I braid my hair (micro), I'd wash daily (just water wash, no product), and my hair would grow like crazy. But, whenever I wear sew-in weave, I'd wash my hair every other week, and my growth would be normal, nothing spectacular. So my conclusion is simple, the key word is WATER, soft water. So I bought a bottle of water spray (like EVIAN) and I spray every day on my roots and scalp and massage it a little bit. If my ends are dry, I'd put some on the them as well, and then and only then, I'd moisturize and seal. I don't know if what I am doing is OK, since I am newbie still learning. But that's what I've found is most beneficial for my hair using my common sense and flair. Please any advice and directions are welcome from my fellow lhcfers :grin:
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

When I am past the point that I should have a touch up or just before, I wash (or cowash) daily. It is the only way I can safely detangle and style my hair for everyday wear. I will do it the night before or in the morning before I go to work.

But, generally, I cowash and DC 2x a week. Currently I am using the Ovation line of haircare and I do it daily. This stuff is so awesome that I can truly consider transition to natural.
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

I wash once a week.
I listen to what my hair tells me.
If it feels dirty, I'm going to wash it. Point blank.
I'm trying to get back into co-washing but that's not going too well. LOL.
Once I get the hang of rollersetting, it should be fine.
I plan to wash once a week (Saturday).
Then co-wash on Tuesday & rollerset my hair so it'll be presentable.
Because I can't wear scarves over my head at work (I work at the DMV).
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

My vote is every 2 weeks. (Actually for me it's 10-14days) As for my scalp, I use witchhaxel and a QTip to cleanse any Itchy Or bothersome patches between washings. My logic is: "We do it when our hair is braided so why not use the technique when our hair is loose?"

Interesting logic...and it turns out just fine when we don't wash it everyday when it's braided right?

I'm rethinking my whole regimen right now.
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

Washing every two weeks is not an option for me....I work out way too much and I go running through out the week ....My hair would smell stank and my scalp would itch like crazy.... Not to mention all that sweat would have my hair a dried out mess.....

I can see how every two weeks could be beneficial...Less manipulation....

I wash with poo once a week and co-wash 2 to 3 times a week
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

Washing every two weeks is not an option for me....I work out way too much and I go running through out the week ....My hair would smell stank and my scalp would itch like crazy.... Not to mention all that sweat would have my hair a dried out mess.....

I can see how every two weeks could be beneficial...Less manipulation....

I wash with poo once a week and co-wash 2 to 3 times a week

I am right with you. I wish i could go every 2 weeks, but that is just not an option. Exercise and not washing hair just does not fit.

Even when I have a week when I don't workout or workout less, I still notice that after 3 or 4 days that my scalp is not smelling so fresh.

Nah, I do it twice a week because of workouts.

Uh, when I started doing in once a week, I also stopped working out as much and gained a few pounds. :yawn: Not again!
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

i've chose every 2wks or less often b/c i think for daily cow'ers like myself, cow is pretty much the same as if u were to use poo, except i'm not stripping out my natural oils w/ a surfactant. after realizing i was poo'n the he// out my scalp, my scalp was saying stop poo'n me! But, when i cow daily, my scalp is like ahhhh, that's much better. i didn't realize i was over poo'n my scalp which was making it an unhealthy enviroment...jess itchin' away. but i haven't noticed a difference with length tho.
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

Right now because it is really hot here in Saudi Arabia, I am co-washing about 3X per week. I see that some other ladies have had good growth with frequent washing so Im trying this method. In the past, I have had good growth by co-washing between 1 and 2X a week. Usually, when I'm around 10-13 weeks post I kinda leave my hair alone because I'm afraid of breakage during that time due to the new growth, so I wash less often. I will moniter my progress now with my frequent washing regime.

we have to cow out here b/c it's so hot
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

I can't go more than a week without washing my hair. Couldn't imagine 2 weeks! My hair and scalp would be soooo dirty. Hair would be all weighed down and oily. Uh-uh, couldn't do it

Having a clean scalp is essential for healthy hair growth. MY scelp starts to get itchy at the 1 week mark, so it would be detrimental for ME to go past a week

I voted for daily washing. Easy :yep:
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

Right now i am doing every two weeks but i am DYING IN AGONY at the end of that two weeks. I have too much hair to have to style every week so it would be a pain in the arse.
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

If I had to choose between the two I would choose was daily w/ conditioner. I would also skip scrubbing or manipulating the hair, It would be more like daily conditioner rinses.

Its been my experience that since I have DRY hair, frequent washing is more beneficial to keep up the moisture. However, since I do not like the styling options that come with daily washing/rinsing I co-wash once a week.

That is exactly how I feel currently. I love to co-wash daily in the summer, but it is limits the looks I can do since I wash my hair in the morning. However my hair is so thick it doesn't matter when I wash it, it takes at least 16hours to completely dry.

Really I flip flop on this issue, when my scalp starts to get an attitude, around 3 days of no washing, I co-wash or poo it. I have more styling options this way....
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

I started LCHF in May and my hair has flourished ever since :yep:. I have been cowashed daily, i'm unsure of the how long it has gotten however it HAS grown. Loves it
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

After 9/10 weeks I have to wash every 2 weeks because I just can't stand the amount of shedding that goes on if I were to do it every week. Right now I'm at 13 weeks, I have 3 more to go before a touchup... Can't wait.
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

for me personally, co-washing daily has been a god-sent