Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effective

Retaining Length AND Healthier hair which is best?

  • Wash Daily

    Votes: 236 37.9%
  • Wash Every 2 weeks (or less frequently)

    Votes: 211 33.9%
  • I havent the slightest

    Votes: 176 28.3%

  • Total voters
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

I have had great results washing my hair on a weekly basis. I honestly can't go more than a week without washed hair.
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

My hair is the BEST when i wait about 2 weeks to wash it. :)
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

My hair grows better when washed less, but that's just me. When my hair was long I only washed every two weeks. It was longer than that when my foot was broken and that was the longest my hair was ever. And if I was natural I would co-wash maybe twice a week just to detangle. They key is not putting a whole lot of crap in your hair to begin with then you don't have to worry about build up.
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

Washing and dc'ing once a week is the way to go for me. Can't do everyday and can't do every two weeks.
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

I think two weeks.

I too wash my hair once every week...or every two weeks (if I'm really busy/lazy). My hair has never felt healthier. I live in London and the seasons come and go like men (lol) so I have to be prepared.

I feel hair needs a break and one to two weeks is enough time to give your hair this. My hair cannot deal with manipulation every single day. Now if the japanese created a product that only cleans your scalp with out the need to manipulate your hair, I would probably use it every single day.

If you use a clarifying ingredient like ACV or baking soda, you scalp should stay healthy and clean for the two weeks.

I tried washing every day but found I could only do that if my hair was in braids (pixie and extensions). It's cold in the UK and I'm working a lot so I don't have the time. I also found that my hair felt more dry.

I do put water on my hair every single day to moisturise it. I tend to gently rub my scalp with water just before I seal in the moisture. It works for me but using a product every single day does not.

Hope that makes sense. I do tend to waffle on a bit lol
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

I'd go with every 2 weeks for low manipulation purposes. But that's just gross.
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

I don't think it's harmful to rinse with water every day, but using harsh, cheap shampoos can be damaging and lead to dryness and breakage.

I have use shampoo occasionally, but lately, I've just been rinsing for about 5 minutes a day (or as many xs a week as I can) with very warm water. This has boosted my moisture levels. What doesn't hurt is I wear my hair in a protective style (clipped up with hair pins for a faux bun) while me hair is still damp.

Yup its not the washing its the sulfates IMO.
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

I'd say neither....I wash my hair once per week and it has been thriving! When I was washing 2 to 3 times a week, the constant manipulation had me shedding like crazy! Plus my hair was more dry since I kept washing out the moisture I had placed in it. Of course any time my scalp has a lot of product buildup, I wash it wheter it's been 1 week or 1 day.
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

I picked everyday but I'm judging this based on my own head. I think people who have long or thick hair probably would choose every 2 weeks. Washing hair doesn't necessarily mean use shampoo. You can water wash your hair in lukewarm water.
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

When I was younger I had bought into the myth that the longer you leave your hair between washes allows your hair to retain its natural oils meaning the healthier it will be and the faster it will gro, lol:ohwell:, I ve done the once a month (I know, I know, you don't need to say it) I did not get any crazy build up on my scalp or anthing, just dirtier water when rinsing the poo. I have also gone through phases when I've washed daily, everyother day, bi-weekly ect. I've found that my hair although fine, is quite able to withstand manipulation on a regular basis however now I'm a weekly washer and my hair loves it, this is the balance that works for me, I was co-washing during the summer months but will be sticking to once a week now autumn's kicking in. I think most of you hit that nail on the head when you said that different things work for different people:yep:
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

Well, I think once a week should be fine for my hair, but my scalp seems to love being conditioner washed every 3 days or so, since I've had problems with flakes in the past. I've found that washing it while I've had the braids in makes this far easier for me and there's less manipulation of my hair. No way could I entertain the idea of washing my loose (unbraided or untwisted) hair more than once per week!
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

I would hve to say every 2 weeks if that was an only option to daily. my hair would shred if I did the daily thing. I know because I tried it. Also I cover my head 98 per cent of the time, cook with it covered, sleep with it covered and change my silk scarves every 2 days.
currently I am washing 1x week. I am testing some products and leave - ins and they are the kinds that contain scalp bacteria removers etc. HTH.
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

I say, if you're growing, the best of both worlds is to keep the hair in cornrows (no hair added) while cowashing daily. The hair will look a hot mess, so best to keep it safe under a very pretty wig....

low/no manipulation AND clean hair and scalp. This is my plan until spring. :yep: Stay tuned....

Oh! But if I had to choose, having done both... daily cowashing was worth it for me in terms of hair health and growth. My hair thrived with daily washing and no heat protective styles this summer.
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

before i was active i could go 2 weeks without washing; now i can't. i exercise and my scalp gets itchy after a few days, so i'm washing daily.
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

Water is the best moisturizer. Washing daily is better. That said, the answer is still incomplete. Wash daily with what? is the next question. Wash daily with water only would be my answer. The shaft of the hair should be free.
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

I would go with washing daily....Does co-washing count?
My hair would be madd dry if i denied it water for two weeks.:nono:...Plus, I love my hair to smell good, I'm single and every hug counts! :lachen:
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

I would go with washing daily....Does co-washing count?
My hair would be madd dry if i denied it water for two weeks.:nono:...Plus, I love my hair to smell good, I'm single and every hug counts! :lachen:

Me and your hair is kind of similar. It takes only three days for my hair to dry out. My hair dries either when I don't keep it wash or if I have too much product in it.
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

daily mositurizing and sealing, baggying at night, and washing every two weeks is definately best for me.

That way my hair is moisturized, getting the benefit of low manipulation, AND my ends are thriving. I'm gonna start working out this week so I may incorporate some sea breeze on my scalp or maybe even run a lil water thru my hair (post workout) to rinse out the salty sweat....but leaving my hair alone is key!

My hair is similar texture to Sylver2 and look what the every 2 week method has done for her! :yep: nuff said! lol
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Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

I am Hair One-ing everyday, 4x a day M-Th. and on Fri, I shampoo and DC. (since I work out and sweat every morning)... so I guess daily...
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

Neither. Washing everyday will just break my already fine hair. Washing every two weeks will leave my hair limp and thin looking. I think once a week or perhaps twice a week is best.
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

Not necessarily daily because that doesn't work for everyone but washing more frequently is my answer. Once I discovered that frequently washing type 4 won't make it fall out (lol dont ask) my hair took off. When I was bunning I'd wash and re-bun every 3-4 days and in twists I would wash after 1 week and keep the style for another week then wash again.
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

My hair's not dry. Add to this, it's not water that makes my hair feel it's best, but oil. Too much water actually dries my hair out. (Maybe it's the water in my area...hard stuff)

I wash on an "as needed" summer more frequently than winter. Maybe 1x per week or so on average.
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

To pick between the two, daily. Every two weeks would send me to the madhouse as I am OCD about cleanliness and my scalp would crawl since I work out. I've been wetting my hair almost daily (at a minimum sticking my head under the shower, coating hair with conditioner, rinsing, spraying leave-in, and air-drying tucked-under ponytail) for years and my hair achieved its healthiest state while doing this.
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

I say every 2 weeks. The less the manipulation, the better. And I don't think 2 weeks is a long enough time to warrant an unhealthy scalp. Also, I've never had scalp problems, so that's also why if I had to choose, I lean towards the less frequent. Even now when my hair is flat ironed, I try to make it last 2 wks.
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Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

I agree with washing less frequently for little to no manipulation in order to retain length. I might be a little extreme right now, but I'm currently stretching washes to once a month. :yep:

I have been doing this since September, and I plan to do so at least through the end of the year. If I continue to see positive results, (and so far I have) I will continue this practice into next year.

I actually picked up this idea as a healthy hair care practice from Youtuber, Longhairdontcare2011. :yep:

I do spritz Listerine on the scalp from time to time though.:drunk:
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

I would like to wash more often but I don't have the time. So i do it every week or two. I would say every few day is good. Not every day to me, because it makes our hair too dry and plus its a waste of product to keep putting it on over and over again. That's just me though.
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

Every two weeks is best for me. My hair feels the best after letting the moisture/oils build up over a couple of weeks and I actually have a dry scalp so stretching time between washes actually helps my scalp stay more moisturized.
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

I vote for every two weeks. The less manipulation, the better for my hair
Re: Keeping Lngth & Healthier Hair: Wash Daily, Or Every 2 Weeks? Which is most effec

For me I would say cowash daily.. my hair is foolishly happy when its wet.. water helps clump my curls together making it easier for me to separate and distribute moisturiser.. when my hair is dry its harder to separate and doing so to moisturise or style, creates frizz...which also makes my hair look dull.